Assignment: Name: Mashukur Rahman Id No: 2018-2-13-016 Course: GEN226 Sec: 008

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Submitted by :
Name: Mashukur Rahman
Id No: 2018-2-13-016
Course: GEN226
Sec: 008

Submitted to :
Name : Dr. Nurul Huda Abul Monsur [Prof.]
Dept. of History, University of Dhaka.
Story that we can’t forget,
Genocide in the War of ’71
It was the most brutal holocaust at any point known
throughout the entire existence of history. History has never
observed such countless people cleared out in such a brief time
of the nine and half months of the Bangladesh freedom war.
Between March 25, 1971 and December 16, 1971, Pakistani
occupation armed force and their neighborhood teammates
murdered 3 million innocent, unarmed individuals, damaged
in excess of a quarter million ladies; destroyed bridges, roads,
burned houses and made such an insufferable circumstance,
that 10 million individuals had to leave their nation.

On March 25 midnight, the Pakistani powers out of nowhere

took action against the individuals of capital Dhaka. Their first
objective was the living arrangement of teachers, authorities
and workers and hostel students of Dhaka University. They
also go to the police and East Pakistan Rifles base camp. At
that point came the markets and Hindu-populated zones in
Dhaka, the majority of which were burnt. They executed
college instructors, representatives and students either in
their rooms or in the grounds gardens. Some were removed
and stayed missing. They individuals are taken away and still
missing. These individuals lose their lives without knowing
their wrongdoing. It is evaluated that around 60,000
individuals of the city were died on that solitary night. The
Pakistani occupation powers followed same techniques the
nation over and the decimation kept during the following nine
months. Aside from mass killings, they also killed
professionals, known personality or experts during that time.
This process began with the killing of Dhaka University
educators and arrived at its top in front of the Victory Day on
December 16, 1971. In directing the killings, there was a need
list. They had created five areas of the masses as their top
priority: 1.pioneers, activists and supporters of Awami League,
2.socialists and communists, 3.freedom fighter and their
partners, 4.the Hindu people group and 5.students, literate
people and experts.
There was nothing specific for them to kill people. They first
kill large number of local people and than kill innocent by
lining them up. There was some people who taken by them a
being tortured unit they died.

There was some methods that they used for torture Bengalis :
1.burned the whole body with cigarette, 2.being naked and
kept standing in public, 3.spraying salt to the injuries body
part, 4. when screaming for water they give urine, 5.can’t let
them sleep with high power light on, electric shock to
their body, etc.

A foreign journalist says, after visit Agortala hospital he came

to India thinking the stories were overstated. In any case,
when he really observed the injured he started to accept that,
in the event that anything, the reports had been unbelievable.
He also said in World War II" I saw the most exceeding awful
territories of France, the murdering grounds in Normandy,
however I saw nothing like that. It took my entire strength to
keep from separating and crying."

The Pakistani armed force junta would not have had the
option to release such abominations without the assistance
and collaboration from the ideological groups named Jamaat-e-
Islami Muslim League and Nizam-e-Islami Party. It was the
Jamaat-e-Islami, the religio-ideological group drove by
Ghulam Azam, who from the earliest starting point broadened
a wide range of good and physical help to the Pakistan armed
force in their destructive demonstration by holding gatherings
and parades, composing articles in papers and framing
murdering crews like Razakar, Al-Badr, Al-Shams, and so on.
As an initial step to help the Pakistan Army, Ghulam Azam
shaped a "Harmony Committee" on April 10, 1971. The
fundamental target of framing this Peace Committee was to
oppose the freedom war and to demolish all political
dissidents. The principal meeting of the Peace Committee
offered their thanks to the Pakistan Army for their lady
effective military activity of destruction and harshly censured
the political dissidents and the opportunity adoring individuals
of our nation as against Islamic. In actuality to a man like
Ghulam Azam, Pakistan, Jamaat-e-Islami and Islam are
equivalent. That is the reason restricting Pakistan to them
was contradicting Islam; simple analysis of Jamaat-e-Islami
tantamount to contradicting Islam itself. On April 12, 1971,
Ghulam Azam drove a Peace Committee parade against the
freedom development in Dhaka and toward the end.
Nearby the Peace Committee, Ghulam Azam played a main job
in framing a furnished power to help the Pakistan Army. At
his guidance, one of his followers, A.K.M. Yusuf framed the
Razakar Force in May 1971 with 96 Jamaat laborers at an
Ansar Camp at Khan Jahan Ali Road, Khulna. What the
Razakars did after a short preparing was go to the rural areas,
loot recklessly, kill innocent villagers and torture women.
Utilized as aides in the to a great extent new, already obscure
territories and as cutting edge components of the assaulting
armed force, they were often commended by the Pakistani
Bangladeshi authority guarantee that 3 million individuals
were died, while the Hamoodur Rahman Commission, an
official Pakistan Government investigation, put the figure as
low as 26,000 non military personnel setbacks. The truth of the
matter is that the quantity of dead in Bangladesh in 1971 was
in all likelihood well into seven figures. It was one of the most
exceedingly awful destructions of the World War II period,
overwhelming Rwanda (800,000 murdered) and presumably
outperforming even Indonesia (1 million to 1.5 million
executed in 1965-66). By partially through the nine-month
annihilation, there was savagery on all sides, with some
battling between Bengali groups, however it appears to be
certain that Pakistani warriors executed a large portion of the
ruthless assaults, many using weapons provided by the U.S.,
since Pakistan was viewed as an American partner. In May
1971, 1.5 million exiles looked for haven in India; by November
1971 that number had ascended to almost 10 million. At the
point when Australian specialist Geoffrey Davis was brought
to Dhaka by the United Nations to help with late-term
premature births of assaulted ladies, toward the finish of the
war, he accepted the assessed figure for the quantity of
Bengali ladies who were assaulted—200,000 to 400,000—was
likely excessively low.

The massacre in Bangladesh was the most noticeably awful of

its sort found in the second half of the 20th century, and the
most awful scene throughout the entire existence of the Indian
Subcontinent after segment.


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