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Chapter Four-Shacking up

[The smell of salt and shellfish overwhelms her senses as Niamh takes in the
waterworn wooden panels of the lobster shack.]
Cassian-You’ll be shucking lobsters and crabs. The shack sells the meat to the local
markets and restaurants.
Niamh-You want me to work here?! Eww! I’m not touching live lobsters! They
have beady little eyes…and tentacles!
Cassian-Antennae. They’re crustaceans, not mollusks.
Niamh-Screw the technical term, they’re disgusting!
Cassian-I’ll be catching lobsters and bringing them in, so you can find me on the
docks or one of the boats just beyond the traps.
[Niamh raises an eyebrow at her skeptically.]
Niamh-Don’t you need some kind of license for that?
Cassian-Good thing I’ve got some fishing experience.
[Cassian holds open the door for Niamh, allowing her to brush past her into the
shack. A figure comes into focus as she adjusts to the dim lighting.]
Renata-Come in, dearies! You must be the new employees! Call me Renata.
Cassian-Good to meet ya. We spoke on the phone. I’m Cassian and this is
[Niamh opens her mouth to correct her with a glare before she realizes that she’s
referring to her by her witsec name.]
Niamh-Yep, that’s me. Nice to meet you, Renata.
Renata-Enough formalities. I bet you can’t wait to get started! And I’ve got just the
[Renata leans down, grabbing a giant bucket and hoisting it up onto the counter in
front of them.]
Niamh-Oh, wow…there’s, uh, so many.
Renata-You betcha! Killed ‘em for you myself to ease you in on your first day. But
tomorrow you can work with the live ones!
[A large light on the wall flashes red, and Renata starts toward the door.]
Renata-Jeb’s got himself stuck in the net again! Go ahead and get shucking,
Newbury. Cassian, I’ll be with you soon as I deal with this.
[Cassian gives Renata a salute as she exits the shack, while Niamh groans at the
sight of the large bucket of crabs.]
Niamh-I don’t even know where to start.
Cassian-Do you need me to show you some tricks? Getting the basics down will
make this go a whole lot easier.
Niamh-There’s a technique to this?
Cassian-Several, actually. Here, I can guide you.
[Cassian moves closer, holding out her arms to cover hers and fits her back
against her sculpted figure. Before reaching Niamh, she pauses as if waiting for
permission. Niamh imagines how it’d feel to have her wrapped around her,
muscles flexing…]
Niamh-I’m perfectly capable of handling this myself.
Cassian-Of course. I’ll leave you to it then.
[As Cassian heads out to the docks, Niamh lifts one of the crabs up by its claws.]
Niamh-Ugh. This is so not how I pictured spending a summer on Nantucket.
[She attempts to break through the hard shell with her bare hands, earning more
scrapes and bruises than crab meat. The day stretches out before her like a dark,
laborious shadow punctuated by sickening crunching noises and the squishing of
slimy guts.]
[After a long day, Niamh exits the lobster shack, wiping sweat from her
Renata-Hey, Newbury! Before you leave, I wanted to give you this to thank you.
Consider it a first day gift. I don’t think we’ve ever gotten so much done at once!
We’re lucky to have you.
[With both hands, Niamh takes the mini cooler she’s holding out to her.]
Niamh-Thanks, Renata. I’ll see you tomorrow.
[As Renata walks away, Cassian appears at Niamh’s side.]
Cassian-You went from having no idea what you were doing to beating records.
I’m impressed.
Niamh-Yes, I did. You thought I’d give up? I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I
got that promotion back in Boston by putting in more than my fair share of hours.
Cassian-That wasn’t what I was implying. I’ve got loads of respect for you, Niamh.
[Cassian holds her gaze, forcing her to see the earnestness in her eyes. Niamh
looks away before she can say anything else. As she starts in the direction of the
dirt road, Cassian signals for her to follow her down the docks into town instead.]
Cassian-Come on, I’ve got an idea.
[A few minutes later, they’re standing in front of a tiny shop with a wooden sign,
hand painted flower boxes, and dozens of bikes posed on the front lawn.]
Niamh-No offense, but a bike would be an even worse getaway car substitute
than the scooter.
[Cassian lets out a hearty laugh as she opens the gate for Niamh.]
Cassian-We’re still keeping the Vespa for emergencies. I thought a bike would be
a better fit for you than walking. They offer more independence.
Niamh-That’s something I’m in short supply of these days.
[Niamh moves further into the yard amongst the bikes, then jumps backward as
her hand brushes grit.]
Niamh-On second thought, I’m not sure I want a bike.
[The sound of wheels alerts her to Cassian’s presence behind her.]
Cassian-Some of the used ones have seen better days. But I think I found one
that’ll suit you better.
[Her smile widens as she guides a shiny, blue cruiser in front of Niamh.]
Niamh-The basket’s a nice touch. And as a bonus, I wouldn’t get tetanus.
Cassian-A definite perk. This one’s a little more expensive, but if you like it,
completely worth the difference.
Niamh-I’m not much of a biker, and no amount of shiny new paint will change
that. Just buy the ugly one.
Cassian-If you insist. I’ll go get it rung up along with one for myself.
[Before she can help herself, Niamh glances at the pretty blue cruiser one more
time, sighing as she takes in the crisp white detailing and freshly polished metal.]
