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Report: exchange programme 

The aim purpose of this report is to describe the exchange programme in which I 
took part last year. It will also include my opinion about this programme because this report 
will be based on my own experience. 

This programme opportunity came to me 2 years ago when I was still in high school. It was 
an exchange programme with a Norweigan school. I thought going to a Norway paying 
only the flight cost will be a lifetime opportunity so I took the opportunity and today I am 
really happy about it. 

In January, twenty Norwegian students arrived in Sevilla’s airport and I finally get to know 
the exchange student who was assigned to me. She was nice and hilarious, we get along 
pretty well and really enjoy the time together. January in Seville is still sunny most of the 
time and Norwegians really appreciate this. We visited monuments, went shopping 
(something they really enjoy because everything was way shipper than in Norway) and did a 
trip to Cadiz where we have a joyful time. My Norwegian partner and I also organised a 
meeting at my house and we cook typical Spanish dishes which everyone loved. 

In September I landed in Bergen, I stayed for two weeks, my house was the largest house 
I’ve ever seen, it was at the top of the gorgeous hill. The views through the window were 
lovely and her parents made me feel as I was staying at my own house. 

Every day we took three buses to make it to school, this was also a huge building with a 
pool inside. I was completely delighted by this city. While it only took us five minutes by 
feet to get from my house to my little school. The food was really different from Spain but it 
was also great. As we did in my house, we cooked salmon and some friends came to her 
house. Life in Norway has nothing to do with Spanish, still, people were as friendly as 
they’re here and it felt really nice to travel there. I’d regardless recommend the experience 
to everyone. Norway is as pretty as in pictures! 

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