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PRATT AAT: oR KATYAYANASMRTI ON VWAYVAIFARA (LAW AND PROCEDURE ) Tet (reconstricted), Translation, Notes and Introduction { Reprint fr ns Ue Hinde Law Quarterly, Bawa) BY POV Katte. v sayin sv, Advocate High court, Bombay, V ce President and Fellow, Royal *Asntc Society, Bombay Branch author of ‘History of Sinshtit Poeties , "History of Dhammgastra &e Sole Disteebstors — ORIENTAL BOOK AGINCL 15, SHURRAWAR, Poova 2 Rupees Four annas ght PREFACE While engaged in writing a history of dhatos. fastra, it occurred to me saveral years ago that it would be a very useful and interesting thing if I culled fogether from the several mbandhas the quotations from the dharmasitra of Senkhelikbite, that of Harits and the smrty of Kityayona (ou vysvabira ) and reconstructed those works, The former I published in the Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Inatitate at Poona { vide volumes VII-VIIL} and tho lattar i now offered here Katyayana represents the high water. wark of emrti hterature on judicial procedure od the eubstantive law of inheritance, contracts &e In the following pages about one thousand verses of Katya yana on vyarabira will be found collected from about accore of Sanckrit commentaries and digests and pre- sented undos appropriate topies, Ie is further proposed to translate these verses into Enghsh, to add etplana- tory snd illustrative notes, to point ont the provimnens of tho modern Indisn Statute Lav wherever the paral Joliems aro atriking and to indicate the important cases wherein the toxts of Katydyana have been rehed on. Dr. Jolly intendéd to publish # similar restoration of Katyayana, but did not carry out his intontions Mr, Narayan Chandra Bandopadhyaya pablished about 600 verses of Kityyens at Calontts in 1927, Bat ho left the work wweomplote in several respects. Ho collected passagos from Give works only, viz, the Daya- () bhiga, the Virddaratnikaa, the Serrticondsila, the Pariégra-Midhaviya and tho Viramitrodaya, Ho did not east his net over o wide aroa and so his restora- tion ig not as thorough as could be wished. Besides he did not publish a translation nor did he fppend explee natory notes tis my mtextion to add also an intro: duction on the ago of Katydpoon and his importance in tho ancient Hinds Law, In my history of Dharmasé- stra, which wll be poblished in s few weoks, these topics have baen dealt with (at pp. 218221), but I ploposo to enter into greater detaiis inthe introduction to this woth References have bean given as to cach yorse and important readings hare been pointed ont, Thopo thet this work on which J have spant much of mny time will befond usoful and suggestive to all those who are interested in the development of Hindu Law and in the study of comparative jurisprudence, ‘The system of trunslitoration adopted here is that of the Bhandarkar Onental Institute. The works con sulted, the editrons used and the abbrovations employ. ed in the notes to the text are noted below, PY. Kane. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS Atié~commentary of Apasteke on the Vaydavalkeyasmpti ( pubhshed by the Ansndaframa Press, Poona ) $ys—commentsry of Tee on ageay ( Nimayasigara edition ) Fa —Ms of the eraeG or TTL Pete on aT from the India Off'ce collection and a Ms of x fragment of the saat portion i dhe Benarea Sanekrit College JeyFe—Ms m the Deccan College collection ( now at the Bhandarkar Inshtuto } of the portion on vyavabara called Vyavaharasaukbya arared of aya ( printed by Jivananda ) arqarr of sitqareg (Jivanandaa edition 1893) aa mr = GeecemedT (vot TH )~cora of Areqrary on the aareteght ( Bombay Sanskrit Somes edition ) wa 0 = werriftara (ed un Bubhotheca Indica series, Oalentta ). Beate = Prapre of frat a com on yrserreaty ter = tz of anfaft oo ageafa (ed by Me JR Gharpure ) aa Cansttuase of mberediad by Mr KP Japnaval, Patoa fr Pe PrargA-arait of rratyRie (Calcutta edition of 1837). Prt a= ftaerenec of aPege (published in the Bibliothees Todhea series ) Aeyer—eom of yey on weTeyTeNs ( Trivandrum Saasknt aerien ) dhee waartniey of Patter (on ertgm pb! shed by Jivananda and on tradi ja the Ghomkhambs Ssuskrit eres) Ey Boe TET of npran ( edited by divanants ) sy weemeyargy of eres ( ediled by mo for the Gort, Drental series Poons 1626 ) i we ema oS (ell by Si Ata Mey sath Lot hy Mone of the dss Suey of Bra! | a. aerate of Sag | bled inthe Mone Oot, Oana ibrary ete ciate een Rm tubal t Upere o Ora! han ets} gee d(C toca on har (hong Pay) ad aera | (Leabbne TABLE OF CONTENTS Packs Introduction VL REL The Smrti of Rétpagane vu The predocessora of Katyayana z Chargeteriaties and spesal doctrines of Rétpagans uy Date of Katyayana ar Ratyayane and Western Juruprodance Po Index of half + orsea rn brrata al Text 1g Translation and noles 117-389 Appendis A~ Ehdox of cases and raporle 300 af Appendiz B~- Tat of smporkant and technieal Sanskrit words 348 aff General Index to the translation and noter A4S-972 INTRODUCTION, Kityayana cceupses o very promment place among smrti writers on Jaw and provadme Next to Narade and Prheepats he ta mted on vyavahdra mere frequently than ony other Etrtikara im euch commentaries and digests aa the Mitaksard, the Smyticandnka, the Viramitrodaya ond the Vyavahdra~ mayikbs, Katydyana’s work on law and procedure must hate been of considerable extent In the present work, over nine hundred quotations from Ratyayeua have been eolleted, The mrt: of Narady as prated by Dr Jolly contains 1028 verses whila the quotations from Brhaspati coleeted and tran- slated by the same Jearpid echolay in the Sacred Booka of tha East series { yo, 83) number 697 verses Therefore even on a very modest computation the smrtt of KatySyena on Jaw and procedure must bare contamed shout Often bundred verses, if hot more = This conclusion ta further streaghthened by n com: parson of the number of quotations from Kotyyana on certain . erses | Verses | Yeraes | Verseu Topres mn v from | from ‘ Bp. a Courts, procednre, plaint, reply and trial 217 19s =) 488 igo Documents it Ww 3k ty Witoesnea 16 82 35 7% Ordeals 19 | 103 33 | 58 Deposite &p, YW 16 Mb 20 Partnership 7 18 a2 14 Resumption of gitts 2 we} Il Ww Breach of contrat of service a 43 20 1 Sele by one not the owner 6 6 n 1m Violation of conventions 8 7 a ib Boundary Dieputes a 43 oo 36 Dayabhaga 3B 52} 201 05 Vahparusya a | a2 f 15 f Mm Dandapdrugya 1a 8 wu 16 _Praktrpaka 13 | os f se | ae — vai RaTravans on Vravattabh pected topes of law and proredore with ths number of weet dovoted to the saine topes im the works of Wayflaralkya 40 Narada end in the quctations fram Brhoapat: Tho above table qull be very instructive from tis potnt of view ‘Afow cbservations about the text preseatrd would be quite opproprato bere Orang to oversight a dew 5 erses havo been repeated (viz 25%and [67, 477 78 587 68, 471 and 641, 568 and GES 486 aud 957} In af wessea the toxt of Rabyayana is provonted §n two Vorcions (saz 01 62, 1747175 BAT=538, 809-200) by the authorities coumnlled m yeeon- structing the tart About a dizen varses are somenbat olfcure on difiealt cf explenation a9 we ara ignorant of thar proper acthng or context (eo g ve 17 160, 256 209-10, 491, 54] 706 851, 982, 971} A fesr of the verses hore present’ 38 atyiyenns are psctibed by koma anlhorelits to other girl kiras ‘The following tables will Wlustrate thea ( 1 Aseribed to Behaspats } Verses by whomenanseribed | Verets by whomnoaettibed BRaS4 Sm C 394 Por Mf and ¥ M Bg Vie 5990 Var “141-42 Apar and Bin C | sto Sm, Par VR “ly Par A BEB VR Ywe-th Por BN BLS Apap 167 Vy Mat Gece VER 170 Par 034 Apar, ¥ BY "TL Vir 692 v,O andv B 206 (Brabbalf tine) Vir | 695 Vv Randy C 208 Vy Mat 787 Agar and Par Bf 27g Par W $224 Cphastheratnakora 252 Par Mf B22 883 Bm C 29194 9 Apar 889 01 Sm 0 aga Par MW 963 Par M 278 Apr, ¥ M, Vir #499 Baras 1406 Vr &p0 8m. C oe 1 Twill be noted from the motes attached to the feztand the Toghsh gotea that the yorsta marked with an asterisk are astribed » ta both Brhaspaif ond Katyayans evon an ame of Ube eurhsk digects and sommientators lik Visraripa and ibe ‘V yavohirs matrks, ot INTRODUCTION (2 Ascmtbod to Narada } Vorses by whomaccrited { Vergoa by whom ascribed 7 Sm 9 TH Sm 0 isp Vy Mt Sul Mit, Por M. 531-82 Sm 0 820 ¥R 858 834 Sm CO, (8 Asoribed to Mane ) a2 Vy dat ete Me 605" Yar 746 Vor (4 Asaribed to Vyfea ) 103 8m 6 282-384 V. M. 105 Sm 0 505 Vis. a6 Sa ¢, Po bgrt Par ME 242 Var 60a-95 Pax, M a5 DR Bomdes these, versey 008 609 and 916 ara ascmbed to Dovala by the Vyavoharamsyukha, verses 425-496 ard sueribed to Pitdmaha by the Viranutrodaya and versss 488 86 ta the same suthor by the Parasaramadhaviya, varsea 402-403 ava ascribed to Prajapati by the Pards‘aramadhaviya, verses 294 5 are av. crbed to Vasisthe by ¢he Stortiesndrika and gayera! other dt gests and verce 404 ta the same author by the Smnpticandnka, versed 418-419 nro aceribed to Veddha Menu by the Sarnsvati viliga, versa 659 to the same by the Viramatrodaya and verses 818 19 to ihe ssme the by Vivadarataskars Several vorssa quoted as Katyayana’s an tho digests ocear in the printed Narada The followmng pre such vereca 72,8 8D GIS 199 160,249 280, 905 B21, B45, 956 857, 400-401 437, 451, 455, 493 494 59 56970 695, 609-54 69d 698 99, 718, 720 91, TH5-66, 769, 894 939 The correaponding vores of Sea nna ena 1 Yavees 150 and £90 are ascrrbod to hoth Narada and Kat by for ene 605 zs ascribed to both Kab and Mann and zsnst found " MO ars 597 15 ascribed to Lot Vyitanud Kat by Yar ‘hu as also fornd ro Bane 3 i i aceriied fe both Mannand Bet, by the yy Mat & QL, 356 57 eve ccorbed to buth Nar and Kat by ibe Mat, and 129 to both of them by the Todarazanda % Karvavana on Vravatana Karads ore mdicated 1 the notes to the iranslation A davon verses alinbated to Katyajane ate found im Noun! — Bestdes worat! 