Experimental Investigation On The Mechanical Properties of Green Hybrid Sisal and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

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Journal of Natural Fibers

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Experimental Investigation on the Mechanical

Properties of Green Hybrid Sisal and Glass Fiber
Reinforced Polymer Composites

K. Palanikumar, M. Ramesh & K. Hemachandra Reddy

To cite this article: K. Palanikumar, M. Ramesh & K. Hemachandra Reddy (2016)

Experimental Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Green Hybrid Sisal and Glass
Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, Journal of Natural Fibers, 13:3, 321-331, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2015.1029192

Published online: 01 Jun 2016.

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2016, VOL. 13, NO. 3, 321–331

Experimental Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Green

Hybrid Sisal and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
K. Palanikumar , M. Rameshb, and K. Hemachandra Reddyc
Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology, Dharkast, Chennai, India; bMechanical Engineering, Sri
Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai, India; cMechanical Engineering, JNTU, Anantapur, Ananthapuramu, India

Composites made from renewable sources have become important alternative Green composites;
materials for designing and manufacturing engineering and industrial pro- hybridization; mechanical
properties; natural fibers;
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 11:29 03 June 2016

ducts. Natural fiber composites have become superior materials compared to

scanning electron
conventional fiber composites, due to their easy manufacturing process, high-
microscopy (SEM)
fiber content, reduction in the polluting base content, lightweight, and incin-
eration. Environmental cleanliness is an increasing concern to look for sustain- 关键词
able alternative materials that can replace conventional materials that are 绿色复合材料;杂化;力
being used now. Natural fibers constitute a good alternative reinforcement 学性能;天然纤维;扫描
material, since they are readily available in fibrous form, and can be extracted 电子显微镜(SEM)
at very low costs. In the present study, environment friendly green composites
have been prepared and the mechanical properties of these composites are
evaluated. The results indicated a significant improvement in the tensile,
flexural, and impact properties of the hybrid composites, and the effect of
hybridization reduces the environmental effects. The internal structure of the
broken surface, delamination of fibers, and the failure morphology are ana-
lyzed using the scanning electron microscopy analysis.


Natural fibers originated from plants, have been used for thousands of years; they are naturally
available resources, popular among consumers who are highly health conscious, and these fibers are
considered as valuable raw materials for many applications and have also found use in gardening, pulp
and paper, and cosmetic and food industries (Jakubowska, Bogacz, and Zimniewska 2012). The usage
of natural fiber–based composite materials is growing in the last years due to their specific properties,
clearly positive environmental impact, economical production and processing, and their safe handling
and working conditions (Biagiotti, Puglia, and Kenny 2004; Jakubowska, Bogacz, and Zimniewska
2012). Composites made from natural fibers are renewable, biodegradable, and have high content of

CONTACT K. Palanikumar palanikumar_k@yahoo.com Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sai Ram Institute of
Technology, Sai Leo Nagar, Dharkast, Chennai 600 044, Tamilnadu, India.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/wjnf.
© 2016 Taylor & Francis

fiber that offers remarkable potential for applications in both industrial, construction materials
manufacturing (Meddahi, Tahar, and Bibi 2008; Jakubowska, Bogacz, and Zimniewska 2012; Omar
Faruk et al. 2012). The sisal fiber could compete with glass fiber in certain applications (Meddahi,
Tahar, and Bibi 2008). The strength of pure natural fiber composites is lower than that of the
conventional fiber composites; but the hybridization of natural fiber with glass fiber improves its
strength significantly (Jarukumjorn and Suppakarn 2009). Natural fiber composites will find more
application in the near future, and the interfacial adhesion between the fibers and the matrix will
remain the key issue in terms of overall the performance, since it dictates the final properties of the
composites (Faruk et al. 2012).
The tensile strengths of uncoated sisal fiber and sisal fibers coated with low-density polyethylene,
polystyrene, polyvinyl alcohol, polypropylene (PP), polyester, and araldite epoxy were evaluated, and the
results were compared by Chand and Joshi (2010). From the results, the uncoated sisal fiber composites
are seen to perform better than the other coated composites. The thermal conductivity of nonwoven sisal
fibers was evaluated by using a heat flow meter following the procedures described according to ABNT/
NBR 12.984(2000) and thickness of around 10 mm with mean temperature of 30ºC and found that it is a
Downloaded by [University of Cambridge] at 11:29 03 June 2016

