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For King and Parliament - Quick Reference Sheet

Unit properties
Type Base Hits Victory Base Dash Melee Cost Type Base Hits Victory Base Dash Melee Cost
save medals Ammo to-hit save medals Ammo to-hit
cards cards
Officers and gentlemen Foot
Commanding general 2+ - 2 or more - - - 5 Pike and shot battalia - standard, seasoned 7+ 3 3 3* - 2 9
General 2+ - 1 or more - - - 5 Pike and shot battalia - shot heavy, seasoned 7+ 3 3 5* - 2 9
Colonels 2+ - 1 - - - 4 Pike and shot battalia - pike heavy, seasoned 7+ 3 3 1* - 2 9
Upgrade a general or colonel to “gallant” - - - - - - +1 Pure pike battalia, seasoned 7+ 3 3 - - 2 7
Gallant gentlemen - - - - - - 1 Commanded shot battalia, seasoned 7+ 2 2 3* - 2 6
Horse Highlanders, seasoned 7+ 3 3 1 - 2 7
“Dutch”-style harquebusiers, seasoned 7+ 3 3 2 3 2 9 Rabble, seasoned 7+ 3 3 - - 2 6
“Dutch”-style cuirassiers, seasoned 7+** 3 3 2 3 2 12 Dragoons, seasoned 7+ 2 2 2* 2 1 4
“Dutch”-style cuirassiers, seasoned, 7+** 1 1 1 3 2 4 Forlorn hope, seasoned 7+ 1 1 2 - 1 3
small unit Modifier to increase/reduce the size - +1/ +1/ +1/ - - +/-
“Swedish”-style harquebusiers, seasoned 7+ 2 2 1 3 2 6 of a foot unit per hit (i.e. +3/-3 per hit) -1 -1 -1 3
“Swedish”-style harquebusiers, seasoned, 7+ 1 1 1 3 2 3 Modifier to upgrade a unit of seasoned foot to 6+/ - - +1/ - - +/-
small unit veteran/downgrade to raw per hit (i.e. +/-3 for 8+ -1 1
a 3-hit unit) to 3
Scots horse, seasoned (n.b. poorly mounted) 7+ 2 2 2 2 1 5
Scots lancers, seasoned (n.b. poorly mounted) 7+ 2 2 1 2 2 5 Modifier for untried foot units - - - - - - -2
Cost to upgrade a unit of seasoned horse to 6+/ - - - - - +/- Modifier to add light artillery to a unit - - - 2 - - +2
veteran/downgrade to raw per hit 8+ 1
(i.e. +/-3 for a 3-hit unit)
to 3
Field artillery, seasoned 7+ 1 1 6* - 1 4
Modifier for poorly mounted horse - - - - -1 -1 -2
Siege artillery, seasoned 7+ 1 1 6* - 1 6
Modifier for well mounted horse - - - - +1 - +1
Modifier to upgrade a unit of field/siege artillery 6+/ - - +1/ - - +1/
Modifier for untried mounted units - - - - - - -2 to veteran/downgrade to raw 8+ -1 -1
Modifier to add attached shot to - - - - - - +1
a unit of horse Fortifications
Modifier to add light artillery to a unit - - - 2 - - +2 Fortifications, per box-side length +2

* Ammunition increase/decrease due to veteran/raw applies only to such units.

** +1 save mod vs. musket/pistol/melee but not artillery
Activation penalties and bonuses Save modifiers
No activation penalty Save modifiers that apply when a unit is shot at
Any move or charge that is straight ahead through clear terrain for any troop type, regardless of quality or status Cuirassiers, except when shot at by artillery. +1
(i.e. including raw, disordered, rabble or highlanders). In cover. Units under cover within fortifications are permitted to make two saves, +1
Any move or charge made by dismounted dragoons or forlorn hopes, regardless of terrain, quality or status. except when fired upon by siege artillery.
When shooting. Forlorn hope, dragoons or artillery. +1
Activation penalty -1 Save modifiers that apply when a unit is involved in melee combat
The unit is out of command. Cuirassiers. +1
Any permitted move or charge other than straight ahead by units that began the battle with one or two hits.
Foot or artillery when charged uphill (uphill includes within buildings or behind fortifications). +1
The move or charge is through terrain or across a linear obstacle that impedes movement
(including charges against defenders who are behind a linear obstacle).
Foot or artillery when charged frontally across linear rough terrain. +1
The unit is disordered or raw, or consists of highlanders or rabble, and is not moving straight ahead through clear terrain. Save modifiers that apply when rallying
Note that this modifier is not cumulative, so for example a raw, disordered unit only suffers a -1 penalty, not -2. (note that this is applied to the rally save, not the activation card)
Activation penalty -2 An officer has joined the testing unit. +1
Any permitted move or charge other than straight ahead by units that began the battle with
three or four hits.
Field or siege artillery, attempting to move, to change facing, to unlimber, or to fire for a second
Permitted moves and charges
or subsequent time in a player turn. Foot may
Attempting to rally from pursuit. Move one box directly or diagonally ahead, sideways or directly backwards, maintaining facing.
Activation bonus +1 Charge into an enemy-occupied box that is directly or diagonally ahead.
Veteran units have a +1 bonus on any activation. This bonus will enable them to activate even when a card is played on them Turn 90 or 180 degrees.
which is equal to a previous activation card. They always fail to activate on an Ace, however. If pike-armed, form hedgehog or form line (facing in any direction) from hedgehog.
Exchange places within a box with another unit from the same brigade.
Officer saves Interpenetrate a forlorn hope or artillery unit.
Horse and mounted dragoons may
Any officer who has joined a unit must test to see whether he is injured each time that the unit is hit. The officer will fail to
save on an Ace and, in this event, must draw a further card to determine the extent of any injury. On a: Move one box directly or diagonally ahead.
Charge into an enemy-occupied box that is directly or diagonally ahead.
10 or 11 The officer is killed (lost).
Move one box directly ahead and then move into a (or charge an enemy-occupied) box that is directly or diagonally ahead,
8 or 9 The officer retires from the field seriously wounded (lost). After the battle cut a deck; on a heart or diamond he so long as this move or charge isn’t across linear rough terrain or into rough terrain.
recovers, on a spade he dies, on a club he misses the next battle and tests again after it.
Move one box diagonally ahead and then move into a (or charge into an enemy-occupied) box that is directly ahead,
5 to 7 The officer receives a light wound and battles on, but will be killed (lost) should he receive another light or
so long as this move or charge isn’t across linear rough terrain or into rough terrain.
serious wound.
Turn 90 or 180 degrees, then move up to one box directly ahead.
3 or 4 The officer has taken a blow to the head and is stunned. For the remainder of this player turn and the whole of
the next friendly player turn, he may not replay either activation or to-hit cards and does not exert command, Move one box sideways maintaining facing.
so his units are likely to be out of command unless another officer is nearby. Exchange places within a box with another unit from the same brigade.
0 to 2 A manly scar is inflicted upon the officer; it has no impact on this battle. Interpenetrate a forlorn hope or artillery unit.
Horse may
Officer save modifiers Move one box directly ahead and fire pistols, if available, or fire pistols, turn through 180 degrees and move one box
straight ahead.
Gallant officers. +1
Artillery may
Cautious officers. -1
If limbered, move one box directly or diagonally ahead, maintaining facing.
Unlimber, facing in any direction.
Turn 90 or 180 degrees.
Interpenetrate another friendly unit.

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