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Department of Career and Management Studies

Certificate in Software Development

Winter 2010
Course Name: Web Development
Course Number: CCCS 310
Course hours: 39 Course Weighting: 1-2-3 Number of Credits (Units): 3
Pre-requisite: CCCS 300 Programming Techniques 1

Khattar Daou, M.S., Ph.D. Technical Sciences

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)
Enterprise Strategy Consultant
DATSCO – Software Development, Training, & Consulting
6687 Hamilton Street
Montreal, Quebec
H4E 3C6

Contact You are expected to communicate with me either through the email system
Information: within MyCourses, or using the instructor’s McGill email address.

Course Description
Development of web sites and web-based applications using page markup, style sheets, and
client-side scripting [4]. Emphasis will be placed on developing pages that support current
standards and accessibility requirements, as well as multimedia, cross-platform development,
and site deployment.
Last Updated: January 2, 2010

Course Objectives
By the end of the course, you should have an understanding of the following topics:
 XHTML – The standard markup language for coding Web pages
 CSS – Cascading Style Sheets, a standard language for controlling the presentation style
of Web pages
 JavaScript – Solutions to business problems faced by Web developers everywhere.

Course Content and Calendar

The following schedule is an estimate of the course timing (39 hours). Each class represents 3
classroom hours.

Class Description
Class 1 Introduction to Web Site Development
Basics of the Internet and World Wide Web | Web standards and protocols | The W3C and Web
Browsers | The Evolution of XHTML, HTML Documents | The Basics of XML | Combining XML

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and XHTML | The Need for Style Sheets | Types of Web sites | Overview of Web site development
process (WSDP) | Differentiating between Web pages and Web sites |
Reading : Chapters 1 and 2
Lab and Class Review
Class 2 XHTML Basics
SGML, (X)HTML Document Type Definition | (X)HTML Prolog | Tags and Tag Names |
Well-Formed and Valid XHTML Documents | XHTML Creation and Editing Software
Reading : Chapters 3 and 4
Lab and Class Review
Class 3 Web Site Development
Web Site Organization | Web Design Principles | Types of Web sites | Planning a Web Site | Web
site navigation | Developing basics – Typography, images, Page layout, and color | Publishing a
Web site | Maintaining a Web site
Reading : 5, 6, 12, and 14
Lab and Class Review
Class 4 XHTML Tables and Lists
Creating Basic Table | Structuring Tables | Formatting Tables | Creating Lists
Reading : Chapters 7, 8, and 9
Lab and Class Review
Class 5 XHTML Forms
Form Elements | Input Fields | the <button> Element | Selection Lists | Multi-line Text Fields | E-
Mailing Form Data | Labels | Access Keys | Field Sets
Reading : Chapter 11
Lab and Class Review
Class 6 Cascading Style Sheets
Understanding CSS Selection Techniques | Using Type Selectors | Grouping Selectors | Combining
Selectors | Descendant Selectors | Class Attribute Selectors | Using Advanced Selection Techniques |
Style Precedence
Reading : Chapters 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29
Lab and Class Review
Class 7 CSS Advanced Techniques
CSS Values | CSS Structure | Setting Color and Background Properties | Setting Text Properties |
Setting Font Properties | Validating Style Sheets
Reading : Chapters 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35
Lab and Class Review
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Class 8 Introduction to Scripting: JavaScript, JScript, and VBScript

JavaScript Scripting Language | Basic Expression and Operators | Logical Operators, Comparison
and Conditional Operators | Working with Variables | JavaScript Data Types | JavaScript Objects |
Reading : Chapter 16
Lab and Class Review
Class 9 JavaScript: Control Structures
JavaScript Keywords | Decision Making: if Statements, If…else Statements | Nested if and if…else
Statements | switch statements. Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition | for Repetition
Structure | switch Multiple-Selection Structure, break and continue Statements
Reading : Chapter 16
Lab and Class Review
Class 10 Dynamic HTML and Document Object Model
Document Object Model | Object Referencing | Collections | Dynamic Styles |Dynamic Positioning |
Elements and Events | Event Handlers |Mouse Events | Key-press Events | Windows events
Reading : Chapter 17
Lab and Class Review
Class 11 Dynamic HTML with CSS

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Accessing CSS Properties with JavaScript | Hiding and showing text

Reading : Chapter 36 and 37
Lab and Class Review
Class 12 Dynamic HTML and Multimedia
Animation and Video Formats, Plug-ins, and Players | Embedding Media via the Object Tag |
Adding Sound to Web Pages
Reading : Chapter 13
Lab and Class Review
Class 13 Extensible Markup Language – XML
Well-Formed and valid XML document | Document type definition | XML schemas | XSLT
Reading : Chapter 21, |
Lab and Class Review

Assignments and Projects

1. Assignment 1 – Due Date: No later than the beginning of class 4 (as per schedule)
2. Assignment 2 – Due Date: No later than the beginning of class 8 (as per schedule)
3. Team Project – Due Date: No later than the beginning of class 12 (as per schedule)