good insulating material. The thermogravimetric analysis was carried out over a temperature range of
30–600°C and found that the maximum temperature limit for natural fibers was 200°C and for sodium
hydroxide treated fibers 220°C (Neira and Marinho 2009). Advantages of natural fibers over the
conventional fibers are low cost of raw materials; the automobile industry began to apply natural fiber
composites in a variety of exterior and interior panel applications. The major problems in handling and
processing of natural fibers were high tool wear, moisture absorption, respiratory irritation, and other
health problems during processing, but they are used as an alternative reinforcing material for synthetic
fibers due to the increasing global energy crisis and environmental risks (Cheung et al. 2009; Ramesh
et al. 2013b). The other problems associated with the production of natural fiber composites were
compatibility with synthetic polymers, lack of dimensional stability, and problems with process ability
(Puglia, Biagiotti, and Kenny 2005; Palani Kumar and Sekaran 2014).
The chemical affinity between the natural fibers and polymeric matrices plays a vital role in the
performance of the composite materials, and to improve the adhesiveness, silica micro particles are
added to the polymer matrices (Silva et al. 2012b). The effects of the silica micro particles on the
mechanical properties of these composites were evaluated, and significant effects on the tensile and
flexural strength were found. The experiment has been carried out to investigate the mechanical and
physical properties of banana fibers reinforced epoxy composites, incorporated with silica micro
particles, by Silva et al. (2013). From the outcome of the experiment, it was found that the volume
fraction of the fiber and addition of silica micro particles affected the porosity, tensile strength,
modulus of elasticity, and flexural modulus of the composites.
Increasing environmental awareness and issues, related with greenhouse gases have resulted in
new biodegradable natural fiber–based materials as replacements in polymer matrix composites,
instead of nondegradable petroleum based products (Thakur, Singha, and Thakur 2012). The
tensile strength and modulus of a short, randomly oriented hybrid-natural fiber composite, were
found experimentally, and the results are compared by using the Rule of Hybrid Mixture (RoHM)
(Venkateshwaran et al. 2011; Venkateswaran, Elayaperumal, and Sathya 2013). The result indi-
cated that, the experimental values are slightly lower than the values calculated, by using the
RoHM equation. The sisal and glass fiber layers are impregnated with epoxy resin by applying heat
and pressure, and the composites were prepared. The mechanical properties of these hybrid
composites revealed that the sisal fiber could replace 84.5% of the glass fiber in the reinforcing
material with an equivalent range of tensile modulus (Hashmi et al. 2011). Sisal fiber and wood
flour reinforced composites were prepared by using bisphenolic and isophthalic thermosets, and
the mechanical and water absorption properties of these composites have been evaluated
(Marcovich et al. 2009). The results indicated improved interfacial adhesion, modulus, and
maximum stress for the composites.