83 and S84A occur in the Kaubhys Arthadsiza, and sseqntt 926 and 327 sro the kate 1s Yisnn ¥ 156~187 und verses 4gq snd 716 ( firet helf) are tho same ag Teyuasalkya UL 134 and 163 (letter bolt} . bis umpossilue to held thet vores of other authors were in pl] ouch enges nseribed to Kiitydyana owing to lapsss of mettory on tha part of tha authors of digests or to tha careless coppitg of marustnpts ‘The (act that sous curly nies 39 ‘Waa varupa and Jimutevahaua ascribe several verges to two aothors should rather induce us to hold that_some veracs were bofrowed by Katyayaus Srbsepate and others from ell! earlier qwothe which ara now lost or that Ratyuyana bodily took some gornes from his predeeossors and meorporaied thom in his work ‘The predecessors of KStyayana, The sutbors and schools expresaly named by Eatyiyana aso Bhegn Brhaspati Gargiyss (7 649), Gautemas* (¥ 628° Ranta (y 625) Likiite (v 910), Mansvas (37 649,823) Mapu (vy 432 578,792) 1b 1s to be noted that in? 549 Katyeyana himself we mentioned Ib ip possible that instead of mayng this sa my view , he uses the Iesa om phatie and more modast method of giving beawn wews One femarkabls fact ws thet the viawa ascribed ta Manu and the lanavas are not found in the extent Manuemrti On the contrary ihe view of the oxiant Manu 1s opposed to that of the Manayag indicated an v $23 It1s posable that tha readmg | pravasnnam (10 v 823) is wrong and wo have to yead in ite place pram&pauam In that case only thet verse referring to the views of the Mapavaa will agres with Manu $270 ‘The view ascribed to the Cirgiyas and Manavag 878 ‘see ane" ise i ass 798s ae Rie meee st 193M 6365 SoM 9136 (SHI, Tate AL 28 2 TheGantams-dharmamira contenms be qed of Ubeftay treated of ia Gaatena XTE ne rech cale The ruby 1 rrobebtien rd about taking bribes (v 640 ) 19 not the same ag that contaned in Mana 6 231° Bebaspath 1a expressly mentioned im tha following verses viz 162 1701846 474 537 684 682 78 871, 874 888 As the emrtiof Brhaepati has not yet bean rocororad and ag wa have only the quotat ous from Erhaspats contamnad in (ho D gests ibis wet possible to avy whether all tha wews ettmbuted to Brhaspot were really held by him Versé 162 13 altributed to Brhaspat: by the Par M and to both Behaapats and Katyayana by the Viromitrodspa We find that the views attributed to Brhaspnit im v 884 were held by him agi clear from the ax verses quoted by Apararka(p 720) from Brhaspat: on Yaz IE 119 That katyayons looked upon Brbaspah as x model and 53 an author whose d cia were entatled to respeet follows from several verses of Ratyayana ‘Vergoa 29 and 30 show that Katyayana bad before him tho dyson of the 19 titles of law into fdhanamala (citi) ) and hufisa mula ( erminal ) mado by Brbespah Similarly the diseusaon about deestan by dharma vyavehara caritra and rojas asena (1m versea 35-51) 1g an elaboration of Brbaspat *s teachmg on this aubject Verses 284 (aboat three kuds of docaments) 477-78 (about tho modes of rceovermg a dcbt) 470 (wh eb employs the very word nsrstirtha weed by Behaspatr) 497 500 ( about several kinds of interest} S44 865 (ab ut the duty of the eon as ragards the lab lity of the fathar menrred through lust or wrath} 644 645 (about the kinds of valid g fts}) presupposo a knowledga of Behaspatia tant ‘The refereneea to Bhrgas views are many and create some difieulé problems It as generally beld that references to Bhrgu sa the smarts a1 d gests aro intonded for the oztant Manu smrt (wh eh is Bh gua verson thereof) Evan so early a writer as Brhaspatr saye’ Bhrgt spoke of pale w thont owner ship after depos $ | sten to a8 attend vely J shal] apealk of at 1 Ths verso 3 “var ously read Vr readag tas Bhygur— sbravid and Todarnnands ag" Menurabeayd insteadef Gurar abrasid 2 Pree ark goed area 1 eT TT aa a qq 1) from the Pearge Frm B 1GD tt Karrayawa ov Vravanaaa in greater deta ‘Thus clearly refers to Manu 84 whera salo oy ot net the awnar unensdiataly follows * dopomt *, Pirhgtpatt cleowhare vofors to ths extant Manuemrti nol ay Bhpgt'# work but es Menn's*o g ‘Mew Las spoken of quanti- tice Lunte of weight ote} bsg onrng from the, mote in the eun heart tO tho Karedpana' (Ue is an obvious reference to Mant 8 19226) snd‘ Manu forbudo yambling aa 1b destroys truths purity and wealth { this ref ra to Mana 9 221, 224} Katyayons therefore mnst b> regarded aa referring to the work of Maou whenever ha aprnhe of Bhrgu But verse 232, 995) 418, 478 555, 715, 781 8422 where tho views of Bhrgu are telerred tohave nothing corresponding to {hom im the ertent RyAvemeta, whis the views of Bhegu im verses 482, 545, 672 Rol. 872, 884A 88G 900 correspond mora or less with tha voweof ths Manvamrlt Kolluka on manu VIII 380 quotes Katyayans a verse (861) and expreestp gaye ‘from the mention pf tho word Bhyga in this vers ites clear that KatySyana oxplams ths verso declared by Manu ‘Thhrefore the explana- fof! of the fast that some viawa ascribed to Bhrega ate net, fodad ta the es.tent Mannamrh heain this that ether Katyd- ene had a taxtol Moon largely differmg from our extant Menu ox that be had suother amet: af Bhrgu bfere kim whieh fs® not come downs 19 ws or that instead of * Bhreu in thoas yeters we have to road * Quruh? (1 ¢ Bybnepeti ) That Ratyayuoa aowbeva expressly mentions Narada or Keutlya is a matter for great surprise epectally when bemen 4008 Bh gu ond Brhaspatt a dogsa times or more No rescon egf be ats gnerl for thia omautn Bat fram several euecumst- apeea it 1s clear that he Bnew the amet of Nerada and used wantelaborated i To take only afew examples Naveds (P Tew WO TL) ebsins that charity vyatakdrs enavura and royal eriet are the font frat (padus) ofvyavabars and busy dé Sxsbes in that their essanes consists, while Katyayona in geiot B6-DL elaborately defines theas four and dwells af length 1 eeumoma ager cuz! smicerst arid Baar (UT TATU qaoted by wageh on gg IT 99 2 To y $42 a9 probable that the Rrover reading, 1 TERE pnd rol-rafq tines as pointed oat an the noles to tho iranlatiid, Bruaspati bas a veria wh ch 1 almost the same ar tins INTRODUVOTION ni upon then eoniiels sod juteractions Jn verso 202 Ratyayena prescribes the finea for five kinds of Ainaodts winch are en amorated by bimin the same crder im which they occur in Narada (S BE vol 83p 81v 83) Ina very long het about persong incompetent to be witnesses Narada (pp 86 a9 w 177 187) mentions ‘eanabhr (180) ond rajaparuca {v 485) Thess two are defined by Katyayana m ve 86? and 864 respectively Narada (p 24 ¥ 1) cays thata plan fff comos to court after considermg the strength of bis own cage gud after resolving (o prosecute his cause and so shonld write down the plant at cuca Katyayana, according to the Vyavaharm matrka oxplaina in verse 134 the fores of two adjo~ etivag im thet verge af Narada Narada (p 120 v § Jename entes eaven hinds of gifts two of whieh aro bhytl and ‘hratpopabarsiah = In vv 644 645 hitydyana expla na ab length what is meant by theso two terms Hyhasyatr also medtions the seven kinda of prfta of wheh bby face But Katyayana uses the very word pratyapakaraiah ' thet opura jo Narads wlule the corcesponding word iu Dehaspats 1s apa karine —-Nérada caumerates (pp 180-188 ve 26 28) Bitecn Einds of slave two of whieh aro‘ pavrayyavamte and oni kale bhpta = Both of these ara mentroved in ihe same worda hy Katypayans m versa 781 the Jatter bolf of whieh #9 the same as Narada (p 136 ¥ 31 first half} Thepo examples Jeava no Toot for deubt thet Katyayana had before bm the work of Nérads and tned ic elucidate and elaborate the laconte trosb meat of Jaw in xt. Another :mportant problem 1a to cone der tho relalien of Rautilya and Katpnyana In the notes to the translat on of tha verges 466 640 766 444 645 &67 BOL 902 B21 it haa hoon shown how closely Katyayans agresa with bootlya 1 some cases the very words of Kautrlya sn prose oncormng im ibe gatb of verse in Kétyiyana Two verses ag shown shore fre common to beth Connderiog how advanead general Jurisprudence, roles of proeedure and eubstantiys jaw are iz Aatyfiynna there can be no denbt thet Katyayans is later by anne —— Do ghgea vey Sega ¢ eryatas a ed Aa Yae (/qaoted ia Vir p 305 ow Karravawa on Vravanana several centories then Kentilpa Therefore if there 1 a bore rowing VE must be Ketyeyane whokorrons [bis vob uglikely thot both may have ‘borrowed, particularly (he dwo vereed thet are common to both, from stall eather eources, Characternsties avd special doetnnes of Katyayana (1) Ratyiyena represents the ingh watermarl of empl rules wbout prosednre Tn comma ragpeets he goon Sen beyond Narada and Bebospati and w more etringent and alabo yale then those twa writers For ewampla in verse 2et he propounds a role aimilar to tharnle of constractirs ras puclicale (2) Ha has o groat penchant for distmetions and ives pumercus definitions, auch as thoss af vj asahara, pridvititka, stobbala, tanita, anusieta emanta, maula, veddba Le (3) He coins soverol new terms «He makes a distin thon between Jayapaira nad prsenthura (¥¥ 290-265 } whil all othor wrists employ the word gayapatra for all yadementa (shether dehvered after a contest or cz pariz) KaulFa 20 doybt uses the word poscathura butt oa peed in a dhffetent sense’ Hie coparntely defines (sv 876 878) wealth obtained by ‘feuryn? and ‘dhisstbyta , whils Narada aud Bybaspate sncletes beth under ¢fnuryadbars’ Barolarly bes akon wdakaahen keen! Langan’ an’ Samitiant (97 04 B80), while Maroda (Pp 100 y 4) ond Bybsspa (p 381 v 78) elude both ander bhiryvlkeus’ (4) Tle rves move einborate treatment of * HAPS hans? (ve £67+87) then is conlamed im any ofber ampbichra (8) He devotes ot least 27 verecs to Stndbana and bis treatment of that tops tot attoincd elaeweal yank Narada devotes only (wo serats (Iyabhapa verses 8- 9) to that topte, WAyfnvalky a only wx and the qnotations feom Brhaspat on thin topic are not many — A oamid angierareegta ag git | Whe man (defandaat oF acctsod) doer neh reply toa charge of Inyury (or ansault} qhea ke is dufenied( ot ponibed ; that rary day tnrrobucrion w (8) Batyayena (v 530) speake of