Tests and Exams

1. Test – class 6 (as per schedule). The Test will cover all the materials discussed in the
previous classes.
2. Final Exam – The Final Exam will cover all the materials discussed in this course. Date,
time, and location to be determined. Examination schedules are posted at the Centre and
on the following page approximately 6-8 weeks before the examination period

Textbook and Reference Materials

The required textbooks are available through the McGill Bookstore:
1. HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible, 5th Edition | Steven M. Schafer | ISBN: 978-0-470-
52396-4 © 2010 | Wiley Publisher
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Additional Suggested Readings (Optional)

2. Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML, 4/E | Terry Felke-Morris,
Harper College | ISBN-13: 978-0-321-53019-6 © 2009 | Pearson Education
3. Developing Web Applications | Ralph Moseley | ISBN: 978-0-470-01719-7 © 2007 |
Wiley Publisher
4. The Centre for Continuing Education 2008 – 2009 McGill University Calendar

Course Activities
1. Lectures/Demonstrations: Important material from the text and outside sources will be
covered in class. You should plan to take careful notes as not all material can be found in
the texts or readings. Discussion is encouraged as is student-procured, outside material
relevant to topics being covered.
2. Assignments: Concepts Reviews, Skills Reviews, Independent Challenges and other
projects and readings will be periodically assigned to help support and supplement

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material found in the lessons. These assignments may require the application of various
software applications.
3. Tests/Quizzes: Occasional scheduled or unscheduled tests will be given to help ensure
you stay up with assigned material.
4. Exams: The exams will be closed book/note and will test assigned readings and material
discussed in class.
5. Team Term Project
6. Classroom Activity – Participation and Discussion

Evaluation Policy
This course will be marked of 100 points based on Assignments, Tests, Term Project, and Final

Evaluation Points
Assignments: 20 (2 assignments worth 10% each)
Test: 20
Term Project: 20
Final Exam: 40

Students are responsible for all materials for the tests and exams, whether or not it is covered in
class. The exams will consist of definitions, code rewrites, code writes, and several short-answer
questions. The exams will be closed book exams. The midterm test will cover the material up to
date and the final exam will cover the entire course. The midterm test will be held in the second
1.5 hrs of class and the final exam will be held during the regular final exam period (date, time,
and location to be determined), and will last 180 minutes. No make-up tests or make-up
assignments are allowed in this course.

Classroom Rules
Students are responsible for being aware of university regulations in the Academic Policy
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Attendance Policy
Attendance is mandatory to your success in this course. Attendance will be taken at each session.
• Students are expected to be in class at the start of every scheduled class. Attendance will
be taken ten minutes after the start of the class.

Academic Policy - Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating and/or plagiarism are offences which will not be tolerated by the University. Such
offences occur when a student violates the procedures governing the administration of
examinations, tests or other means of evaluating student achievement in a subject or program.
Instructors may assign a grade of zero for any assignment, test, or examination that involves
cheating or plagiarism. McGill University’s policy on plagiarism will be strictly enforced.

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Please show respect for your fellow students (as well as for the instructor) by observing the
1. All university directives and regulations as outlined in the Centre for Continuing
Education catalog will be observed in the classroom. Please refrain from eating or
drinking in the computer labs.
2. Being late to class distracts the instructor and interrupts other students. Please make
every effort to be in class on time.
3. If you have a cell phone or a beeper, please turn it off during class. If you have an
emergency and need to leave phone or beeper on during class, please notify instructor
before class begins.
4. If you miss a class or are late for a class, you are completely and totally responsible for
anything that occurred during that time. Get acquainted with other students in the class so
you can get the notes from someone if you miss class.

Assignments and Projects

This course cannot be learned by simply listening in class or reading the book. Hands on
experience are mandatory to your success in this course. The assignments and project will
provide you with an opportunity to apply what we have learned about and to assess your
understanding of the material. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

Your coursework must be submitted electronically in a compressed format (using WinZip or rar)
by uploading the necessary files to myCourses at the scheduled due date. A printed copy must
also be submitted at the due date. You must include a detailed description on how you have
implemented the assignment and precise instructions on how to execute it. Marks, comments,
and feedback will similarly be provided through myCourses.

If you are not satisfied with the grading of an assignment or mid-term test, you may request a
review within 7 days of return. Indicate in writing where and why you feel the marks are
unjustified and give it back to your instructor for re-grading. Note that the entire assignment or
mid-term test will be re-graded and your grade can go up and down (or stay the same)
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Right to submit in English or French written work that is to be graded

In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the
right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded.

Need for Assistance

If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult
for you to carry out the coursework as I have outlined it, or which will require academic
adjustments, please notify me as soon as possible.

Course Requirements
To participate fully in this course, you must have access to a personal computer with
Internet/Web access. High speed access is recommended, but not required. Computer facilities
are available at McGill's libraries. The library's computers are equipped with CD burners (if you

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want to download materials to view at home) and printers. You will need a valid McGill ID card
to use these facilities. (Note: No special software is required for this course: any computer with a
modern browser and a text editor will do.)

Information on computing resources at:

Information on Internet access at:

You can access myCourses from home through a standard Internet connection. If you want to
access McGill's collection of electronic resources from off-campus, you will need to establish a
VPN connection to the McGill Network. While not required for the course, the McGill Libraries
have a number of e-journals and e-books that you are sure to find both interesting and useful.

