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Pensum i IMA1001 Matematiske metoder 1

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Kap. Navn Sider Kommentar

1 Linear Equations in Linear Algebra 2 - 57
1.1 Systems of linear equations 2-12
1.2 Row reduction and echelon form 12-24
1.3 Vector equations 24-35 Ikke pensum
1.4 The matrix equation Ax=b 35-43
1.5 Solution sets of linear systems 43-50
1.6 Applications of linear systems 50-56

2 Matrix Algebra 58-77

2.1 Matrix operations 58-68
2.2 The inverse of a matrix 68-77

3 Determinants 78-100
3.1 Introduction to determinants 78-83
3.2 Properties of determinants 83-91 Fram til «A Linearity
Property …» s. 87
3.3 Cramer’s rule, volume and linear transformations 91-99 Transformations
s 96-98 ikke pensum

4 Preliminaries 101-116
4.1 Real Numbers and the Real Line 101-109
4.2 Cartesian Coordinates in the Plane 109-115

5 Differentiation 117-187
5.1 Tangent lines and Their Slopes 117-122
5.2 The Derivative 122-130
5.3 Differentiation Rules 130-138
5.4 The Chain Rule 138-143
5.5 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions 143-149
5.6 Higher-Order Derivatives 149-153
5.7 Using Differentials and Derivatives 153-160
5.8 The Mean-Value Theorem 160.167
5.9 Implicit Differentiation 167-172
5.10 Antiderivatives and Initial-Value Problems 172-178
5.11 Velocity and Acceleration 178-184
Chapter Rewiew 185-187
6 Transcendental Function 188-237
6.1 Inverse Functions 188-194
6.2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 194-198
6.3 The Natural Logarithm and Exponential Functions 198-207
6.4 Growth and Decay 207-214
6.5 The Inverse Trigonometric Functions 214-222
6.6 Hyperbolic Functions 222-228 Ikke pensum
6.7 Second-Order Linear DEs with Constant Coefficients 228-235
Chapter Rewiew 235-237

7 More Applications of Differentiation 238-284

7.1 Related Rates 238-244
7.2 Finding Roots of Equations 244-252
7.3 Indeterminate Forms 252-257
7.4 Extreme Values 258-264
7.5 Concavity and Inflections 264-269
7.6 Extreme-Value Problems 269-277
7.7 Linear Approximations 277-283

8 Integration 285-327
8.1 Sums and Sigma Notation 285-290
8.2 Areas as Limits of Sums 290-295
8.3 The Definite Integral 296-301
8.4 Properties of the Definite Integral 301.307
8.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 307-313
8.6 The Method of Substitution 313-321
8.7 Areas of Plane Regions 321-325
Chapter Review 325-327

9 Techniques of Integration 328-354

9.1 Integration by Parts 328-334
9.2 Improper Integrals 335-343
9.3 The Trapezoid and Midpoint Rules 343-350
9.4 Simpson’s Rule 350-354

10 Applications of Integration 355-407

10.1 Volumes by Slicing – Solids of Revolution 355-364
10.2 More Volumes by Slicing 364-368
10.3 Arc Length and Surface Area 368-375 Bare buelengde, dvs.
til «Area of Surfaces
of Revolution» s. 372
10.4 Mass, Moments, and Centre of Mass 375-382
10.5 Centroids 382-387
10.6 Other Physical Applications 387-394
10.7 First-Order Differential Equations 396-404
Chapter Review 404-407
11 Ordinary Differential Equations 408-440
11.1 Classifying Differential Equations 409-412
11.2 Solving First-Order Equations 412-417
11.3 Existence, Uniqueness, and Numerical Methods 417-425 Til og med s. 422
11.4 Differential Equations of Second Order 425-428
11.5 Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients 428-433 Til ”Euler ...” s. 431
11.6 Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations 433-440 Til ”Variation of
Parameters” s 437
Answers to Odd-Numered Exercises 441-462

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