five kinds of sareties, whila Narada knows only threa and ¥ ajtevelkya ond B:bos pati only four (7) Tn verses 19-17 he allows enly a I mided (and not absoloty > ownephap to the king over al] land (8) Tho court eonmsted of the mudgo, tho sab! yae, bro Fmaear merchants (vw 67 50} (9) Champerty and maintenance were not countens aneed (vw £9-90) (10) Tho employment of recogniwed agents end pleadere was permitted (vv 81 02) umdaf p 20 wv 22 $3) hae smilar provisions (11) Ketyayeva belle, differmg from Vusstha Yo,fie valkya and other sages, that 4 man bas no ownersh p aver he wile or eon and eannoi sell hia son (¥ 471) (12) Katysyena slowed the pledgs of an art cle without posession (vv SIT 618) (13) Katydyana (v 867) allows ons fourth to a ron who is not auraea, when au surass son 29 born to the father, provided ihe formor ia of dhe same caste In Manu and Yajia valkya no such provizo 16 added (14) Katyayana permits the precies of nyyoga follow ing ancient wniera bke Gautama Vesstha, 6) and Norada though 16 was condemmed by Manu {9 6466) and Brisspat: (p 860 vv 1218) The date of R tyayana The foregesg diecuesion hea cotableed that Kaipayant Jo later than Kautilpa, Yayfiavalkya Narada and Bybsspatr ‘In his treatment of ordeals ha is loss claborete than Pitfmaha Pitimeba quotce Brhaspat:? So Ketyayann a later than Bybaspals and cat} sr than Fifimabs ‘The external evidence will enable us to arrive al @ more precisa dala Katyayana ne 1 mattmid atten ens sereredim fae wes quoted in eaftraikar IT 68. Vide Te p 287 ¢ 28 2 xvi Karravans 0 Veavartana ys profusely quoted by the Mitahvaré Ayarika ani other qriters of the 11th and 38th contumes a8 a smytkies of equal authority mth LajBovalhgo, Narada and Brbsspaty Jo thor ogtawa therefore te was an ancient author In the Valipat Yano Play We ths B Mehta emg Buvariga tote defen O58 (5010 1b-A D)) one veren af hstyayana( 296) sbout the requisites of s Valid toyol edict js quoted ss aempt: ! Medhatieh: oa Mant (VIT 1 ) seenbes to Katyayans the rile that un case of conflict between the chefates of dbarmasiitrs and ef arthagiatra, qhe king should prefer the former (v 20} Medbftithy on Han VIS 216 speaks of a Kiityayonasutra? Whether be ytfers to another work of Katyayans im prose or wheiher Sapayons s ampli on vyarabire wmeluded prose portages alco, oF whether Medhatith only paves m prose the purport of a veres of Ratyayana anmler im pracple to y Ob) 1b a8 diffienlt to say ‘The cecond altermviave 1s almost waproballe, sg po other com mentator or digest hag quoted a amgle prose pestage on vyavabora from hatyayans Jn fosour of tha first alternative, at moy be urged that Katyhyana is eoumerated asona of the expo undera of Dharma in Soubba-Lnkhits, Yasbavathyo (1 4-5} aod Farisura As the qactalwrs from hatyayans represent act ge of jorsprudence IsterEhan the extant Yayhavalkys, tho qefereuce to Katyayansin Yajtavalkys must a to some earlier work of another Katpiyana or tha versea abop} the expo- undere of dhsrms im Yayiarslkys must be a ites addee hon Ag Medbatitin know 5 versa of Katysyann which 16 quoted by the Mit and other digesta thera enn be hitle doubt that Medbatith: at least Anew a work mm vores of Kityiyana Therefore at appears that the thrd alternative referred to above sa more probable than the other twe © Medhatslha dourt shed between 825-800 A » (vido my Buclory of dhormarates Vol I p 276) Vidvarapn ( on Yay } qaotes leven versen of Katyayann (124 16, 126,280 190, 189, 140 Tal, 542, B06 428) Vutveraps Rouriebed in the Aget ball of the Oth centarp (vide Hietory of dhermasactra p 268} Vidvarupa Jooked upon Katyayana as a great emsti writer Wee Vay, 4 Vets / fades if storia Gasetoriy” for 4998p sis. 2 Doapy aaQerdhy waemay ohh fata semen ae vary 8 rasa SHAR aTaRteT aLk ontad Gratis Ut xeftergeR ' inTuopverion xvlE Narada and Byhaspa The postion he conld nob have attsined in a century ox tro Aenes Katydyana cannot ba Fiseed later than G00 A b As Katydpana 1s later hay Yéyiavalkya, Nérada and Bphaspat: ba could not have flourit. ehed before the Ord or dtheestury 2 9 Therefore tho amyti of Katpayena must be placed betwoen 300 to 600.4 D Thare 18 a work called Karmepradipa on dcirya, srdddha and other topies (exeluding vyarahdra) acerched to Kétyaiyang Vide History of dhaninas astra Vol ¥ pp 248 99) for 9 dispar, mon a8 to its authorhatp and other matters Xatyayana and Western Jurispradence Katpayoua represents the Inst stage of tho development oflaw and procedure im the smrhs He comes almost at the end of the period of about a thouesnd years during whick from scanty and ecattored beginnings in the earliest Dharmesutrag, principles of an indigsnous aystem af janapeudince were slowly evolved and motored, It sould be wafhir 40 inetitnte a coms parison betwoon Kaiydyana and modern jurisprudence of this or the last century Even ee, some of Ins rules suck es those about the contenfa and charaeterteties of good plants and wniten siatements, about dhe evinenes of witnessss and about documents about constructive res judeaia ere startling 12 theri modérnity A study of the vesres indicated an the Index where there is8 loss coespondence between the dicta of Koatytyana and modem Anglo Indian Oudes ( such 9a the Civil Trocedure Cods, tha Contract Act, the Evidence Act the Lamstion Act the ‘ranafer of Proporty Act) will amply corroborate thie statement im order to appreciate tho intrinsic morita of anmené Indien Juneprudencs as representrd by ThAbpayana, tha }raper course would be to compare at with iba most developed system of ancient Jurisprudence in the Veet, vir, tha Roman hatpayane probaly dourished es chown above about the enme tino ay Justiman (488 4654 D) or perhaps s century or two ecarhor, In the following an atforcpt awit be made to compare a fa of the d ets of Katyipang with the Institutes of Jastimian, tua great Roman legistator apd 1 1s hoped that rt rill be found thet both present a atnkig Intgopuegiox xix The rulea of Hindu law were therefore more equiiahla to the atquirer than the cle of Jushioan According to ancient Rorasn Law if sny ons lsd received donafide by parehase, gift ox other legal means a thiag froin & person who was uot tho owner be became the onner by ona yest's nse ia thé ease of moveables and by two years’ use 0 the ease of smmovenble property eituated m eolum Ttattewm dusteman (Ttb EE Tit YI} altered these acrossonably short pemods and preserybed that moveabley should ba acqarred by nger for thres years endimmovesble property by the ‘posses. sion of fang tina’ 1a for ten yenre for parsons present and twenty years for persons absont, wherever the property mght ba ertuated Anelont Indian jurieprudenca showed more concern for nights of ownership in property Anétent writars hke Maou CVU U7) and Gautama (ALL. 34) bold thet if 4 chattel were enjoyed for ten years before the eyes of the owner by another withoub protest the uwnerstup was lost Yayuavalicya (UM 24) appear Go have presertbed 20 years wm iba easy of immoreable property and ten yeara ta the ease of moveables for loss of ownership by adverso poesetsion Naada {p 624 89 and p 63 v 62) prescribed that possession within living memory cannot eonfer ownerslup 2f unaccompanied by title but when it has been enjoyed for threa generations and thus passes beyond living memory 1 bacomea mdependent proof of ownership But thare waa divergence about what wag mesot by living memory or ‘three generations Brhaspati (p dl3 ve 23 24) says that geneiation means a perdd of 80 years 0 three generations would come to about 96 or 100 years ond this 1a tho period of living momory atcording fo the Alta kgerd on Yagfivalkya (11 27) Vyasa followed a middle eoursa sad aut down the period of living memory to etxty years aad Katghyana (v, 318) dooa the amma Cons:denog the natural rmelmation of most strong men to seize the property of tha weak and tha nmsettied etate of the country 1 thooe temea owmg to warsand foreign tavauona the period prescribed by Hatyoyana 16 wot unreacousbla Tt may ba noted that till the pasaing of the Presomphen Act (2 and 3 Walliam IV Chagter 71} English Igw clung to the amgular rule that thé expression ‘ime umremonal anelnded and donated the whols period of time from the ragn of kang Riebard J (1189 m Kaevayaté on Pyayaeara AD,) and (het tha Prererrphion Act presoribes a psnod of saxty years for mskme a tight by exjopmant abgctota snd inde- feantble Tostiacan (Lab TT Pit VT, 8) proserbsd that possae ron bawerer long wonld oot canter ownership in the e3se of free persons, saered or religious thiags, fogttive slaves aed frags That belong to tho slats fiarua A aunat rela ys given by Katyayans (v 820} Ateonding to Justman (ab JIE Te X1Y, 2-9) he who regves m thoy buf for hme vss (oommodatuim) is bound to omploy hia utmost diligence im heeping and preserving it and it would not be gufitrent for buoy to chow that ho bed taken theerme care of td which he way acenstomed ta take of his own property Roba pereon with whom a thing i» daposted {depositurn) wat only answrerabla ifho was gotlly of fraud and aol for 6 feult such ag corelessonsg or neghgenes Ralyapaus on ths other hand plates all Kinds of hailment on tha ame footing (¥ 592) and reeeribes doy all Dailments the eula that the baila would not be tisblo if bo takes ag much caro of the thing baibd oa fis takea of is oma peoperiy (v £94, 508) That Ubs role of Katpis ant 19 more reasonable will bs clear to aay ont and dha Todian Contract Act (s:ctions 151-152) ren quits Woe etme amondt of cure from every builee as Katyiyans dou INTRODTETIOY xh death over slaves to ther wasters Gn the contrary Mann eard ( VIET 299-300) tat a waster could not inftict mora punishment on lue slate than he could wnthet on bie own con and that punihment was to be admmstered only on the back (snd naver on the head) with a rope or u smatl bamboo atteh, Mana (IV 180) enjomed ons man nob to quarrel with bus parenta? children, wile and slaves and lad dawn that, ag & aleve