Information on VPN:

Additional Information
Our weekly class meetings form the core of the learning process. I will spend the majority of
each class presenting the main features and issues of that week's topic. Group discussions, both
in class and online, will help you to explore and develop your understanding of the topics. You
are encouraged and expected to participate fully, asking questions and providing your own
insights relating to the discussion at hand. We all have experience and knowledge that we can
draw on and contribute to our collective learning.

This is a demanding course. You are expected to take responsibility for your learning, for
working towards the learning objectives I've outlined above. This involves not only covering the
material I present to you, but doing whatever additional research is necessary to meet the
learning objectives of the course. Effective time management is very important. Along with the
three hours of class time, you should plan on spending on average six hours a week on your
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readings, studying, experimenting, and working on your assignments.

I expect you to go beyond the materials I provide, doing additional research using the resources
I’ve provided on the class web site, using the web in general and, as well as the resources
available through the McGill Libraries. If you are a slow reader, or find the material particularly
challenging, you should plan on allocating even more time to your studies.

You must check the class web site on myCourses regularly (i.e. at least once or twice a week) for
updates and messages relating to the course. Please use the appropriate discussion topics for
posting questions relating to the course material. Any messages of a personal nature will be sent
to your McGill e-mail address.

Academic Integrity
Code of Student Conduct

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Mobile Application Development (CCCS 325) Course Outline

McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the
meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code
of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see for more
L'université McGill attache une haute importance à l'honnêteté académique. Il incombe par
conséquent à tous les étudiants de comprendre ce que l'on entend par tricherie, plagiat et autres
infractions académiques, ainsi que les conséquences que peuvent avoir de telles actions, selon le
Code de conduite de l'étudiant et des procédures disciplinaires (pour de plus amples
renseignements, veuillez consulter le site

Final Exam Policy

Students should not make other commitments during the final exam period. Vacation plans do
not constitute valid grounds for the deferral or the rescheduling of examinations. See the Centre
Calendar for the regulations governing Examinations:
Students are required to present their I.D. Card (with photo) for entrance to their examination.

If you are unable to write your final examination due to scheduling conflicts, you must submit a
Final Exam Conflict Form with supporting documentation at least one month before the start of
the final examination period. Late submissions will not be accepted. For details, see

Exam Timetable
Examination schedules are posted at the Centre and on the following page approximately 6-8
weeks before the examination period commences

The Centre cannot provide examination dates over the telephone.

Last Updated: January 2, 2010

Assignments Pickup
Marked assignments cannot be picked up from the offices at Continuing Education, therefore if
your marked assignments are not available in class before the end of term you must submit a
self-addressed stamped envelope to you instructor or these assignments will not be returned.
Remember to keep a photocopy or back-up of your creative work before it is handed in to your

Email Policy
E-mail is one of the official means of communication between McGill University and its
students. As with all official University communications, it is the student's responsibility to
ensure that time-critical e-mail is accessed, read, and acted upon in a timely fashion. If a student
chooses to forward University e-mail to another e-mail mailbox, it is that student's responsibility
to ensure that the alternate account is viable.

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Please note that to protect the privacy of the students, the University will only reply to the
students on their McGill e-mail account.

General Grading System

The grading will be as follows;
Graduate Level (please note that the highlighted area is average grade range).

A (85-100%) Pass
A- (80-84%)
B+ (75-79%)
B (70-74%)
B- (65-69%)
F (0-64%) Failure
P Pass

Undergraduate Level (please note that the highlighted area is average grade range).

A (85-100%) Satisfactory Pass

A- (80-84%)
B+ (75-79%)
B (70-74%)
B- (65-69%)
C+ (60-64%)
C (55-59%)
D* (50-54%) Conditional Pass
F (0-49%) Failure
P Pass

* Although D is a passing grade, it will not permit entry into a subsequent course for which it is
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a prerequisite, nor will it be recognized if the course is a compulsory course in your program.

Grade Point Average

Letter grades are assigned grade points according to the following table:
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
D 1.0
F 0

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Standing in a department will be determined on the basis of the Cumulative Grade Point Average
(CGPA) computed by adding the product for each course of the course credits times the grade
points, and dividing by the total course credits attempted:

sum (course credits x grade points)

CGPA = -------------------------------------------
sum (course credits attempted)

Grades of D or F continue to be used in the calculation of the CGPA even after the course is
repeated or a supplemental examination is taken.

Grades of J and KF count as 0 grade points in the CGPA. Courses with a grade of W, WF, WL
or KK are not included in the calculation.

For details, see

Computing Resources
The McGill Association of Continuing Education Students, MACES (, at
3437 Peel, 2nd floor, tel. (514) 398-4974 has a computer lab available for all students of Centre
for Continuing Education.

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Regulations and policies governing students at McGill University can be downloaded from the

Students Services and Resources

Various services and resources, such as email access, walk safe, library access, etc., are available
to Continuing Education students:
Last Updated: January 2, 2010

Minerva for Students

Pandemic Preparedness Planning

In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University’s control, the content and/or
evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.

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