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imple Past Tense Cloze Directions: Complete the story with the corrects simple past tense form

of the verb in parentheses.

This is a picture of Amara. She’s from India. Yesterday, she (1)______________ (go) to the
beach to sell some snacks to the people there. She (2)______________ (wake up) early to bake
the food. She (3)______________ (go, negative) to the market to buy the ingredients to cook.
She (4)______________ (send) her son to go buy the food. When he (5)______________
(come) back, they (6)______________ (cook) together. Then Amara (7)______________ (pack)
all of the food into a bowl and (8)______________ (leave). When she (9)______________
(arrive) at the beach, she (10)______________(see, negative) anyone. But soon, people
(11)______________ (start) to arrive. She (12)______________(sell) lots of food and
(13)______________ (make) lots of money. Then she (14)______________ (return) home. It
(15)______________ (be) a good day
This is a picture of Arash and Nidia on their wedding day. They (1) ______________ (get)
married two weeks ago in their hometown. Their wedding (2) ______________(be) big, and it
(3) ______________ (last) for three days. Everyone (4) ______________ (celebrate) a lot. They
(5) ______________ (eat) lots of food and (6) ______________ (drink) lots of beverages. They
(7) ______________ (rest, negative) much because there (8)_____________ (be) so much to
do. During the marriage ceremony, Nidia (9)______________ (wear) a beautiful red dress with
lots of beads and embroidery. Arash (10) ______________ (wear, negative) a dress. He (11)
______________ (wear) a matching red outfit. Together Arash and Nidia (12) ______________
(look) so beautiful. They (13)______________ (be) so happy. It (14) ______________ (be) a
beautiful day.

Last year my friend, Evan, and I__________________(take) a trip to France. I never

_______________________(travel) to another country before that trip.
We _______________________ (study) French for two months before
we ________________________ (leave). When the day of our flight
finally _____________________ (arrive), we _____________________ (be)
so nervous and excited! The flight ____________ (be) fun because the flight attendants
_____________________ (speak) French,andwe__________________(practice) speaking with
them. Finally we __________________ (arrive) in Paris. It _________________ (be)
so beautiful! We ________________ (ride) on the subway to get from the airport to our
hotel. After that first day, we_________________(ride) the subway every day. I
______________________ (feel) so thrilled to finally be in another country. Evan
___________________ (fall) in love with thecity, and wants to move there permanently. While
we were there,we ________________ (eat) croissants, _________________ (go) to many
museums, ______________________ (see) a lot of monuments, and
_________________ (meet) a lot of interesting people.We______________________(make)so
manynewfriends, and some of them are going to come visit usin New York! My trip to Paris
___________________ (be) so wonderful, I feel like I _____________________ (catch) a lucky star.
I can’t wait to return.

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