wht bho one’s shadow end os the daughter was the highest object of tenderness, ove must not even when offended by thom ebow resentment (IY 286) Manu (VIII 414) no Goubt proseribed that whats slave acquired belonged to the master Katyiiynaa however (vy 724) eppeare to bave held that what the slave got through the fuvour of hia master did not belong to tha master Katyayana insther providod » ro- markable ruja (y 729) v2 thats master was to be fined to hundred gana uf bamyg well off he desired to eal! a female slave who was devoted to lnm and who wepk over tne proposed seperation Thess sodether provisions show that the anrient Hindo Law os fo slaves was decidedly more hnmans than the Roman Law, Justinian (Lib Wi Tit XXUD says ‘if carnest bas been given, then whether the coutrach was written or unwritten, the purebsser, ifhe refuses to foldlit oses what he bas given as earnest and the seller if he refueca has to restore double™ This very ale e¢curs to Katyayana (v 641) Katydyana was the grostest annent Indian champion af the rights of women to thar property Ho defines at great length what 1 womén a pecubar properly He prestribed that over women’s wealth of the typa called soudayta (v 90L) sha bad absolnta power of dispoa!, even en regards smmoveable property (vv 905-906) Nov even the husband nor her son had ahy power over her peculiar wealth end Katyayaoa went so Fat as to cay that the bustand and others, xf they deprived her of such wealth, were hable to be fined (vs 912, 618) Compar+ ing these provitone wtb Justiman’s (Lab IL Tt VIL 3, Lab, Tf Te VIE, Leb 1V Tt VI 97) st appears thet the postion of dho wile as rogards property: wat better onder Hindo Lar thao ander Justinian The position of the wife under the Enghsh Coramon Law as that of viter legal subechicu = By that law; na the husbend and wrfe were regarded ga one porton, the wile xm Barvarana ox VeavAMATA wrassneapable with somo inagnrficant except ong, of sequirmy or enjoying any praparty, rel or pereonal, independendently of her husband This continved till 20 late as 1882, when ibe Married Women’s Property Act (45 and 46 Vict Chapter 75) was posed bveo after that Act, the old law continues 8 regards matringes celebrated before Jat Januaby 1883 Tt ta beyond the eeope of this Introduction to compare and contrat exhanstively the ralea of RatyAyann and the Institutes of Jusuman Enongh hoa qlresdy been stated to show thats comparison between the two would ba far from unfavouretle to the Indian gogo = Ths only pont of importance rn which Tostimen ¢an be claimed to have pone much beyond the Indian sage iain the law of wills Oring to the universal prevalence of the joint family epstem in Indie and the practioe of adophion the low of will wes not developed im ancient India Katya yana however made 9 very near approach to wills when ha Provided that, fa gilt was promesd by 5 man for 4 religions purpose whether in good health or when wufforing from a dise ease, or when a man promised a gilt toa brabmans, tha son or other heir was to be marta to deliver or pay the promused gift even alter the death of the promsor (ve 560, 848) Th as gratifying to saa that human reason whether m the East or in the Weat, renches fundamantally wentieal actutions of practical problems, whon untrammelled by the dead warght of etripturdl authority or when nok dyrarfed by alan domination INDILX OF HALF-VERSUS SIAR B25 agtaran 673 sngdaey 541 erediarga= 862 aeFingaRT- 863 aah Age 65 BETA 22 ayaa 068 aetgs 984 Brea Bt mega 169 SrAtray 666 REG 446 suarartiva 593 aaaay 741 we qt 211 way ary 296 Hae we 778 wae aF- 6H went 119 wf 194" ar “Wa 383 a ag Rarzq 405 mat ag Tat~438 ait Tq 68 ad aay 393 malay 695 aT art 609 aw 87 sfiq- 17 ay a 908 an Sata 456 aT Ty 285 aa ita 640 aruat frail 939 aa Fala 800 8 * Sr taRaal- 870 ang 763 FIRS 61d aaear @ 666, 654 wale 7 695 wends 931 agehs 696 oreeda 174 aged ahfee 806 atrers~ 437 aaa 665 awa 74 aur 78 aaa 180 afterd- 0 siftrarar ror 568 HETTU- BOY WTAAF BOG aafial 941 FAULT 781 maafig~ 804 sararey 062 water 729 STAUFATGNT O5L aay he 637 RARE 658 HDT Gyr 755 waT 70 wake q 619 sie gy 491 ouster 248 ainggi- 634 AT BIT 915 agyal- 768 erga 18t agutatay 108 Mareng- 619 argary B15 aaarit 6n area 778 aaeqE~ 136 atari. 478 aaa fata 48 aa Afar 268 aa iam 447 ata Prat 645 oat Rap 945 4 agea 7 867 4775 FEL FAT WE STO aaa] Beat 498 4am Tey 7 AT eez- 163 a Ta 295 are q 639 arqel ag 80 BeAr aye Ay wage 132 F BaMt- 195 & Id 262 wage 265 WaT 773 erageaiy BIL a maey— 14 x14 19 AURA 7S MN ardig~ 971 ot Ge eig 496 5 Ta fe 860 % 7 9F- 858 aaly arGal 08 74g 317 93 HA at= B86 487 BE- BOO aTat- 228 AGNa Wg 931 Maa KAW B65 apTey 927 UQ9F Uya O21 age ad 402 BIA YT 919 saint S47 MAT St sushi 140 ualas faz 17a ATG B45 AMAT G53 ama 684 ara io ufioer 3 955 we atas 44 Raa EL area £4 WANG Ya 84 See az- 090 Ameen 932 alga ¢ asc apg Hy a garg 248 aPrOd BMT AD aFat 163 waa 167 winier wa 613 a Baath 260 Maer Bt wire t 255 satin Or 255, ayit'y 170 aryl, 18t 7g etry £53 ang 672 ag Me 758 Ta BN6 Bqara 439 ar 208 ATH AT G71 RTTRT- 2B RET Ty BTe amfaaq- 754 INR 698 anlar 237 ada seat 166 malrra- 20 adeieh gag awe] tr 891 wttar aRe 959 ane 386 afar &- OL o Maram arn a Var aqni- 374 aaa 338 aflraht gag afirall 259 adi qala- 21s ang aTr wd ame 092 ares Tn aR TT mora Re 295 He LT aerial Tt ates Dg Srerang— 454 afinre g 636 aRword 629 Sra wary Ok wQeine Oh were 828 Aa 929 Nar ye B55 Katvavava on Vi avanapa sianaT 625 aye 9 satay 669 array slat 723 weNTE TS Menge T a7 HULA BLE aaa Ia 765 rare = TBS aetiaw 479 Ansa srt 859 SEaTy 861 analifta 952 ome a 414 alitg 418 RerET 29 AT aRA 495 ateagnl= 618 etomgnt 035 waar 809 aly waz O83 sag 249 ar at 40 aanihis 186 AIT 788 Miya 439 mrig= 821 atk an 182 aaaa 465 Mae ata 407 aera Wer @Ok wear 44 wUTET T= 06 arnt fond oe SERS 162 aflzey. O67 SUaRaR 253 STU mil he 333 STMtT 820 INDEX OF HALF VERSES my sgt Fray 760 maga 83 aha cy 684 A arigézat 458 wag J 10¢ went ¢ 185 STR 1G ae mg- 210 sata adi 745 Tera 71 Wat (4 832 Tema 591 ararder 461 albrnaen 57% saat a 800 ary F701 wee weqe 55 aqag 82 wena Paz 201 arg hy 920 aaa rte 140 aga fate sor angry 110 a aaae 46s amadaz 802 arinq 106 an ez 161 MiRRIAU = 586 wera UeT LOS 57 Tee J 868 eT 726 aye G1? aUmaART 542 NTT 521 angel iy57— 993 TIPU AI OH ARTA ar 911 sugdh ear 319 araeq 891 arat g sia 929 orgie & 582 sara 745 erieegt 02 wT 202 aoRaary 840 ant g fat 598 ange 100 Baya aT 690 SVGRH 3H 529 wer afi 85 age ar p62 urea Pait 518 wea at O44 er iaig 194 and ae ee 802 ane ahaa 673 ater }_ 833 ofS q3x 528 weal 109 steam 74 snlaey paar 732 wata®y go amar Shea 208 anf 601 ERT 434 aay ge 876 aiPta 7 526 we gfbez 585 oT Ey OOH stfate zit- 517 Treat 709 waarTG 401 srelaa 523 wa g 802 sats F898 MTT eB 498 said alfa} arg SF arales 306 ares 7 639 aTaray 405 adag 603 angepaet 669 wag af o72 avd ary 7 900 a Wal 37 ara Bt aed ay tty 502 ara aii 780 araraig 193 Fo Ea 8i7 aPaT = 412 wary 255 FY 0 BIA 657 rad ee arg Ban7 T 231 eT Ea 5st maa § anil ¢ 686 sry a 850 ayite dd Bernt 281 srk ad 650 arta te 813 TWH TA SST waa 849 Mura 642 wy aut 28 rahafta que 849 amy 110 sur a 103 mmQazy 409 wea saz 900 Teea 65 HRT AA 965 aa arg 670 Tae YT Sur worlaq Nat 298 erkamin 681 waegrt He seule ny 372 =U sts ger 634 weet ar SLL Saromg~ 132 aitea 816 oanRa 809 Pky 784 fa-arey 822 S24 Set 78h OAM Tat 61S a Tar 890 wIIT adl 476 aragat= 82 anfg gm 127 aifeaarh 172 ay t~ 550 faa afke- 10 Fea get 178 feat 172 waa B75 ataigary 843 alsa 7-016 wera? 116 Saker, 937 S587 aa 162 mifaeaCe— 628 Met 702 Sint Rea- 899 meat Page O14 aaa Scat $18 aw adrertat 504 uae g7 108 Bes GTA 184 aye a 25 averars 81 aracyia- 743 arg i 494 att Rult- 2g ARERIAR- 943 ated 17 awa— 614 qanq— 22 bat 708 aarry— 274 Bateeae 498 array fy 16 aa aa 7 714 aT sie} 168 ant diag 528 aT ery gq BTS wr aeay 70 aa align 770 a7 ay- 14 Wt tamed 909 Tat arga 719 walter 12k wanted 729 TWaTY ay 213 went 3 254 Agat yt 823 MELE 567 ataTAPa= 986 Beeeeniele 285. warmnfis— 667 ut wea 272 amami xz 793 ut ur fier~ 852 aur ger 787 aur aim, 276 ag) RUG 808 ats xez- 780 alla dia 676 aaala~ 8 acai 695 Be AHN AT B12 OeaT at BDL aReagT 401 onmt @ 89) BaHt g yey 616 Remt q oar 926 Beat Pigd) 360 Karrarava ov Vyevab ara Wem’ eer 027 wed aitay 487 aeeideg wig al 421 TG TE a qi- 420 Bae H Wim 764 aneumy— 767 waratiagey— 967 wel as 69 HET Roe 959 aad 104. ayet ay 608 ae YA 847 az qoq- 918 wan 129 Taye FT 808 aan a aunty 846 TAT B48 WERT are S0d UE eye y— BLE tea g3~ 658 WEA WET 861 TaAa ag 389 Sein} 807 warttam~ B&F aggteatitl $01 a eang 743 asftaat q 83 agrTe — 400 adi ders 470 WARATT- 451 Tht 685 OUT AG Yet BOF ait we su ATS 122 aargiala 720 meals 6 Rirom— 45 aemey 50 Teatauiq 689 mud Rata iva ov Viavanina alta q aga meta fagetat 430 ered aafiefh 831 weet 284 wa dearer O70 HR yt 922 mimateq— 268 ag a5 42 ere, QL forage 286 Ti gz 279 TRUTM- 718 ay Req 224 Ua atlat~ 475 Htaws- 402 Ea BOT Ua gal 684 url gy mda 81 salageaiia 872 qa ge 87 aed q erat 054 GS UF MAT 3S Wa gat 277 Fry Bag 916 QB Yaga 708 UW aT- 18 nie fay 80 eelpar~ 518 aa Rway 421 erat Feat 476 WRGTTA-538 TARFI, 603 rant Reh 36 aaron 687 our AMt- 319 sale 971 qeRfa- 632 Um aoe R 06a wiieary 337 GIN = 673 Ganiengtat 83a HTT 494 atm 709 83 ay 432 aa aw 149 geen 938 Testor 829 73 FIR 15 gear 66 s Fd a1 466 FG UT 147 THEAIAT 829 Barat 868 715 TTT- 156 aridaa 498 rung q 879 ara Aq 820 UR Tey LIS THAT AAR 15] arekaPiy 49g aig fafa 513 Fe UR 881 weed GOL as aely, $95 SNE 549 wrerdiiy 153 ae ganty 147 BF: Ward 886 Se zit 8g aa) ect: 854 sud scm 704 "8 q After 552 qaend Gar k6G sileam— 781 Bea Day 24 uaa eT 543 adey 37 8 ua FUT 633 cad Ray 877 Bien a To F% avy ar ag Wage 185 wait 9-556 (& Fasyt gg7 Wage 623 BAT oAF- 585 fe atta 185 qnaarst 260 along 657 Wa ate 747 yattuas 873 vine 480 Tattnia~ 532 Ris alf- 205 wot Eya 643 a7 qa 612 qa GRIT- 948 afiqa aeq- 705 rire 60 wapalt: 950 worl aq 102,490 4, sali 825 Taafipim— 907 wre gz 498 |Prut 750 wemag— 481 THR Be 180 STS 925 esa 429 ent asf} 137 Fala sya ass Ut wary 882 SIRF ~ 647 yeah 85 Qa aa a— 960 TRY Sfkal 727 Hala 5g yaa 34-11 aU TET Fae 49g weft se Sere. gap ES firetg. 