During the last decade, strong epoxy glue has been prepared, which has great potential in the field
of upgrading structures. Basically, the technique involves gluing steel plates or fiber reinforced
polymer plates on to the surface of the concrete; then these plates act compositely with the concrete
and carry loads (Pisanova and Mäder 2000). Sisal and oil palm fibers are incorporated into a natural
rubber matrix, and the influence of the fiber ratio of these composites is analyzed (John, Varughese,
and Thomas 2008). A positive effect is observed for the tensile properties, and the longitudinally
oriented composite samples showed better tensile properties than the transversely oriented ones. The
sisal and banana fibers based structural bio-composites, with the addition of silica micro particles
and maleic anhydride were developed, and the experimental results are generated through a DoE
approach by Silva et al. (2012a). From the experiment, they observed that, the banana fibers
exhibited higher stiffness than the sisal fibers; moreover, the sisal fibers showed higher tensile
strength than the banana fibers. They further identified that, the mechanical behavior under tensile
loading for both the natural fibers is similar, and the addition of maleic anhydride increases the
tensile strength and tenacity of the polymer.
The tensile and flexural properties of tri-layered oil palm empty fruit bunches/woven jute fiber
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reinforced epoxy composites have been evaluated, and compared with pure empty fruit bunches
fiber composites (Jawaid, Khalil, and Bakar 2011). They have fabricated sandwich composites by the
hand lay-up technique, and cured them at a temperature of 105°C for 1 h. The results indicated that
the tensile and flexural properties of pure empty fruit bunches composites improved by hybridiza-
tion with the woven jute fiber, and they also found that the tensile and flexural properties of the
hybrid composites are higher than those of the empty fruit bunches composite, but lesser than those
of the woven jute fiber composites.
The latest development in the use of composites is to protect man against fire, other impacts and
a tendency to have a more environmental friendly design, leading to the introduction of natural
fibers in composite technology. These include the process of extraction of fibers from the plants and
then the extracted fibers could be added alone with resin, or make the composites hybrid by
substituting industrial fibers. The treated palmyra leaf stalk fibers and jute fibers were used as
reinforcement in polyester matrix composites and the mechanical properties of these composites
were evaluated (Shanmugam and Thiruchitrambalam 2013). The fibers were aligned unidirectionally
in a bilayer arrangement, and the composites were fabricated by using the compression molding
process. It has been observed that, there is an increase in the tensile and flexural strengths of the jute
fiber composites, as compared to the treated palm leaf stalk fiber composites. Overall, the hybridiza-
tion is found to be efficient, showing increased static and dynamic mechanical properties.
Hybrid composites based on the borassus fruit fine fiber and PP were fabricated with different
fiber compositions of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% by weight, using the injection molding process
(Sudhakara et al. 2013). The mechanical properties were found to increase with 15% and 10% by
weight fiber loadings, and to decrease thereafter. Coir, jute, and sisal fiber composites were also
fabricated with 15% weight fiber loading under the same conditions, and the mechanical properties
were evaluated. The mechanical properties of the borassus fruit fiber/PP composites were equivalent
to those of jute/PP, sisal/PP, and superior to coir/PP composites. Jute/PP and sisal/PP composites
indicated higher water absorption than the borassus fruit fiber/PP and coir/PP composites. By
changing the direction of the fiber in the resin, the material properties can be modified to the
external loads. For instance, natural fiber composites combine a high stiffness and strength with a
low weight and their corrosion resistance is often excellent. Natural fibers with glass fiber reinforced
composites were finding increased applications in many fields and there is a significant improvement
in their mechanical properties (Ramesh et al. 2013b).
The experiment is carried out to investigate the impact behaviour of glass fiber reinforced polyester
composites (Badawy 2012). He has used a notched impact test specimen in the fiber directions of 0°, 45°,
and 90° and the fiber volume fraction of 16%, 23.2%, and 34.9%. The specimens were tested after
exposure to 1–3 h at the temperatures of −10, 20, 50, and 80°C, and it was found that the effect of
exposure temperature and fiber volume fraction on the impact strength depends on the parameter

