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Extra Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type
Question 1.
Where did Abbu Khan live?
Abbu Khan lived in Almora.

Question 2.
What were the funny names that he gave to his goats?
The funny names that he gave to his goats were Kalua, Moongia, Gujri etc.

Question 3.
Why was Abbu Khan ‘unlucky’?
Abbu Khan was unlucky because his goats pulled strings and disappeared in the hill,
where they were hunted by a wolf.

Question 4.
What was the specific trait of goats of hilly region?
Goats in hilly region hate being tied to trees or poles.

Question 5.
What was the mystery that Abbu Khan could not solve?
Abbu Khan wondered why was freedom so important to his goats when it meant
struggle, hardship and even death.

Question 6.
Why did he buy a young goat?
He bought a young goat because he thought that a young goat would spend longer time
with him and would not leave him.

Question 7.
How do Chandni look like?
Chandni was pretty and white as snow with gleamy red eyes. She had a friendly
Question 8.
What had stopped Chandni to run across green fields?
Chandni was tied with a rope round her neck.

Question 9.
What was the wish of Chandni that shocked Abbu Khan?
Chandni told Abbu Khan that she would like to go to the hills and that revelation
shocked him.

Question 10.
Why did he narrate Kalua’s story again?
Abbu Khan wanted to stop Chandni from leaving him so he retold the consequence of
Kalua’s dare through his story.

Question 11.
How did Chandni manage to run away finally?
Chandni was put in a small hut but she jumped out of a window.

Question 12.
What was her feeling after seeing old hills?
Chandni felt like a child meeting her parents after years of separation, when she saw
old hills.

Question 13.
Why did she call that day as ‘the happiest day’ of her life?
She called it to be her happiest day because she was free from confined place and
could feel fresh breeze.

Question 14.
Why did the ‘grunt’ sound scare her?
She was scared when she heard the grunt sound as it was a sign of wolf nearby.

Question 15.
Why did not she run away to Abbu Khan’s hut?
She was very scared of seeing wolf but she choose death in an open field better than
life in a small hut.
Question 16.
Who was strong between the wolf and Chandni?
The wolf was big and ferocious whereas the goat was small.

Question 17.
How long did the fight go on?
The fight went on from dusk to dawn.

Question 18.
Why was the wise old bird claimed differently?
The wise old bird claimed that Chandni was the winner because she fought bravely.

Question 19.
Why did Abbu Khan’s goats want to run away? What happened to them in the hills?
Abbu Khan’s goats wanted to run away because goats in hilly regions hate being tied to
trees or poles. They love their freedom and his goats were of the best hill breed. In the
hills, they get killed by an old wolf who lived in the hills.

Question 20.
Abbu Khan said, “No more goats in my house ever again.” Then he changed his mind.
Abbu Khan changed his mind because he was terribly lonely and simply could. f live
without his pets. He needed company.

Question 21.
Why did he buy a young goat?
Abbu Khan bought a young goat thinking that it would stay with him much longer.

Question 22.
Why did Chandni hate the rope round her neck?
Chandni hated the rope around her neck as it would not let her go any further. She
wanted to run across the green fields towards the hills. However, the rope around her
neck stopped her from doing so. It restricted her freedom.
Question 23.
“Now Abbu Khan understood Chandni’s problem”. What was Chandni’s problem?
Chandni’s problem was that she was a mountain goat and loved her freedom. She
wanted to go to the hills and hated to live with the rope around her neck.

Question 24.
Abbu Khan pushed Chandni into a small hut. This shows that he
(i) was cruel
(ii) loved her and wanted to save her life
(iii) was selfish
This shows that he loved her and wanted to save her life.

Question 25.
Why did Chandni refuse to join the group of wild goats?
Chandni refused to join the group of wild goats because she wanted to enjoy her new
freedom all by herself.