84 FR Fe~ gop ERIN aa Beg Teal ogy 358, PR TR 425 Samay fag Rin 299 Tasga~ sa ENAFa 710 Tanahar 270 TTI 2¢3 Faimny— a4 baisaia azo Falen- 593 ert ape y TRaz 87 flat xii 426 Rar (ani 208 RUT 592 Rafa. 303 malinaa 707 Fran Sad weadi on freveig-ago fm = Say 229 Braye 415 Fema 168 Ma aaa? cea rat oseRg- GBT Saray. ag Alt sy 789 Bar Rar 698 nie Boy 3 Rez geo ua z 807 Sakae rig woes 126 Prien 45g 4 Torx op MALE ernong =r faz gq 448 ad That ros wert nn AP Bieta B89 alntnteg as TET rag ‘ima gga org 194 ian os Paetat eg Tere og SAUTE 405 ‘ema 999 Sh. 664 580 a 664 area B59 Sud tae 51g Tule. 299 Baim 98 505 att 828 4 AAR ag 60g Cale yong SOM ste gag Wi 19 mada 1a5 ANGIE 639 Ringay 599 maiz org ara S14 Wat ft gry Srl oreeT 226 Mma cainay 449 Sars ranare B6y er mat 80g TIER ATE 909 nth 7 an ora BrWRT R600 TPH Yea 455 anger 250 SW wi8- 6g FW tre 609 fardy tor Matar Gor uilad= 76 7 aia 450 ean) 7 are Fae 71g a at salah ag Tee 230 alld a B60 Tady Naa O75 Natiday 3a9 OF TM 736 eaheare- 4g) TRIN” FAB Ta By FH Bog f- 663 ma &00 TURENT. Bg TAamat 10 Tigtia- 254 nara 129 TATE Bay adler 2tu 407 Resisin- gg afr aer 86 een 225 Ha 778 BSE Ran 17g yk ear wBare 994 13 a a ahae Tatealiay age aera 898 Tea ang gay sare? Se aes 67 3xg Earvarana o8§ Vravarana irvat- 829 Zam eafivat- 247 auafag— 759 aaa TAF 283 art 7 093 tertra 84 CRRA B42 TeRTea 945 zieaa 759 ze 3% 298 Ba aaah 559 ay gagy B79 aa slang 644 &q arina— 578 Ra aR 180 Raraaia 20 Kaareara= 455 Rong B44 Rar wa qa 399 araehdey 133 Breregy. -113 Ernie 236 Raqua- 47 Raita 127 Raftuar 629 Bre] AE B84 A Raryett- 87 zararg~ 48 RrWaATT 29 Ravutaht~ 252 Sararga 268 Rarsiey wraleg 477 Raila aa beg Sita 787 aarrtae Qe ge Sera pH 593 RaUREA GL Saar} 294 ‘Raat ar 289. arnt 35 erry 206 ay aa y 933 JA way 228 sPronger 557 weg qghat aca 800 neq agian qemnt B16 eA TOD BET BTS qalidae 734 wremig: 685 Bray 296. frau 7 699 Teyreant 746 fearias 118 feat 15 Radiela 300 PS req 699 fom eg 700 fenarad— 604 faz 29 fear Br ate a aim ars. aragtié 851 a T9- BED aR eraEy 479 watafiy 880 aliraia- 278 ama 287 uterattaiter £2 afarary 89 altnriga- 67 sity 39 wid AIR Bis ati 96 wralaag~ 580 Fi Va- 883 Wnaagh 150 93 galq 933 WraKa B78 a et) 109 m yireR- 244, #11 a tisgqin 888 a pilaly 923 aT Sa7q- 467 aftret glut 808 ang 364 uq EER 379 Aa araina- 569 or arta 630 aw qs Bae a gine 199 a Raha 624 3 Aeqa- 870 7 yehtay 190 7a] Ae 483 wat ts 756 7 aq 616 a afte Z- 299 Tawa 13 A aeareia 111 mw arat G59 a aq q 441 qT awrn- O42 A al ta OSL A ARG: wifi B08 mn Gg 431 sag 21 5 amas 460 a wat Sa out a adh 465 a aia aqz 8a wt aaRa 196. 4 qa 861 arg, 290 a UR g 17 ders 636 5 Seber 277 7 baqit 199 # AaRe— 424 T asry 414 v AZ 3 ~ San Fal wy. 70 ey 57 968 7M arti. 863 a aleir sor Tire 4 5 glaget 97 wma RT aratha 978, 980 mmattag. 614 WETA OOF ark. 678 aay 678 TTT Ey. 2¢ TUT ay BI TITRA 555 all qret— 999 atte 662 aaa 126 aueat sare aaah 116 adieey oly ATU, 488 aay 775 Fafa yey 693 ftir ate 503 Frand 184 evel 119 AAs peg Creamy ah Gasei a3 445 at 48 Pays ey ose teem 3 204 Trea yg fivla we 299 by 7 al Patay 259 fates dog Tray a 839 5 DFT ar TALI“TrRsrg Frain #4 555 Prdly ails 07 Aan wed neg Piareg- 970 Fratea~ 567 fralate 333 Gla sige 79] Pred ay 205 fareney 800 Riteanay 259 Baer ng 1oy Ant wae a1 Gia gs 141 Fryar gar og Praia 949 ignite 769 Fraga 744 Rav ey tog faery 479 arg 434 ART 85 Eval B34 aie Bs Tt omy g55 aa en Bo6 fe"y 490 Baga 45g anreteg a9 a aT 203 a Frat a5 ardent 548 aad 816 ree 202 AioReat 160 WATT PTE arya 845 mana 76 arama 79 maar iF 38 mata % 199 axrj rian, 28 PHIRI 64 PUI 695 Ta Thay 160 Tar 299 Reagag egy 1838 Wier 189 qmag 308 TATE 290 aa 203 arem 429 UIT 832 Uratrgns 192.490 ay Ie 507 Fa 769 Pape 86 Get WITT 835 oat ag 976 wud 162 i fafor a3 Rie $7] Garret 9g2 wer Aye Gt THAR 896 caren 867 oeemary 639 med 804 TAIT 24g eRe 723 Raps 7 608 WT si 8 TR THE. 6 vile Rea 65 Tellat BOs aT 8 108 git 6 qgal- BE wat eft 264 UTR UTTE 295 FALCTI 88E sin RATS AYANA ON VL AVARARA ama 618 aah way 122 SIR gRI a BD aga 4 18L aead Raat 188 shag giq- 333 Rey 67 452 yeah 215 Riggae~ 643 arty z= 05 Ts ube 450 araat 82 aia 412 alma 243 Rag gaaq 388 fratr wrez- 638 qaiet grdveny O44 mang- 288 fr Fy 868 tihrigwty 46460 na’tarfiiar 281 fra waa 466 aah Tey~ B81 afar 212. Reaucrmat 435 ime 7840 saul a 877 fradany 128 amg q 556 sats 350 Prat a 910 Qenay same 859 SBIR B20 fagarpaia- 802 inser 845 A SAG BT GF 181 fagnt qa B51 FT F LG ATT ST AT-170 farq fermi- B40 FY BIT O39 YM sint— 488 Rail fer 559 Sera at 615 aart afe~ 942 fa re 555 Reta Ferme 734 am At +08 fin ga 9 826 aEy et 668 marae BL Frat wtrrar 803 sedlat 931 amidd B04 deat nde 526 ward Bye 229 sm yey PY NE dehy eh 589 SeNAET— B47 srartry O54 dheaayq— 685 RNRHS 2 savig €74; 818 gat sletr 844 xpriton~ 824 sata — 24a grat qa 759 ater ar B10 wa O¥gas 241 gaat a tat 863 seals 1% 885 HIG 792 gamma q 560 marat 165 M8 ABIY 25 Toufa aa 561 amis} e753 RgG IT 299 qatar 871 shea 499 THIN Bag 620 34 O7y 872 sftarig- 141 wrt 97 GOL yaw ammit 562 safari 109 sicaaq— 378 garg 445 ae nat 182 aay a EBL gal eta 1°9 adee ay 177 AGA NT 636 guage 176 strat 9 883 naIaha Tx 486 qa afr 225 FAST ET O58 O57 ga aif 760 Ramana 282 ga.q afta 862 gE quer 817 afla wager a BOL paaary har ay 721 qruefitt- res aBataery 46 sasrralaary 078 ae emt 19) gar mn 192 RaTaratar 731 eum 81 ainda 95 nanala 620 NT TEAL 189. aati at- 335 wraa ah Ad aaa na 159 auth at 408 Rat cI— $10 INDEX OF HALy™t ERSEY xrxla SAUTE 187 aeflarecy- 809 nat aftea 916 aegarils— 38) eye g 018 wigs oBY mat Aza 609 wyarage 88 wingiteg= G25 mraae7 675 aypaiaraly 865 nraiftait- 808 meta 8 a 245 ayaa t B88 wa we 847 wefintiy 70. WEIR 687 HRA aan BBS argaa Gy- 842 0 aayzerrr 627 Ritentr 176 arrgrg~ 804 garam 18h fered g 305 amaaq- 646 arizdg 229 aeeta 7 8t4 sremiay q 482 aE BH 187 aprrea fh 226 aia ~ 232 aefan 408 afoaeadi 829 MATUNT 63 weal g 70 yliseg fry 817 altana q B89 wyat aadi 627 ahaa 921 sufanreni- 563 seat: 728 wat 17 mfacirqngaat (eq wsqat- B74 ybiene 685 415 Wega gh S45 A yal izax 180 msieaayaial A498 sie fere OAD gal Fane 152 ata maa 803 aren ert 330 your ISG Rm faster BOs ASA 831 yer q 16 MIs GOT seeT 1 wiih 656 ainaey 681 neigengt— 03 aa edea 825 UAT Bie qaart mam g 12 wagng 9 023 aco areneg 712 vaes g 853 AQUA TH TT argsiat 680 Arar 895 7a MET TT BT waa 893 aawnitd WE neg RuTAa 449 NET a alae O25 £07 qafattt 405 wg enarreol MNQTARA Pia b2? | HET TTe 100 mmqay 894 sraqamana Tig-690 afva digy 597 wat fgea- 846 malgg a 472 aft ft ane: O17 afrgur- 510 sph ari~ 720 nik 4 gy 446 alas qua 133 Dara q 897 Haq Wa 885 ataaleaed 195 ARG 7 50S RUT ng 205 aaaig- 971 Nar Raz 0s WAT 6H wer ava 092 ant Wh 423 waqiag- 745 Hua 428 Tikary gy Sis A ng ht 900 RyH- 489 whaaeat- 545 aq By 604 aaa OF Sranes Rar 489 a] 678 ayant 182 wa aga 623 Hie G2 KOT S voirfeet 426 T3 F9 TF 700 nal gin 549 aD aT az sxxl¥ BRATravawa on VYATATAnA aq ag 183. Bratz 918 TE sez 953 agua 5477 Wray 712 821 Fair 63 samt g 793 waarg 302 ae ge We 661 atrotaled 832 Ba alk $87 at q attaar 260 adizha 312 a WER ads 92 ger an 143 ara’s (BG Tar aa Halt xr 837 WRI eqq- G17 agar at- 738 Tae 3m 752 WI Yar 409 RR 939 Wpikary 661 al aand- 606 Feasqerl 427 Reema 775 a wew Boy Rasasgry 434 diver af 193 ak Gent~ 46g WEIN 72 wlaare 3¢ aie agi 294 als Ging 155 TOUTE 848 "Re Ge 620 mmAafea- 497 ws enfta: 874 alk ure 690 mae (AR 851 7 mat Fy 404 a beat are TAPA- 862 aad eaq_ a3 wag 177 RUUD. ay 623 a tiger 801 Wea ard 464 Ral aa 218 3g eles 903 were ea B54 at &eq- 216 ae sim B77 aed iah— BBs wrachiq— 83 aeamalaa- 729 weed ate C40 wrrpay 402 WaueER- 810 ARAN 845 am) BUR 493 YRSay 696 TaqI~ 620 Ry 953 oF eWih 14 aqerg- 97 fron 34s. 180 7a uel 1s awe Rte, Bag ma ay 16T a1 4 wifia 408 arty 215 Preniigia quez 278, ay mah 776 QE) aryl 218 390 UT edigd 298 WET IS Read 160 aa Rat 603 38-7 Gta~ 879 Rarjid? a 24s wanateey 52 Tite 604 ST aq~ 693 ware 492 aN UZ 136 ava Yang: 318 wanfeang 462 FIT ay TERY axl at 8S aa Erstz— $83 Req enh o7a BUTE 208 amt Ng BS ART 713 nitar amr arg aatiray op ay wda- 521 Aary 458 Ua Ta wat 782 went 526 Fe eraniph isz nar gat Aare B59 TtaPac- 10g Feira q 338 ardane 192 Tere 184 Aras. 615 amdiara 54 TAREE 905 aad conte 51g au Saati 263 Munreay — gig Wa ALB Ce aUnTa- 834 armed: 19 RE eed 9 809 awry £02 wingal 725 mea dney 4g aa der 304 URT ahr 1g am a 90 BT ANGI GES eq ary 123, 4G BIH 1Be ard Fr 640 amAN 28 103 aPtaay 895 wie G00 FTA 805 6OB ream F603 a tide 648 Tita 7 924 NAW 8g 7 580 Taw dye 569 are ArT 681 mr aiaq Way Ot egy 679 q"afae- 280 ghar a ort gry gz 39 a teacg- 297 gurity- §3a aaa atta aa aiheg 407 a it gett 280 aa dar 485 a a7 G00 ‘warm 194 Barua i 824 ag ae 603 waar 655 aisgae, e773 a tea~ 583 aa UT 835 a aR OL Haars ya 502 6 INDFt op TALIVERgrg A alveruzn a ei wita 110 arava 570 Gene gr7 aw gases 209 aT raft 447 wrhidaa 8i4 tmadat 128 Marl 115 Vary 253 USH eig 985 UmaAT O40 itt At 422 iamati- 670 TR 266 TT wah $77 ta a 10 ‘agar $77 aaiada 831 vary tania 687 tia wf am ye) ToH a= 24 wade qer 956 wetTa, 629 CF Ream ye 206 vs THUG aay. 258 Tal aera 798 dal @ mas) 196 400) wala. 633 tea gal 12 Uerar 483 Uz iy 708 Remi 358 Feaugai 562 fiwaa ge 478 sar ‘arse fern & 410 tinea Satay 457 bWe Fy £50 au watt Sit ary Pat a 809 via tad ag Bain a a5g Pamdt 14g eran 689 & angel ron Sha aa par ree Be EBS Fria fade bag fea aru 214 Pfea auesar 26g faq wie 61a meee ao fear 9 48 eff am. 349 Faffint ana al 4ag BER VER 5, Pagar g ir erg ican og Sg aft- 252 ay Bay 292 ar fsa? 508 er myer 62 FUR B07 2 rnarn ey 878 denn 806 ORT I EE Peerardig 827 Ponealiay 139 Peamad yt~ 969 aut e #3 293 bu tre 214 @siuz- 413 wis fima- 859 F057 ay “6 aye oy 776 air ana 68 Moat 621 aaa anal. 478 VB Mapenty that would eb OW, Papa Vareg 1 10« 4 i) uot + @ 19 | 490 2 163 30 318 a3 240 at + pn 44 37 46 348 56 dda 56 45 56S ag5 53 466 6g 472 62 499 65 510 64 Boa 6a 622. &9 7a5 $1 745 oL a4 92 755 10 gay 101 833 ne Sol 148 0 156 20TR TRR TA Correct ae earita Fant melange soTare alla aR Hegre Ratidhre FAIZ Fata. Riliay ~ aEiht aa fn aa nay Rite Tara Tear UE area an} ” agai aaa a ERT sae Rg “aT Tes fing ‘ Xaharya ” means * weakugse late be easily dotectad hava not been Thenrrect a ue Tae aad ‘ Aiangat PT tya me «hana * * abate ' RAT Ag aeons Frdary reay Rehee * Frauseageg aE y ‘aittey siateheey a gma Ra Wa amiasay g wa aaueat weet Aeltgey- Tage Rigi Adharys means ‘ weakne * Bia SIXvi aay Ez a5 aay at 87a FATA 624 FRATEZ ATH GRO vata wey B94 HOTA mI de TO SHR 845 ear aa 707 BUAH 107 Bare) 232 Uy qt 2a7 Rants 287 a weUR 635 TRG EaHT 14) RATELY G82 Faget G7G a Ral q Gag FHA at. G79 HME B7~ Bhs la 427 a att 217 Weer say 249 BRE R41 Bentz9s— 969 T hraae Sat NTR By awa yy BAC Tuo Winrar wing 9 474 Rati py Ata T fhe Reaq og7 Hatt Ey b4g O87 Dos aiea- 010 TA Aas oa, aaarg arg Al aa a5 adic y oce Ravin aya on ¥. at fem 210 haga 487 ag nt 422 ely soz Aatay O41 AtTMaaT 599 aint aq- 937 cur ice alive FURY par 529 Wr Ba saeq O19 aaqigz— 99 mary 59 aR ID ey 65 Reaves br ARAL a 3a 705 w Brett foRadt 971 Bie ozag 461 RP aqg- a4 TR AYR 402 fem gray 998 mBat 809 atone 375 waar 245 we aty 207 tafiz gr Sg wm Baraz 75 SURAT. 