controlling the mode of failure. The comparative evaluation of the properties of hybrid sisal/jute and
glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites was carried out by Ramesh et al. (2013a). The results indicated
that the sisal/glass fibers reinforced composites exhibited superior properties than the jute/glass fibers
reinforced composites. The specifically designed material and process parameters were used to improve
the impact strength of natural fiber reinforced composites and the peak impact strength is found at the
processing temperatures of around 220 and 240°C (Mueller and Krobjilowski 2004).
In the present experimental investigation, sisal and glass fiber reinforced eco-friendly green compo-
sites are fabricated by the hand lay-up process and two types of specimens are prepared along the
longitudinal direction of the fiber and transverse direction of the fiber orientation. The mechanical
properties such as tensile, flexural, and impact strengths are evaluated. The results indicated that the
incorporation of sisal fibers with glass fiber improves the strengths significantly, and the process of
fabricating composites reduces the issues related to environmental concerns. It is suggested that these
environment friendly hybrid sisal-glass fiber green composites be used as alternative materials.
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In the present investigation, sisal and glass fibers are used for the preparation of the hybrid composite
specimen. The sisal fiber thickness in terms of diameter is 160–230 µm and is supplied by Khadi Craft
Corporation of Tamil Nadu, India. The area weight of the unidirectionally woven glass fiber mat is 300
gsm, commercial grade epoxy resin Type: LY556, manufactured by Dycon Chemicals is used for the
fabrication. The glass fiber mat, catalyst Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide and accelerator Cobalt
Napthanate were purchased from M/s. Sakthi fiber glass, Chennai, India. The physical properties of
the materials used for the fabrication are presented in Table 1. (Silva et al. 2012a; Wang et al. 2013).

Composite specimen preparation

The composite specimens are prepared by the hand lay-up technique. It is one of the simplest and most
convenient methods for the processing of composites. Five different samples are prepared with different
sisal fiber contents of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% by weight. The amounts of 1% catalyst and 1.5%
accelerator are added with resin for quick setting, and immediate mixing, and this also reduces the heat
generation due to the exothermic reaction. The fibers in the form of woven mat are dried in the hot air at
80ºC for 24 h to remove the moisture. The bottom of the mould is coated with releasing agent for easy
removal of the specimen, and the first layer of the specimen (first layer of fiber) is placed over the coated
surface, after the releasing agent gets dried. All the composites were prepared from 10 fiber layers,
varying the relationship between the numbers of layers of sisal/number of layers from glass fibers. During
the fabrication process, the resin used is measured in equal volume and kept in a container before the
processing of the composite samples. After filling each layer of the specimen by using sisal or glass fiber,
the resin is dried and then the samples are subsequently compressed in the press, for removing the excess
air present in between the layers to get perfect samples. During the pressing process, there is no resin run
off takes place. The edges of the composite plates are neatly shaped by using the woodruff file, the size of

Table 1. Physical properties of the materials.

Physical properties Glass fiber Sisal fiber Epoxy resin
Density (g/cm3) 2.58 1.41 1.16
Tensile strength (MPa) 2200 887 39.99
Stiffness (kN/mm) 72 35 10–25
Modulus of elasticity (GPa) 29 16.4 0.83
Apparent porosity (%) – 76.21 0.30
Tensile modulus (GPa) 70 18 0.7–1.3
Water absorption – 11 0.26

the plate is 30 × 30 cm and the thickness is restricted to 4 ± .02 mm. In the present study, the sisal and
glass fiber reinforced hybrid composites are prepared at a temperature of 30ºC, and at an average relative
humidity of 65%. The volume fractions of the composites were calculated through the weight percentage
and related density using the rule of mixture.

Mechanical strength testing

The properties of the fiber and matrix, fiber orientation, and fiber content have more influence on the
mechanical properties, and are taken as the major factors in this experiment. The composite samples are
prepared for the tensile test, according to the ASTM D638 standard, and for the flexural test the standard
ASTM D790 is used. The impact test specimen is prepared as per the ASTM D6110 standard. The tests
are conducted on several samples in each case, and the average values are used. Tensile tests are carried
out by using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) Make FIE (Model: UTN 40, S. No. 11/98–2450) and
the dimensions are followed according to the ASTM standards, as specified earlier. During the applica-
tion of the load, the elongation of the gauge section is recorded. The three point static flexural test is
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carried out for finding the flexural strength by using the same UTM. The deflection of the specimen is
measured, by using the crosshead position, by applying force until it fractures. The impact test samples
are prepared to the required dimension and the tests are carried out using a Charpy impact-testing
machine (Model: KI-300, S. No. 2013/1006, Make: Krystal Industries). During the testing process, the
specimen is loaded in the testing machine, and the pendulum is made to strike the samples with a heavy
impact load. The energy needed to break the material can be measured.

