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Cultured Dairy Products Short Course

Dairy Products
ese og Yogurt go
Yogurt Cream Cheese Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Cream Cheese Yogurt
Yogurt Sour C rea m Cottage C h se
Cottage C h se
ee Sour C rea m Yogurt

Purpose of Short Course

The Cultured Dairy Products Short course is a two-day
Registration Fee
The fee of $350.00 covers registration costs, supplies,
Short Course
short course designed to cover the basics of manu- and staff expenses for the workshop. Lodging, lunch
facture of cream cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and sour and parking are not included in the registration fee.
cream. The course incorporates lectures, demonstration
September 11-12, 2007
labs and evaluations directed toward the production
of high quality fermented dairy products. Discussions
will include the latest research results in these product Lodging is not included in the registration fee. Make
areas from the Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research and your lodging reservation directly with the hotel/motel
the UW-Food Science Department. The course will also you select. As a convenience, each of the following
include discussions on the use of probiotics in cultured hotels will hold a block of rooms for this course until
products for individualized nutrition. Aug. 10th. Please make room reservations before that
date. After Aug. 10th rooms will be sold on a first-come
Who Should Attend basis. Shuttle service provided by both hotels.
This course is intended for all dairy and food processors
interested in the manufacture and use of cultured dairy DoubleTree
products. This course is designed to provide the latest 525 West Johnson St., (608) 251-5511. Spe-
technical information available to address technical is- cial rates: $114/single & double (plus 13.5%
sues for the processor and provide current information taxes). Group rate code CDP
on extended uses of these products. This course qualifies
as an elective course for the Wisconsin Master Cheese-
maker® Program.
The InnTowner Hotel (Best Western), Milk
2424 University Ave., (608) 233-8778. Special otta Cottage C h se
Cottage C heesCe ge C heese ee
rates: $95 single & double (plus 13.5% taxes).
When Group rate code DAIRYPRO Sour C rea m
Tuesday, Sept. 11 & Wednesday Sept. 12, 2007. Registra- Yogurt Yogurt
tion begins at 8:00 a.m. and the program starts at
8:25 a.m. Each student should bring the course confir- Cancellations Yogurt
Applicants may cancel up to fourteen days before the Cream Cheese

University of Wisconsin-Madison provides equal

mation to the workshop. Cream Cheese

opportunities for admission and employment

workshop for a full refund. Cancellations received later

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

than fourteen days prior to the course are subject to the
Where entire tuition charge. Substitutions may be made at any
Auditorium (Room 205), Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Drive, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Optional cam- time.

Madison, WI 53706-1565
CALS Conference Services
pus parking for commuting students, not using campus
motels, is available. If you need parking, you must

620 Babcock Drive

purchase a permit with your registration.
Sponsored by:
Department of Food Science, UW-Madison &
Wisconsin Department of Food Science

Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research




Center for Dairy Research University of Wisconsin-Madison





Cultured Dairy Products Short Course How to Enroll Enrollment Form

Yogurt Cream Cheese
og Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt
go Cream Cheese Yogurt
Mail Enrollment Form & Payment
Complete the Enrollment Form on the next flap for each
Cultured Dairy Products
Short Course
Yogurt Sour C rea m Cottage C h se
Cottage C h se
ee Sour C rea m Yogurt
student and mail with check or money order payable to:
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tuesday, September 11 Wednesday, September 12 CALS Conference Services September 11 & 12 2007
620 Babcock Drive
8:30 Milk composition and properties 8:00 Manufacture of cottage cheese
Madison, WI 53706 Submit enrollment form for each registrant. Use
 Bill Wendorff, UW Food Science  Dave Potter, Dairy Connections, Inc. separate forms or copies for additional registrants.
Print clearly or type.
Materials Mailed to Students
9:30 Break 8:45 Manufacture of cream cheese Upon receipt of Enrollment Form and payment, CALS Name: ___________________________________________
 Rani Govindasamy-Lucey, CDR Conference Services will mail the confirmation (and
9:45 Acid coagulation of milk & principles of parking permit, if purchased) to the student at the ad- Title: ____________________________________________
dress shown on the enrollment form.
gel formation 9:30 Break Company: ________________________________________
 John Lucey, UW Food Science
9:45 Lab – Cream cheese demonstrations Enroll by August 24, 2007 Mailing Address Home Business
10:45 Break Cottage cheese sensory session Enrollment is limited to the first 30 paid students due to
limited space in the laboratory. Persons who enroll after Address: _________________________________________
 John Jaeggi, CDR
the course is filled will be placed on a priority mailing
11:00 Microbiology and biochemistry of list for the next short course. City/State/Zip: ____________________________________
cultured products 12:00 Lunch
Telephone during day: __(______)_____________________
 Mark Johnson, CDR For Further Information:
1:00 Manufacture of sour cream Registration: 608.263.1672 email: ___________________________________________
12:00 Lunch  Dave Koontz, Cargill CALS Conference Services
620 Babcock Drive $350.00-Workshop fee, Sept. 11 & 12, 2007
1:00 General principles of manufacturing yogurt 2:00 Antimicrobial agents and flavorings Madison, WI 53706 $16.00-Two Day Parking Permit (Optional)
FAX: 608.262.5088
 Mirjana Curic-Bawden, Chr. Hansen  Bill Wendorff, UW Food Science Enclose Fee: Checks payable to UW-Madison.
Check enclosed
1:45 Lab – Yogurt demonstrations 2:45 Break
Program Contacts: Please invoice company P.O.# ________________
Bill Wendorff John Jaeggi
- yogurt make demo UW Food Science CDR
- yogurt sensory session 3:00 Probiotics and health aspects of cultured 608-263-2015 608-262-2264 Please charge to the following account:
 John Lucey, CDR dairy products
Mastercard Visa Exp. date _____________
 Jim Steele, UW Food Science
Credit Card Number ________________________
3:15 Break
Name on Credit Card ___________________
4:00 Distribution of certificates
Signature ________________________________
3:30 Stabilizers for cultured products
 Steve Kaufman, G.C. Hahn & Co. Mail to: CALS Conference Services
Visit the CDR web page: 620 Babcock Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1519
4:00 Manufacture of cultured beverages Forms can also be faxed to us at (608) 262-5088
 Steve Kaufman, G.C. Hahn & Co.
The Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research receives financial support If payment is not received at least one week before the first
from dairy farmers through the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. day of the course, your registration will be cancelled.

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