549 Warhaitat gay WAAR 240 SITET ae 479 BP arH 976 ett way 405 Oat aT a B03 blur 319 Stkan x T2to AMuay 438 BY tor 007 Fea Bas REURRi 19g + AVAR ATA WIeTAg~ 25 Breqalter 30 anmyeq ger- 1648 eng aif 997 TWAT Rg 550 ATTUTT= 796 aris 202 Fa am 795 TTA Bey 748 IAHR R= 192 attr B22 10 adi~ 837 aya y Hy 798 Brpatiq- 152 TAUNATE BO5 bgt Fa- a2 fadatis aga MarreRaH 5 Ahern v6 Marsan 257, 301 Wey qa- 471 aug 8 avtar~ 99a Brant +63 Naery. a4 Haz ~ B44 aman 71 Pear 193 fate wa d05 Sterrs eer pog Sannaz— ags eT 2 Wana. 650 aay 365 aot. ss Saar 931 haa pro antad O17 irae ~ 97] Magers 50g THORN OF TALE VEneag Tir Tyga yg REELS ant ry MR TST pais ge vane 9 alae ae gy THE 02 Bay a2 tage 69 ted wait oF Heyy 6) tant freer guy HY N= 599 ban TeRiy feats a Tittey 986 grag oe 18 FT waa 909 emt 602 Wal Fahy og Faia 65 sera as Np TRI ND in Beng Ran 19 ati 439 ‘lags 10) TY B51 HAM 209 eer ap sap triad 99) BETTE 86G BS ai 0) BHT enter ony treat SH6, 04 Ai Ghat op Ua ae 109 Finer 250 gem: ra 6g ARNT B69 HERG eae Ba ROT S gah ate Gf Wa Tae PRA Sy ait 68) Fae Tg eater $29 tart g bb fara Aly RET 804 wi aint G22 ay xt Page 468 185 284, 284 302 Vere guia: 4 260) “sib Sits, a8Tn ett oe i 50a Bag. TRRATA Correct = ° —‘Tnenrrent "while in the. while.in ‘the olker bwo Kinds... spf do Hinds « dhe pstatig?. oh onthe defendant? * Gnit the, es (354? and read i sanding © ime mediately after ‘an- otmament ete '-in the preceding Tine bs dist - “8 indiate 30 Mad, a0 te 4 Med 34 ‘the lather ‘and tbe, father tnd ‘WUMts WOH take * aurea son take Sout-ninths dah | * one-fourthy each .” ‘talent wise Paghiavi, < vaeatnant o> HATTA: eee (aa +) feta: oration. Srrichanteaat t HEM Treks TATE YT earieranga ey faa ier aadtes wart Berger et ates Brat i gazes frarity | qdteretiior itenert ofa s van . (a ) tutraregemagena Geta | ara Rare aeegre aera arco sil wenind saiged uaa aa frst ad yet ged wyltanes a eens itn Seeaferoraot 3a. eaiPraniia 1 Sit oar water garg erga & a ’ were eden fargar aaqr 7a Ser yeah menet Hower TA gH 9 0 aera. ea T ator Prete | eae oer SET Het TEE ATT smeait qitaat vi yar WET | * feranear og eararaer aa __aberqafrare ra rer ar ga qaeg are ok weatl ET aT to u 18 geraqae, The ( uarliaeert Jpp 120 121 45 ito (te) p 186 TASTE 68 maar fio (ute )p 189 9 Fetriae, dite (ute) P45 10 yarearay. 2 BTaTTTET SaaS adte wits aria Ena g paar ys STE, Ute Rea aT axes qearer Rreriae | aeaegares Ret era oes: 1 aR 0 aver Tae AMAT of PT : Sea ated raed quiche 1a as wabiir quia ead wae ania Ba STGAATT FE Gs Tat a tay sant ot et want at dre faorat gent Sra ard TAT TT RA A qenet Fat ti sree TAT aeneer fe TT eT AATTAT gh te aEral cRraTeeareentaes tet Serey | aaa WETRTET PREP aT M U9 aa made ag Sal aa aah | WEE GAT Saree cry Srerey wT Le amavis fic Sh carga ve a fa 1 eR AT ey AHS SE SUDA A TRATH ERTS UATE 0 Re qrentt emer ag Taree FRAT TSUN TTT AA A RTE reg To Tare PRA ARITA CAPRA TTT ATT II RR rorarasy apa fey fier wie 5 ara Tee eapaatres Tere uaa V1 18 qos ete (xm } p te 14 15 Gerarray, Atte ( Ute ) p 254 16 17 gases, Hike (THe ) p 271 18-19 dite (ume }p 276, eeqretse 20 Aue on Ho 71 on dee ( uae ) p Ail, Tareas 92 23 FEATE eerrentranten: Tn gait gals arent fears Bara Taagat FMA Uke tl (mrRneanit } OAT FRY ante sarettert | SUPT TT erat aan: a gee RG fe arenes GRE aaat are ea at e Sree fy SAT: Rell TUT oa aaatha a qe oa arity aca acematie FATE (RSH Serre a at ej te area Sour Staftemaite gerear wel lexi areatiag cera att Sree rere are eT: 4 STAT aS carrie abetar | tarant far Syeranayat wer erring ¢ wears a | Paras hat PRT T ET 1 ti FT cwrugagz eaR I “ wetraeraer & ad ayers wie 23a. fp. 20, - 25 Sar p. 596, cue. LIT Pl, ite p.5, aU, a, ML p. 6 26 5, aM. p. 288, nz, a, UL p.7, FRE on ag 8. 1. mM, reads ftuia: tor aq, a7 oa. A, p, 285, deuare, Bee on Rg 8.43. 27, mm, reads 7 Ginentareng for roman apy, 28 64, aI p, 285, award p. 605, 99 weftyo Ip. 8 ( latter half soly ), qu a, IIL p. 20 ( reads Rrareag agar). , 80 eeTe TIL, p, 27, BE eet p, G16, alte p. 89, ayes HT, Pe 2. 82 exias IE p 27, 10 Frarmeahrenttar: RIES Get wa ty ct ! Treen ayn 71a errant Freaira, wae i ( awifesrcor wharataia wean) waits care acter fe ATU a aurerata Fos tire wea ane + BE Saiz TaRabemgiiay waa TaMAAA TET egeerercara | afr 3 ridig Batt aay aM rei Prirrat wat tet eariier 1 ardta sregye fern micaraifirantien aE BRrergéer arabe APTA | ue aM EIH araeq aga. 1 Rte Rew ca ep Rergfer ita ee ae ath Rdige mts werrerigac imeem Ws 1 rediewigatrmatrorgy, ' a mu 62 tide. Bal su om UE P 22, alte p tr whieh reads viata WB tgaR ) 7 (rich re 53-58 00 wn UT D 22 Thess ate Aseribey] to by Cir a) Terni by watz. 55 waft II P82 ex ar p 278 ( first tro Ines } 56 Praie (on a tr 2),s9 mp org va IIE p, g9 HI p 31,4 p 9 ‘ en ea BT Rate (om gt Ir 2) ea or p 278, aq IIT P 83, the p, 41 Alt exeapy 2q “ay Ral TTA, OT aT ready salt. for aan and aw for goa P 87 has tha half vorsg whan. 8 Pats (on at IE 2), ae I BOS qt aT Ep 22, a 5 pal Sraetata p 109 en tae ready ‘ni for ae, . wenereaertee nu aired ater z este career W142 [I (saquasm ) earearig qi area Pater 7T wacarter Rennfirart vu Rot iprreriem aT TF TW ETT | A RS SMC UTE TC BE aE ARTES ATT wa | BMA TAT Ms ST AM aR) (Carfiae ) ae para gah wae aaa hry | aT aT FEAT ATT TTT 4 Gt ae seramereangarrt fea vor are aerye rerahyan |) ee anger inge fewer erarrrit Gere | SRT ONE area ZiT gH es caereraiar ot freer aber SRULSITT HTT Renae ay ote 59 wyaae Wp 38, 1 Ai Uk p 3h aes y Al eadae reads “ata 60 et at p 254 me p 25 of A ready AME | and mT aT 6lez ar p 234 fio p 28 gray WT p23 sqagaea p 200 62 vous p 601 eqfszs ITI p Go 6327 a op 270 wlze lp 36 oT et pls die p ae am andae & reed off riser 7 gernafrag ayaEary p 193 reads 74) F4aW TAT (us 27 AY does) 6% fire(on 7 ITS) wat TE p 36 7 my p BF Ae p 38 fat and % a read era Fey 63 eglaw I p 36 ga a U129 (uobet das g arqe bet from T2-4571) G6 ance p Ol mt WI p 96 art po dt p at aque reads GH TANT HA and Wr T reads ty Mee tt reads qa g7 Ty AneTaT ‘ array erty are fefect ada aay araifeca. 1 arial a: star aq SATE WRN Tate 7 waeRagT | Te ae aan y TNA WII (at ogg aRtaaararntat ware iarc. ) aeate 8 eget aaah EUR aAR fra stare ati a Brie en a 8 ier Paanier opr rata Pretaris SORE Sah Pa 26 A 7S aera a areareram 4 TH Ta sap TITER eI grea g a ery feat a3 frefioa wa Sito apg aH ATT Ren MRROIRTAAG aa BPN | frre fat ages mia rata vo fick & aa Tuite ater qh, arate ca 38a omg} Ween So 3a uate Ill 63, a ay in 45, digo p §1 TU RT reads oi Tem} and ize reads sod, tafe reade weary. 34 Rae OL 65, oa Rt IIL, 45, dee P SL afta randy zy Rige...geraet, ea Teade Tey aay epar, 35 wftae I p 2Laqasa mM P 16, 4h p 9 86 waltas HI p, 20, TAT, Wp IT, die BOD ate, reads éranriy for Piri q, FaETT reads (iyi q and wae 37 earae UT p 22 cc a p 17, Fe p 9, tere ena reads ayerada 3 wil ered ca ay 88 were TI p 22,0q a Tey P 17, ao 39 dhe p io 4041 ditty, dite p, 120 P10 neta Pees att oF att eet at we na face aries 3 aarear 4 Rr an Rifaar ae ara: TIA | arrarasd az aa eat gery 4 2h aerial Sra war argainat con aft arr eae afk, pag u WaaMAga aT Tar apa ara areas 7 aia tree RTL ey wer tae a ad saa anhatee ; aiternitia fren a reat uy RITA Geng Tiere | inf srenahdaearig 9 az uy a arengarda omen a1 freee: fortran guar saat gen tesa 1 ye t Tara tear ar father tertetre reg aertg leet FT afer 124) Tena aerate serdar ual santas g Prather feta | Staten %, dee p 121 ie veads g3 for g) 48 deur, dice p 121 44 OTT p 599, EEye ITT P 87, ae p 25 (whieh reads terme areafat sft) tyfive reads oases and ay aia Wanué p 699 waa p 57, gy Mt, IE 41, dhs p 194 uyfree weada tz ta arruk ready amyy Te mand WHAT) read stra aT 48 eafgy WN 68, en mr Ut pl, ST oma 10, 68, 9 at Tp at om ayy si oad ks , mit aha 48-49 fenen) Feury (whith roads Pag aT eat 50-51 Bette 2 and 12 RAPES Ata: Set aa Ferret afes as arg t fed a antenna og a as 1 adeiticrd serrate ot gaqe Prgarcty faire Parra mere |) acy RUTEr a wea Gezta orehe Peake | aaa aaa Renereerr ere. Bar Wea sainita g oat ayia catia arate Tee emai fia, thsejj (mat) Mera aT enter aerate: | Brame wen yt fram: aT aes Fafireizeny » a2 at eatioy ett gba ar ay a 99 1 wa oat eer aes aa 1 maa Secret are TATAZ 193 11 eater oat Tracy ass Strano SSW ACh aPC Ae | — TES 87 fact (on 1 Tt 3), amr | 601, ar p 879.um