Results and discussions

In the present investigation, sisal and glass fibers are used as the reinforcing materials. Different fiber
weight percentages are used to study their influence on the mechanical properties. The experimental
values recorded for the tensile, flexural, and impact loading in the longitudinal and transverse
directions for the sisal fiber reinforced glass fiber hybrid composite is presented in Table 2.

Tensile strength analysis

From the analysis of the experimental results, it has been noted that the tensile strength along the
direction of the fiber is higher than the values observed in the transverse direction of the fiber. The
reason being, the fiber-matrix interface is stronger in the fiber direction than the transverse direction.
The tensile strength comparison of the samples tested with two different fiber directions is presented in
Figure 1. From the figure, it has been observed that the tensile strength in the longitudinal fiber
direction is slightly more than that of the transverse fiber composite samples because the fiber mats are
not exactly unidirectional and that is why the properties measured in both directions differ only
marginally. This may be due to the variation in the fabrication process, the compatibility with synthetic
polymers, lack of dimensional stability and or the problems with process ability, etc. (Puglia, Biagiotti,
and Kenny 2005). The result also indicated that the increase of sisal fiber in the hybrid composite
reduced the tensile strength. Reasonably good tensile strength is observed for the 80% glass fiber and

Table 2. Experimental values of the different composite samples.

Fiber content (%) Tensile strength (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Impact strength (Joules)
Sample no. Glass fiber Sisal fiber Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse
1 100 0 181.84 179.29 288.80 272.52 18.1 15.1
2 90 10 168.82 173.96 269.32 258.58 17.2 16.9
3 80 20 171.25 185.25 212.32 232.65 18.4 15.7
4 70 30 158.69 135.23 234.12 217.38 15.1 12.4
5 60 40 142.32 138.28 208.45 205.15 13.2 11.7
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Figure 1. Tensile strength comparisons of different composite samples.

20% sisal fiber. Glass fibers carry more loads when compared to the sisal fibers. Even though the glass
fibers perform well, sisal fibers can be used as a reinforcing material due to the environmental aspects.

Flexural strength analysis

The flexural strength comparison for the different composites with respect to the directional orientations is
presented in Figure 2. The result indicated that sisal fiber reinforced glass fiber hybrid composites perform
better along the longitudinal direction than in the transverse direction. From the figure, it is clearly asserted
that there is the gradual decrease in the strength when increasing the percentage of the sisal fiber. As
discussed earlier, the flexural strength observed is better at 0% sisal fiber combination with glass fibers, i.e.,

Figure 2. Flexural strength comparisons of different composite samples.


Figure 3. Sample stress strain curve generated directly from the machine due to flexural loading.
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glass fibers perform better than the sisal fibers. According to the requirement, if the flexural strength is less,
sisal fibers available in nature can be considered as the reinforcing fibers. Figure 3 shows the sample stress
strain curve generated from the machine during flexural loading for the sample containing 80% glass fiber
and 20% sisal fiber. From the figure, it is clearly seen that the stress increases upto 3.8 N/mm2 for the strain
of 0.16, and after that it starts to decrease due to the breaking of the sample.

Impact strength analysis

The Charpy impact test is carried out for the determination of the impact energy absorbed by the
composites samples. The impact strength comparison of the different composite samples is pre-
sented in Figure 4. From the figure, it has been observed that the incorporation of sisal fiber with
glass fiber absorbs high impact energy. The energy absorption capabilities of the longitudinal fiber
oriented samples are better than those of the transverse fiber oriented composite samples. The results

Figure 4. Impact strength comparisons of different composite samples.


also indicated that the increase of sisal fiber percentage decreases the impact energy for the
transverse samples, whereas a varying trend is observed for the longitudinal fibers.