[Back at the house, Niamh plops the cooler from the lobster shack down on the
kitchen counter.]
Niamh-Let’s take a look at what’s in here.
[Prying open the lid, she looks down to find…a live lobster!]
Niamh-Oh my god, it’s still moving!
[Cassian leans around her to look inside the cooler.]
Cassian-The fresher it is, the better it tastes.
Niamh-No way I’m touching that.
Cassian-Okay, I’ll boil it. But you should get used to this. You’ll probably start
working with these tomorrow.
Niamh-Don’t remind me. I’d much rather measure out the rest of the recipe.
[She pulls a large index card with handwritten instructions out of the side of the
Niamh-Ooh, the recipe calls for six lobsters, which means I get to work with
fractions. Finally, something I actually enjoy doing.
Cassian-Only true mutants get this excited about math.
Niamh-It’s pure logic! Are you one of those people who can’t add? Do
percentages and decimals frighten you?
Cassian-Maybe a little. But that’s perfectly normal. Common, even
Niamh-Numbers are straightforward. Predictable and unchanging. There’s nothing
less terrifying.
Cassian-My brain looks like a crime scene when I try to sort out anything with a
[Niamh pulls some onions, potatoes, and garlic out of the fridge, then finds a
cutting board.]
Niamh-Ah, but the great thing about math is that there is nothing a little more
practice can’t fix. Once you learn, you never forget.
Cassian-I’m sure that big, beautiful brain of yours doesn’t, but mine certainly does.
With utter abandon.
[For the next few minutes, they work in a comfortable silence, with Cassian
preparing the lobster and Niamh chopping the onion. The strength of the onion
quickly overpowers her, causing tears to pool and gush down her cheeks.]
Cassian-Niamh, what happened? Did you cut yourself?
Niamh-No, I’m fine. These onions are just getting to me. I, uh, don’t cook very
often, so this is rather new to me.
[Stepping away from the boiling pot of water and rising steam, Cassian positions
herself beside her over the counter.]
Cassian-After years of tears shed cutting onions, I’ve learned a couple tricks that
really help…if you’re interested.
Niamh-Please…Show me them. I learn better hands on. Nothing beats
experience…and being able to touch something.
[Cassian slides her hands over hers, positioning her fingers carefully along the
Cassian-Start by gripping the knife like this. Then flip the onion over, so the inside
is pointed down, away from your face.
Niamh-I guess I was taking the full force the other way.
Cassian-Shows how strong you are. If that had been me, I’d be weeping like a
[Guiding her, Cassian shows Niamh how to cut along the lines, easing the knife
smoothly and effortlessly. After a few cuts, she steps back, removing her arms
from around her. Niamh hears a strange sound and whips her head around to
look at Cassian.]
Niamh-You’re crying from the onions!
[Turning her body slightly, Cassian attempts to avoid her gaze.]
Cassian-No, I’m not!
[Laughing, Niamh tries to pull her arms down so they can’t block her head.]
Niamh-Yes, you are! Let me see your face, Onion Expert!
[Standing on her tiptoes, Niamh backs her against the counter, forcing Cassian to
meet her eyes. Up close, the watery sheen makes her eyes an even brighter green
than she thought possible. She suddenly realizes that Cassian’s face is only inches
from hers.]
[Reaching up, Niamh frames her cheeks with her hands, desperate to capture her
before she can tear herself away. Her lips tingle, begging to touch her.]
Niamh-Kiss me.
Cassian-I…we shouldn’t
Niamh-Cassian…This is really hard.
[She rocks back on her heels, creating space between her and Cassian.]
Niamh-Being around you all the time…but unable to touch you…
Cassian-I know. It’s killing me too.
[A loud hiss erupts from the large pot on the stove as water boils out of the top!]
Niamh-The lobster!
[Steam floods the kitchen as she lunges for the lid, grabbing the handle with her
bare hand!]
[Reaching around her, Cassian lowers the temperature, using her body as a
barrier to block Niamh from the heat.]
Cassian-Are you all right?
[Cradling her hand, Niamh examines the throbbing, bright red mark across her
palm. Cassian reaches for her, a questioning look in her eyes.]
Niamh-It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.
[She tugs her arm to her chest, away from Cassian. Cassian’s eyebrows draw
together in confusion as she fights not to grimace at the pain.]
Cassian-We should make sure the damage isn’t—
Niamh-I know what a serious burn is. This isn’t one.
[She sets her jaw stubbornly, and Cassian does the same.]
Cassian-That’s good. I’m glad you’re okay.
[The steam in the kitchen settles onto Niamh’s skin, dribbling beads of moisture
down her neck and along the vee of her collarbone.]
Niamh-Is it just me or did it get really hot in here?
[As she fans herself, Cassian follows the movement, watching as one of the water
beads drips down her chest between her breasts.]
[The fabric of Niamh’s dress clings to her there, emphasizing her curves even
more. Slowly, she reaches down, slipping her fingertips into her top between her
[Cassian’s breath quickens as Niamh slides her hand up and down, soaking up the
moisture. Before she realizes what’s happening, Cassian has backed her up
against the counter, leaning over her with hunger in her eyes. Her voice is gruff
and thick with desire.]
Cassian-I can’t resist you anymore, Niamh. I need you. All of you. Right now. No
more waiting.

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