Tl p 51 ap O8.oy a IIL p 35, ey Me p 293 (which reads ead Wifaa) rate and [aT read ody awa Thame p 60! wa x p 28 ¢ whith reads el aten ) Tague p 6G, ET. WI p 47 gu a AL p 22 7B eMUe p CUS Thais ays 14 ia eles OL p 47a mI p 33, ane P Oat. 25.40 o] reads Sra Osera SIT p 198 TevRerfaerte 13 wear sae agate ware iat eguftrecrem arene SaaT nt PIPPATNT TT ear ret meta tere afore ara ee Pret ati ast aeaRTTTy ani cate oe | agora oF At car AY APTA TT 150 | seaia oar tat Rigaia eames Praca gala aerate rg Pratt w we 1 erence eae See ests a TIAMAT eT eT cade eg 1 ater oly eermran area ay! amu Fa aa gar ARIE | eo aragag wav tr art gga) wre g THe fetige a Rrareag tte? u (aA gar rearaay } Tew Sasa ameahyrsy 71 sfeer oraerrar TrIeRTRT ATT 0 22 fq (on eM) waa Wy a7 ay a a pW aor p 604 UT tp oF TNs and Tea T read ef waar Rava eadte realy waar gate eggs Wp 47 oF tp 25 on ze I P33 deur, (whieh reads @9°3 a9 a7) Gay reeds a7 for qq Ua T reads atu gheT aq Gt om reads eaeq for aT 1 waz. IIT 49 ae at Wp 3 wat p 25 SAERGT p 198 ( reads az 7} Wirt p 2 Wats IL p 60 ate p 003 ve ae TT p ot eqfize veads qigpzt ema iy ar SO apa UT p ra ot a¢ p 603 Sberaa ll p Soe f& p 69 ¢ Roma tor aifarieg ) 82 ey mT y 280 ( which acer bs itto Wanl erg ) Thais mye] 7 Mu 88 sq qr p S81 ¢ attributes to both rzeafy and area) dite STEN TAST TEST: aiitaat a wean Siatieg ater areata Sat err Frere nck a asuttrarrind arett saat sepemtfaniiarn Tarra ace 0 Tatatreg a A rarer ware | FOE Fae Tee aT Te kh (aap ) ares neater wea Nt gta fra s fe net ere oer a Seite he ara et Wa PRET HEA Bae wT | oe oe Faz a AE don fame ret tees aca ro hy tt ierafer ges et ear ree Cif > euttatfien dea oe asthe) start a fier ofage ay ae lic’ Ul p 30 aterbes 16 to agerlt 84 dR p 31 Bi dhe p 29 aoeaae Wl p 70, a p 8G, quar Mp 82a p 47 Hate (on @ TIT 5) quotes thia and the following two ag irom PRTG, THIS alo p GOS quotes thet without ating the name & fF p 75 quotes this verss as Hats glosson the words ‘74 a1Grz 62 4a which it attributes Ri steae IL p 70, mt AL 88 inate (on mt 11 5), wink p 600 wiy> TI p 72, ga. to ng reads Wary }, AT p 286 (Geet belt} q@ I p od aize p 52 89 eats UT p 12,4 p 689, a fe p 80 OT p 52 me p 4% (which Farrer Se 15 atria Tree | TRS MATE AT wT Aon ater airy a setameara at ar qeait Prag adtdereraat | 82 0 aa ate Brat fqet aera araay ar Eten ty AEA e G BVSTe 88 PRET TRAIAN | vag arfterag meat a dra 182 TUT Rae wearer | area a arareKTETAY i ee cent Fe GeRE aha a sear 4 race sar g Pratcerar hh (ag) silagemegga thin watt RRA TITTY ATSTAUT NE 90 eqfate TE p 73 scat p 639 ( which reads sRaiisar ya) at p 32 ( first hall) + | p 80 OL ep ar p 287 ¢ ascribes atte Tey and afaT) sec p 689 tae Ti p Taw ae Ot ps dite p ww HVAT aver ves wb tw FTG and Fra yA ogame S p 634, yaa Up Ti we an TE p 8s 93. ar p 287 sqm p 639 ea TL p 7h ame p 54 INS reads ouvraatky and op reads er deqaeye and 8] Wt veads SRE. Bsey Mt p 287, wis p 630 apate IN p 7 ae p Bh amagT p 200 OS ay MT p IKT aqua p 639 (readsa qu ea) “ep of reads aatit) ayeae MT p 7d (reads ava wa Sait ara) aaqreaea p 200 96 wave Wil 74 cae UL p St at p 52 aseribes areaq aren 3 Sere Raye {1 w aharlaeaa Agearaleay ary ae TMT Mey aT tos wT but they are omrttet here ag these ere ascribed to gra by aqfve and oo AT and ta ag by a 1 16 MENTATT MC a dervat galt yo war safer wader rar AU MSTA SAAT nse n aaiaggiaet citer airrres ar i Farrer ara airareara mera Wee a amengatt a yea Aer | APTERAAT A TY ATURE TL RE, SEAR TTR TATA ae garg wz Pack THe w toe y da edfn warren Geena | WRATH AVS TaTaT grata Lok py einai aes at eveeapey UAT A OAL BET A TTT aT 202 4 Cae } serene tt fier 3 PE IT ITT ePATARY Sierras yore oR W wm g BY Temata ait RASS TINT WTA foe 4 97 ealtee WI 74 yt TI p BL ( winch venga ara. wae a ae agaTT ) EK p SE finale om gt TB cates thie as Gey 3T 98 eftae WS p TA, gaa Wl p St, alte Li 6 mites as eT AR 99 sme p 605 ea AE p 286 7 AR 76 BITE reads Cm ane, * for WH FF WT reads HTD 100 onus p GOT TIL p to, 94 wt HE p gt LOL Bark p SOT WR. Wp 18,97 ar TY ps? at reads Hey TANT and CHAM WT AT teada aay q TaN 102 wide TE p 7G 7 Ae p 82 ( renda ala for aq ) 103 atts p 55 eats IL p 76 aseribea xt to ee 10d dice p 55 P 53 faate on a nrerrreafrerteare: W aration amrltre semraeevSte Wl Lo a (arin ) aRaRaa rs area t areearaer TST a carat a tak 4 TEMtaa TERT frareaer 3 ad teat ethers 0 fos a RTE ATT THOTT aartots aaen MeSH fee 0 3 aa ares Garme g its 1 fare wares eae TAT wok aon wha med dren gar RUTHIN areraTS 4 Peart aerated cet WET ef Peat they aig ura Ritge gaara a reqean ontermnien Prefer ute ARTRRRTE TN STATA ETAT | 105 ite p 56 eae LT p GB asorbes 2 to eget 106 opfate TIT p 67, 4 at Tl p 48, dite p 56,87 aI p Baa mT reads raaqerm’a > erat: and aftera #7 aq, haa the fast two, 7'to bas Matte} and efras, It ape Mp 68, qu we Up 48, ate p 6 toa ego TN p 68, a at TIE p 49, tte p 868 (has first half} loo eqs TT p 68, 90 ar IT p 48, gerevrae (bas lather half) 110 gercegay, TyATe TU p69, eer aT TIT AD (which reads 7d am ) az op 5G (fast ne), 4, p 9 ( Jest Line }. Tho firet threo omit tha lect Iiaa, UL Beary U2 ete p ST, sve p GOT (reads Agr for H7) Les fatter ball only. 5 18 THE HINDU LAW QUARTERLY Perera Fert SAAT | SIRT TT eer aTeraray Ferg: wee (ayaa: ) a ena ao 8 ag: eriiergerere Prot aftaadra aaerearas a wr n Re 3a ford & foe 2 Sarepanfier scoaeacreaeregance By = renter TT: 1 AA aah ia ary eee TY a aATATL deat fre ver cited 1 arfrrrat salmon: aPrgafigat ofr w(t ara Srenteeiifia arctierer aria a Cita Perea em tara Hep Hon franits: siege tet wary ater | mErarraactarg aratiferaa gu Bey LIB dite p. 87, argue p GOT ( reads Sart aq: wit fia gar and whOret for gen) Na ees: TL, p. 78 (and p. 818), Pare Con a In, 57) A, & p- 89, Wt, WI TIL p57 and pp. 253 254, fige p. 68 and 850 (has 119 L1G), qu aL ap, 254 reads « fied) aitanta frieaiga? and osdds Sater Tom gir, aigter ord” 115 alate WL p, 78 and 318, ff tp, 39, gaat. 11. p. 57 end aleOp, 254, ete p 5B. fF %, 2, Tp. 254 and frets read fad = for fra. 16 faae { on 1. IL, 87 ), epiGare INL, p. 48, 90 aL IT p, 8t, ff. % p. 89 Arne ond &, te read af adel af and que ar reads witqerteat, All except firme omit the half sha &e. AY7 fate (a1 TT, 10), A. aL p. 289, eyate LL p. 22,0 e TIL 58, ft p. 50,7. p, 83, TaIMATA p. 202 sy. a7 reads sigirmnm, fate rende sydaierys Ate avd Fu, AT read waa for yar, FA. reads ombader mmBrs eaves reads FPY sikat: which is a good reading. 116 qu. a1, IIT, p. 58 WTTETRTA ETT 19 altered 5 qesite TEL Remaraterg a rt adatiteng 1229 mrdrererett Par a wae erie | TA AT TIAA STRATA TTA MTU ReWt (aterm } amninten saree | wares aren eT ToT URI met wang rat rat ard arcrtien wry | agreed ere aT ed frre are epbrar Her MR aye eRe aerate aerate er FART RAR ( sitsrerer, } fara are ae a are pe Ree aa Erer seer Reyer tare Trerteett aay Lae tt SAARI FET a Gy ANT Taya wera mara ara Para area a tR4 119 ver a IT p 88 180 t wt p 287 nyaae IT p 18 were | mw and teary read sargr for ary mere for aes a and wy for wey WL wud p Ol, wrt WT p 79 vu a DE p £6 de p 87 = Ml p 289 (reads ahah for mS) we p 88 122%q my p 290 sqagiaeg p 200 ay 7 Ill p of oftae TIE p 79,7 & p 83 (reads ona verse ag ger afar der eernd alte apaq | aay ftargzre) 13 -qy m7 p 291, ws Nip 9 qm Wp 69 ehize teada ed a1 Ys Mat and mu am read erf aneaies Usd foger (on ar 16), of at p 295 ames p 608, ave IN p 81, vr HEP @ dite p 62 ger aT resds aaT for wu and tug reads Jet Tea frry FereT hee Raia 125 wer (on wt ING) era yp 205 ark p Gos eu ar IN po? wftae I p slate p 6? Mager reads maa waists reads micqzeazary dite and erycd read arey HIT Ree Qo reads TeqRT & 20 THE MINDU LAW QUARTERLY remiagat ar ret areata | ararfermtla arats Tek Cranes eT RAG 1 Sarda aa eae aigedia a | ave: Gan frareey sak BaANT TH ARS 4 Reatard Bra qarangaideny | wardtg Prateg sikarie Pitan tae a crergtat wea Sha: ctr aap exattinier Fertrcers ania: every B88 maftrary steer Papier afc | apt Faetrararrern atte w tae u rd soarint aretrmaeaadg | gers se wa: GH fetter RAE A wage Roaeheeratiat aa: | ARASH ae gare: Tre bE got a eae Sas WAT aT aferacrad oreiary ag hice. Wa 1 126 fraey, ATG p 603, °F FT, p, 295, ae. aT. TET p. 62, ayia TUL, p, 81, aXe p, G2 4, mt, reads Bradt for may. Ray ea reads ereqeaneaia, . 1oy-128 wae p. 608, ese II, p $4, qa. A. TIL 62, age a WW. reads Qe Ge TARA afer and say a, 129 Shreaeq ( whith aseribes it to both ang and Tears a. p. 19 ( which assribes 1 to atts) reads opfla: for 130 frees ( on 7 TT 6), amas P. SH, taf» OL p. 99, ga, MM. ITT 85. STF and yt aT read iia, and inst pada oe WRT, WT AT reads Bee_ and RATA, aezo senda BB, 131 fare (on ar HL. 6), ase p, 611, oe TI, per, ayftes IT, p. 9, saya p, 204, , 182 atte p. 71 { which reada qari, tor eit ), 27. a, p. 297 FATATT p. 204 ' 183 Wt AL TE. p. 66 sree: 21 ARETE aT ARETE | ene wa ening TATE Rae Hieeiieerdter am Prare areahreaat qeeatat Hie. earinreniey bs stage, ( Gegéim: ) war creative ar Tear LATA | arebargeratte. qari a fava o Gan tt wgaftnt cent craig rey | wand aght wetararat arraqrerT it ten aretha sede. * RUCINATTET TET TATATT LOTT MERE saree Wood gReard aT wtterny | a Serght wears cer Tet a Foes TRS aafad faerand Peat Prati ererredr at Pree ar vernal Fras A tee a 194 5y, a, p, 290, caamEET p 203 { reads RARrg ) 155 ey, a p, 250, 136 fageg (on w, IT 5), Prare (on ar TL, 6), 2%. Hp. 296, arr bp. 609, Uae IIT, 89, 70 aL. IE. p, 65, dee p08, aaMe, elit, 70 at and dite read quae Fume 137 fare (on at. TT, 8, ), erga p. 609, #7. aT p 200, erfrae TE p 89, a, a, 1 p, 68, 8%. 69, 4, Bp. 89, 59. a rends sumgiteafaiwasy, whys reade eTTE aires, 198 ere p, 609 (not named), whrve IIE p, 84, ©, At, B, 297, au. a. itp, 61, tre p, O49, Bp, 8% cafrge and ot read Romsaindtay, dite reads Parma tay 199 feareq on Br, Ti G (mo name), ae Wp. as, Me p. 69, faqeg reads wor} & ead and Ae reads sox Gated 146 faarey on 41, 17 6 (no name), Frere on 81,1 6 (oo name), Ore 9, 68, 9g, a7, WT Gd and oy, a, p, 23 {as eee) Anret reads O€¢ st for Froand and av aan fredig, 22 THE HINDU LAW QUARTERLY afreangrehehe ST VERTTTH | frre Senies a ek rearfeer Arzu gat meme mplat fH died Frage frtrirercinit frofratas 1 tet az aatia wa afera qanteare qareererercns Mherearat aabaT 1 183 erenrentenant aa at ml a Rrarfae 1 qaanean att Ran ardigaiea 1 tae y (38 Bal Ad a Mar at aPTERT) gen bend et sed corre | eres feratg ater Gea ay rT te arent Seats at yee | aataral Pro ot tare ar oitg 0 Rue Il ore Oks Pen § RTS Tee Sat a TE MT Te Ta ay LS 141 feqer on at 116 (no nama), geaeeTTs ( ascribes this and the following two verses to both rata and qari) ™] WM p 21 {ascribes this and the next to beth awe and gg} -q9gtTT p 209 (aser:bes 141-143 td both), Steamers, wt mt HE Al fetuch esembas thie end the next to agetfh) TE P 610 acces to ageahi, so dove wire Tp 90 142 gorreqas, «7 aT p 201, Tewe (which reads frofres and fairer ), 1 at ILE 61 (which reada areorgeem@atanit aginerEs LER fam) erase p 208 208 43 Fates, Asus eager p 20k 144 eT 145 amd p 619, eae U1 p 94, = a p 208, qa mm IME p69 deep 188 ez a reads quae for Bead, AWE and dito read 7aaRt MB eT AT p 908, ee: UT p 95 (hich reads oa Cexqyerdl) 147 aaftae I p 95 =a wr p 298 marenermrea rarer: ag fet oranda wag. Garett a Pareitererrerey 27. re vem yu Rae k zqyie ates oa RarereenT oa aT | Sore TH 7 Hees aererareaers FB aT ee Parragit 83 vig wae Tar | eye antrrh te tier rahe tte 0 SAA TICE AT HE TTT Ara | art aizarer a cer om Ferg 0 tat AUTEM TITTY | sank Frargiig Rremrarett geertite WR aa. Bag alg ae og Prarprg! errearctieney UT rs eee erage WLR ea B38 Ga or ara fea ae renee Gooch enerand Sve 8 0 A faa ward 3 ara aT wT TE! arg Grarerardia Prat acer ardeg ta 0 ars RTA, ea Ta Sarat weraraaaee carkrdifs 0 04901 148 amas p, 619, ogftt> IE p. 08, dive p, 198 149 egfree TM p, 08, rqt& p O19, ste p. 140, 160 equ p G19, eqfrge TM p94, at. ar TIE p 71, dite p, 149. 