Question 26.
Chandni fought the wolf because she
(i) was stronger than the wolf.
(ii) hated the wolf.
(iii) had to retain her freedom at all costs.
Chandni fought the wolf because she had to retain her freedom at all costs.
Long Answer Type
Question 1.
Chandni is epitome of freedom. Discuss whether Chandni was confident or foolish.
Chandni was a beautiful young goat of Abbu Khan. He brought up her with fatherly care.
He told her stories for goats who dared to run away and were killed by the wolf. He
brought her food and gave her every comfort. Yet her longing for freedom did not die.
Abbu Khan tried to stop her. But she did not give up. Chandni was brave and confident.
She enjoyed her freedom and did not join any herd on the way. In the evening she
faced death bravely. She could have run away to Abbu Khan’s house but she stay
stayed back and gave a tough fight. She tom the spirit of the wolf. To conclude, we can
say that her freedom was important to her.

Question 2.
Why do the elders try to govern the lives of their young one?
Because they are protective and care for them. They provide security and look after
them. They could foresee the danger as they have enough experience. But sometimes,
too much of care hampers the freedom and inhibits the individuality of their own people.
The knowledge curbs the natural growth of personality. Rather than being dominating
they must be understanding giving space for their young ones to bloom. If Chandni was
allowed to roam around; she would have stayed at Abbu Khan’s house.

Question 3.
Why did the wise old bird say, “Chandni is the winner”?
The wise old bird said that Chandni is the winner because even being weak and small in
front of the wolf, she didn’t give up. She gathered all her courage and had a brave fight.
She didn’t leave the battlefield like a coward and fought for her freedom. She said to
herself that death in an open field is far better than life in a small hut. She stood firm on
her legs, head slightly bent and horns jutting out. She was a picture of courage. She
looked like a brave soldier ready to fight a treacherous enemy. She died brave in the
morning completely soaked in blood.

Question 4.
How did Chandni feel on reaching the hills?
Chandni was hell-bent on going to the hills. She did not care the least for Abbu Khan’s
loving words and warnings. Abbu Khan shut her in a small hat. However, she managed
to make her passage through the window. She reached the hills. She thought that the
hills were welcoming her. She felt that the tall grass longed to embrace her. The
blooming flowers amused her. The wind also appeared pleasant to her. She considered
herself lucky for seeking freedom from Abbu Khan’s prison house. She played joyfully
for hours on the grassy slopes of the hills.
Question 5.
What misfortune came to Chandni after sunset?
The sun disappeared behind the hills. Darkness prevailed everywhere on grass, flowers
and trees. There was no wind. She heard a grunting sound of a dangerous wolf. She
got scared and she thought of Abbu Khan but was not willing to return to him for safety.
She considered death in open field far better than life in a small hut. The wolf came out
of the bushes. He was sure that he would be able to eat the goat. The goat was also
sure that she would be soon tom to pieces. But she did not lose courage. She stood
firmly on her legs to face the wolf boldly. She got ready to put up a good fight. However,
she was killed by the wolf.

Question 6.
“Death in an open field is better than life in a small hut, “Chandni said to herself’. Was it
the right decision? Give reasons for your answer.
It was the right decision. Freedom involves taking a lot of risks. It requires one to be
brave and to be ready to face any difficulty, any circumstances. On detecting the wolf,
Chandni could have gone back to Abbu Khan. However, for her freedom was more
valuable than life. She decided to fight the wolf to retain her freedom, telling herself that
success or failure was a matter of chance, and that one must put up a good fight. She
fought with all her strength and even though she did not win the fight, she was the true
winner. If she had remained with Abbu Khan she would have always been tied up.
There, she might have lived longer, but would have ultimately died in bondage.

Question 7.
Freedom is life. Discuss this with references to ‘Chandni’ and ‘I want something in a
Freedom is life. Living in bondage is as good as being dead. Everyone craves for
his/her freedom, humans, birds and animals. The value of freedom is the theme of the
stories ‘I want something in a Cage’ and Chandni’. In the former, the man, who had
been a prisoner for ten years, freed the doves because he could identify with the birds
in the cage and their desire to fly. In the latter, the goats left Abbu Khan one by one
because their desire to roam freely in the hills was stronger than their fear of the wolf
that lived in those hills.

Chandni’s decision to fight the wolf instead of going back to the safety of Abbu Khan’s
compound showed that she considered freedom to be invaluable. For her death in an
open field was far better than life in a small hut. This story shows that freedom requires
one to be brave, and to be ready to face any difficulty, any circumstance. Even if the
free life is short lived, it is better than a long life in capacity.

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