Scanning electron microscopy analysis

The specimen subjected to the mechanical test is analyzed, by using scanning electron microscope
(SEM), model: JEOL JSM-6480LV. The SEM images observed for the samples containing 80% glass
fiber and 20% sisal fiber, subjected to the tensile loading in the longitudinal direction for the sample
and transverse direction of the fiber, are presented in Figure 5(a) and (b). In the longitudinal direction,
fiber breakage occurs. The figures indicate protruding fibers and voids in the matrix materials. The
specimens are manufactured through the hand lay-up process. Even though uniform distribution of
the matrix materials is achieved by applying pressure through rollers, insufficient distribution of the
fiber and matrix materials is achieved. Figure 5(b) shows the transverse directional orientation of the
fiber, in which the layer of the matrix and fibers are broken and the fibers are formed like an irregular
structure. The figures clearly indicate the deformed fibers and their structure.
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The SEM images of the composites containing 70% glass fiber and 30% sisal fiber that underwent
flexural loading in both the longitudinal and transverse directions of the fibers are given in Figure 6(a)

Figure 5. SEM images of the composite samples subjected to tensile loading (a) longitudinal direction and (b) transverse direction.

Figure 6. SEM images of the composite samples subjected to flexural loading (a) longitudinal direction and (b) transverse

Figure 7. SEM images of the composite samples subjected to impact loading (a) longitudinal direction and (b) transverse direction.
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and (b). Figure 6(a) shows the directional orientation of the fibers and fiber pullout due to flexural
loading. Since the specimen is compressed, the fracture takes place after it reaches the yield point, the
breakage is not like in the tensile specimen. The fractured surfaces of the fiber, fiber dispersion into the
matrix and the layer arrangement are visible in Figure 6(b). In comparing Figure 6(a) and (b), the damage
is more in the case of fibers having a transverse orientation. The figures also indicate the matrix failure
and fiber debonding due to the compressive loading on the specimen.
Figure 7(a) and (b) show the SEM images of the specimen containing 80% glass fiber and 20%
sisal fiber subjected to impact loading. The images show that there is a fiber breakage and matrix
debonding, and voids are formed inside the surface of the specimen. This is due to the load applied
on the specimen and its fiber orientation. From the analysis of the SEM images, it has been clearly
seen that there is a fiber dislocation, fiber pullout along the longitudinal direction of the fibers, and
breakage of fibers in the transverse direction of the fibers.

In the present investigation, sisal and glass fiber reinforced hybrid composite samples are fabricated
by using the hand lay-up technique, and the specimens are prepared with fibers in the longitudinal
and transverse directions. The samples are subjected to tensile, flexural, and impact loading. From
the analysis of the results, the following conclusions are drawn:

(1) According to the direction, the composite samples perform better in the longitudinal
direction than in the transverse direction, and as per the fiber content, 20% sisal fiber
with 80% glass fiber composites perform better for tensile loading, and pure glass fiber
composites perform better for flexural loading.
(2) The maximum tensile strength absorbed by the pure glass fiber reinforced sample is 181.84
MPa, and the maximum flexural strength is 288.80 MPa.
(3) The maximum impact strength is observed for 80% glass fiber and 20% sisal fiber reinforced
hybrid composite sample, and it holds the value of 18.4 J.
(4) From the SEM images, fiber breakage, the directional orientation of the fiber, interfacial
bonding between the fiber and the matrix, fiber pullout, dislocation of the fibers due to
loading, matrix breakage, and dispersion of the fiber into the resin are clearly observed.

● From the results, it is concluded that these sisal and glass fiber reinforced eco-friendly hybrid
composites are used as an alternative material for pure synthetic fiber reinforced composites.

K. Palanikumar http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1883-5105

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