16] aqré p, 620, mfeare ul p, 94, ou, at IT p 72, dite p. 140, 352 fit+ p, 140 (neershoa both to yzerfa and weaTaH), W. wt, EE P, TE (aseribea 14 to qeeafit) 158 eqitva» [It p. 94, amid p. 619, dixe p, 138 (reade 4 FAT whlg), eqanaaTa p 205. 164 ord p O19, exftae TI p, 05, #7 a7, p 008, We p 138. 3, at, reads aaTy aay ard} gy om UE p 0 asersbes this and the following two verses do @EeT2 155 wave p G89, TAAe WE p OF «4. ar op, 298, ae p 138, arene reads fea for Mara, 15g Eyte TEL p05, Wat at TLL p. 70 (latter half), avert P, GLO (bss only firet hall aa Tensscterz), a4 THE HIADU LAW QUABTERLT Pprerenaey at scare & TART | ag or enirth era ah Feta Ta A480 ara Srey water STA | ath ore Ba cange artes Aiea UpMett qduaganied serdt eeTST petardarart oars RAGaT HBG ASTI EE area aiteat agi ahveze aa a area TR Race Sroehoeate a wa smerereareeet 3 ater Te. WARK A dararé Srratait sft Sepa adaerer et aay TERT TAA afte itraratigale wtehaa | SEH LTRS | RN rasan Sudher TIT TT eat (aqtagay) oat frearat Sq secrenea ae RTE ATTA th HB Te a ae at a wher anda: cepa arte fiver aatregerart Lea) 157 eras Ik p OF wT mt OE p 70, are p 619 168 eqfra> IIT (fret half), ea a Tt p 71 16D oF AT p 209 (acertbea to THERA and Att) 160-02 ee ay p 299 163°] 7 p 209 labemek p cto egftee Ip 66, a & p 2 ormné tends at alter and ies for aalee 165 fhens (on cr 117} eg at p 299, de p 7h 186 wm p O12 oT At p SOL, dep 76, eqseicae p 207 aq ot rendaafe for a to ar arena: agnitrahrer of gahy fray fre ae fartiangat SeaRreet: u Lo aera were aftafrernear t 2¢ 11 Rrataenfaanentt aan ar tS: | araTaemiea oeere ef Rear geht say watdark: ayia: seni afy sae | ST TET ATATNT OTR Set apertura yee Fy 1 aartirahay Bers at ogra g sea OR Rani pee ariiistada art Praeia sant oerarcerra ference: 98h { Senara Gaeta J aftr, fred agpaauniegt | dirarcaqernsend anterrag i toh weaat oreres STA aIMTPAR | SUTOATE TASTE of ateTe TET MT twa 167 faate o (01 on m, TL 74, 37. ar p. 301 » yar. 1 p. p. 0, “Oe p. 75,2, @ p. a frate and g, fy, read alerery. 168 fare on ai, IL. 7, eave TI p, 97, af. p. 92, epitrite reads Tae, ©]. Wi. p. 300 atimbutes this to sarg. 169 rn as on , ID. 7), eteeé p, 612, ites IN p, 98, 0, 8, 2. TUE reads agra aca. vos mm. Dp. 807, Hess, Tee p78, Ate vende ert hea Fa ood aay agreed, crewary veads aay Tyra, at, reads erfaailisigd) ait: and reads lasé line as STOTT RE art and ascribes ft to qari’, ITH firdts (on m, ID 7), dite p. 82 ( refers ta both aréite and gee). 172 Ate TL p, 98,ate p, 82 173 au’ p. 6t4, uliae IE p 99, ot. wr UE p. 78, Ate 174 epeae p, 99, a TERT p. 207 reads aeQETERT Pad andeasa that wdrqen his targitata explained weasqeaqgay + as OE TTT, 4 26 THE HINDU LAW QUARTERLY mae fe ware aA earearATATT at Apa eaTaae W294 | Prerrreeet J art TATA} AVITAL At SANE TTATGT WAG kerast werr ater seearrer area Pe | aeaate Ritht frag, aegdreraZ n PSs fa: ya rat a eae aaa qu senatiia serge Frat wae | tue 1 Beran ET fT aA et ATT qe Ted vraathie wemergHe erat oe Ih ei afer eect aerating | frat ha soar wie I Yeo sorted Saat Gree eae TT SEERA PoTATCAR Mate scebe aet reer are erate eRe afage o7a Vatrentey Spt Whee qaeret frat arereeazang Pag wrt ager BT Ht aE TETINATTTA 11 Lee a alien erat Titers aqreaiie | Paqera a aeaiengqart eqgarer tee V6 year p GU, qw mr TIT p 73, rt mp 808 dye p BS feote (on at I 7 ) cites as eet 176 177 eqitae IL p 99,90 a HI p 73, kite p Bt 178 wafrts Tt p 99 ou wm IM p 74, atts p 8 quam ends ait and dite ceads V7 V2 Tass Tp 100 ee aT Tp 4, dice p 8s gy om reads GA Baie 190 eyys WT p 100, 97 a kp 74, ate p 84 Wel eat IT p 100, qu a Ip ade p 85 182 eqfite IIT p 102 au am Ik p 74 183 eyate Mp. 101, ct Bi op Th 19h enfat ET p 101 a at p TA (which rendy feftaegia), 4 ftp Ob (which ready orvdhr @ creat) arerrreatrartvare 2 1G She eer ar 34 wae eerie TEN Su Reh reed gear at ale aratenty Tear serait ara aacitadtra tek meee -gaiaregay TRS aha Afirrad A BPM Lao A aftrararrergargereraiaylt at qiaarenete ag Fare aan tee | TATA TTT Rrear Qbear a oguaga tee a Pphaftaart g Pret earentateai a aratahcondtt Sera Barat ea 0 ( aacheruft ) SUT BRU PPT ETE APE | afrarrrrd arenas af Fac 4 tat aamigae FUgVeE I ATI! ant gtaitdieedts aati 1 taxa Riera aig ar rearaer qenzar: sacrata anh wemeratdy 4 23 185 gpftte IL p 101, su at HIT p 76 186 gate IH p 101, ca ar IIT p 75, ae p 8% ( which veade gaa Ga fraciient ) 187 ay A p 303 184 qaaé p 614, 87 FT p 309, Pras (on a IL 7) anton ag TIAL 180 Prave (on ar If 2) sree 619,59 a7 p 903 weaTe TU p 101, qe p 85,40 mW p 77 190 q mt p 297, frre (on a H7), wee p 613, dite p 88, 0¢ ar lit p 77, aaa Wp 10s 191 accep 616 ay oT p 807, aaa» I p 110 xy, a, reads sftarey ait 18T qué p 615, are p TS ( hes only first half ), 193 wITe p 615, carre HI p 94, dee p 74, 26 THE HINDU LAW OVARTEELT aperenrgreahe pera Tae eqriquneratt o anak earahess bw h94 Fh Perera J AT TATA | mera a Shantes SENT hye sired wer ares Seay Be Ae rte, RG fares oT Rerey n L909 Ree Go Wa eS fg | ger aca warget Arak EyT MYC 1 apdiaticts arses g eet Be He aT Oe ete TaReaihter energy TA Tse aera a eT witeat i Reo 1 Feried Vad MICS Ve Tet FMT UTA ea wl ct wat pt war ard weeiahs aaa nfaadt agit waferrren eray 1 228 I qaardt frat aeacartg Payer ary TET Gr AY eR ATTA 1 Re3 afin area wreaata sarata | Prt g weireget camer te 1 + V5 waVE Pp O14,5C wr Mp 73, aq mp 803, dye p 84 Rrate (on at IT 7 ) citea as 176. 177 wyfrAs UL p 99, etm Lp 78, Myo p 84 V8 wypaye WT py So om Up 74 dion 89 ar A reqds arta and tee reads festa 1793 warts HT p 100 qu oT UE p 74, dite p BL gu om reads t/4 Size 180 exage TT p 100, qt et Up M4, ake p Bt sk eave IIL p 100, 9 wt IIT p 74, dige p 85 182 eqigae Wp 01 vo a Up va 188 EHH TL p, LOL x at op TE et eeitwe HI p Ot a ar p 14 (which reads fefeeaitay @ fe p93 {which nods soggy a ceqa) ‘ RTT PATA 27 te hg aa he oa hi arate z raya wPaaT Farg: Reh WUE eT AT Bier aeateig agUTy) FATURE Tat TATA TAT WRC IQA TRTE TRTEREL aerrerart Ghee afro & BET 9 U ahranmpaemeraiaatt a1 Sareea ay Aarne waa tec | Waa ERAN eT TTT | fire Saath so ego TET eR 5 Seafarers g fier eanzanga a ndiefgeratt Spa frereag oi tho 0 ( mapa ) aoe sanet nreergayeet ofy | nftrereaet gerrrertecet af Here A ERE K aardgar eas Tat ainvengeaiiaraeatd: aafioa: Wee sheer ate ar merase: ETAT | Sareea errr aqererately a BSR 165 epee UL p. 101, «at TH p 73 186 wuftre WL p. 102, gu. ar Tl p. 7h dee p84 ( whieh Yeada G7 a9 aatieaa ), 187 eq, 803. 168 are p, 614, 29. HT p 308, fate (on ay IL, 7) cites es SETA. 189 Prats (on ai, ID, 2), 90%. 615,97 9. p. 208, ear 12] p, 101, de p. 88, a7. a UL p PF 190 Fa. ut. p, 297, fate (on at IT 7), aa p 618, deo p. 86, Tar. wr. IEE p. 77, culate HLL p. 102. 181 week p. 614, ar a1 P B07, wae LT p 110, 24, 97, ronda stare i, 198 REE p. 615, dice p. 74 { Ime only firet balt ), 388 eu p. 615, eafjae IT p. 91, atte p. 74 2a THE HINDU LAW QUARTERLY suideramrg a aegct ay arenes ATS Cea TATAEET nee sarafregl Warned easeraazat | MTTATTRT FA aT aT ETT Ley warafated Tamer at aq | Pane aaa ait tale Pigg u tee 11 Batra g Sr aret ght area Com ward a elra atin g Sehr a tee a avarg aifamde fre tar aeifats- | at Pratghz at Serena a soak utect SSIMITAIEINTTT Ty eT Wek aeiegnifa a aarerat aera facies gaelorae quTeg i R00 | anata g amet dente ate ¢ 74 Frerrenbist eray pn a08 1 aera Tarra Perse woners | aaeaat Te As Wet Bee | were ToT Parte oe 104, m1 WI p 81, erage IMT p 105 : 195 ory p 632, exhtte TIT p 105, Ae p 98, a A p 108, 196 wane p 622, THAT IIL p 106 dice p 8,4 Pr p 102 197 equd p 622, eftas WT p. 106, qu, er TIT P 81, We p 98,a A p 102 198 eae WE p 206g a I BP 82, dep 98, a f p 192 1995. at Ui p 82, dre p 98 wmfite IIE p 107, a, ft p 102 200 Fyaqs UI p 17,9 m LL ae Tame Tp 102 201 awe p 622 trys TH p 107, dhe p 98 (reads-gisait aaa) 202 eaftets NT p 107,81 HT TTL py $3 alge p99, caffe reads errgatiqertt and 7 fa reads at p 88 ( reads great +a ft 103 ‘STERETT ATE () BURT ETT 2$ Preparrenaranrearetheny | qareamiaentea Paara neta tok 1 enfaasraerciotine wa maze aniga Siatasra era Tae PEG y Roe 8 ara safer 30g ar Hie an Freee warir anganiea raat @ LaF Hl Res Sragas care Tg 7 era sepiiebas sree sree ara eay age at Or Woreemale ATW 2e8 anfarty aza feitez ara a Pazar ar art dere aenry aarnaie wy 200 Wl CAAA AAT TTA Gores Gas ata crarefates gu Rec! a degree Rreerettere Fg | eearaeat BG VTBSIATe J Bra RoG A ates radimal omy anea & Bre aa bearer ay Reranerer S wate 208 eats IE p 108 vu ar p 83, dhe p 99 904 eafrae IIT p 108, Fite p 99 (reads tafe for MAR) € p 203 { reads Tai > 205 & f p 103 206 era p 616 (roads age for aga) et at IL pp 8584, do p 74 upftae HI p 109 ge at and eafyee read aaa for a} 207 woe p 622, eqftte Llp 110 208 ar p 310, alge p 103 ayaae UL p Wl a at ascribes ib to geeay 209 eqiaas I p 1tt dite py 108 (reads Hafiea) 240 eater Ip M2 a a TW 8d te p 104 ae and do read #zgiald

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