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Stage 1: Desired Results

5.1: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how the physical
geography and natural resources of Canada affect the quality of life of all Canadians.
Learning SLO(s):
Outcome(s) Students will:
● 5.1.1 – value Canada’s physical geography and natural environment
● Appreciate the variety and abundance of natural resources in Canada

● Students will:
● Recall information that make up a region
● Identify the different parts of a brochure
Learning ● Recognize the provinces that make up the Atlantic Region
Objectives ● Describe different features of Atlantic Canada

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

-Brochure Discussion
Summative Formative -Region Review
Assessment Assessment -Atlantic region Brainstorming Activity

Stage 3: Learning Experience

-chart paper
Tech Resources -maps of Canada
to Do to Bring -colored markers

Time Sequence and Description Notes

20 mins Introduction:
● “Good morning grade 5s. Today we are going to
begin our Atlantic Region Unit. We are going to be
looking at all the different features and history of the
Atlantic Region”
● “Maybe some of you have heard of or know about
the Atlantic Region of Canada and for others this is
an exciting new thing that we are going to be
learning over the next few weeks.”
● “I want to start the morning by looking at a few
pictures that you may already be familiar with”
● Begin PowerPoint
o Review the different aspects of a region
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through the different pictures (written on
▪ Geography
▪ Climate
▪ Physical features
▪ Culture
▪ History
● Introduce the idea of what a Brochure is
o “Brochures tell the story of a place. Look at
these pictures of Fort Macleod. Do you think
they tell the whole story?”
o Have students talk about the different photos
from Fort Macleod
o What do you notice about each photo? What
would this tell a stranger about Ft.
● History:
o “Can anyone recognize or guess what this
picture may be giving information about?”
o “it is a picture in history of The Fort here in
your town
o “Pictures can provide information about the
history of a place as well as the present.”

● Geography and Climate:

o “Where does this picture look like it could be
o “Many pictures show the different geography
of a place and can also capture some parts of
that place’s climate.”
o “Who can tell me what geography means?”
▪ Geography is the study of places and
their relationships between people and
their environments. For example,
climate, natural resources, physical
o “Who can tell me what climate means?”
▪ Climate is the kind of weather an area
has over a period of time. For
example, Alberta’s winters can be
quite cold, and we can get a lot of
● Culture and People; Past and Present
o “Hands up if anyone has been here before?
Can you tell us a little about what it is?”
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▪ Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
▪ A buffalo jump, or sometimes bison
jump, is a cliff formation which
Native Americans historically used to
hunt and kill plains bison in mass
quantities. This is a historical
landmark and an important part of
● These pictures seem incomplete…….
o Introduce that travel brochures provide
information to people visiting the place. They
contain many different facts about the place
you are visiting and invite travelers.
o “Does anyone recognize this picture?”
o “You’re right this is W.A Day school, where
we all are right now”
o “let’s take a look at the different information
that this brochure provides to its readers”
● Brochures are given to people to provide them with
information about where they are visiting.
o “what are some things that you notice about
this brochure?”
o Discuss all the different parts of information
that a brochure can provide
o “Have you seen or used a brochure before?
Maybe your parents or someone you know
o Discuss the different parts that may be
included in a brochure related to the unit:
▪ “What are some things that make a
▪ Resources
● food
● environment
● jobs
▪ Geography
▪ Culture, traditions or history and
▪ Climate
▪ Physical features
● Bodies of water
● landforms
Introduce Final Project: (In the role of…)
5 - 8 mins ● We are going to be working towards becoming graphic
designers for a travel brochure that tells the whole story
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of the Atlantic Region of Canada. Some days we are
going to be designing and other days we are going to be
researching. We are going to use the knowledge we
obtain from learning about this region to put together a
travel brochure that contains important information such
as geography, natural resources and culture.
● Each week we are going to be adding new information to
our understanding of the Atlantic region so that we can
use all of this info to create the best travel brochure ever!
● We are going to combine all of the amazing artistic
ability I know this class has with facts about the Atlantic
o “Here is an example that another student did on
the front side of their post card. They showed the
provinces of the Atlantic Region and some of the
natural resources that this region provides for its
o “we will discuss in more details the different
parts of the brochure as we move through the

10-15 mins Part A: (Before Physed) -maps of Canada

● Have students take a pink crayon or marker out to color -crayons
the provinces in this region
● Hand students a map of Canada
● “Do you notice anything about this map on the board?”
o “The regions span across all the provinces
● Show that there are 6 natural regions in Canada on the
o Arctic Region
o Cordillera Region
o Interior Plains Region
o Canadian Shield Region
o Atlantic Region
o Great lakes – St. Lawrence region
o “The regions span across all the provinces
● “The Atlantic Region is shown in the color pink. Can
anyone tell me if the region is on the West or East side of
Canada on the map, how do you know?”
o “we use a compass to tell us directions”
o Draw a compass on the top of the map

● “Once we have colored our maps and drawn a compass,

we are going to place our maps inside of our duo tangs”

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● *Continue lesson after Phys-ed where needed

Part B: (After Physed)

● “What do you think you might see in a brochure for the

Atlantic Region?”
● Brainstorm on chart paper different student ideas for
what may appear in a brochure for this region (KWL-ish,
students brainstorm first)
o Think about:
▪ Geography
▪ Culture
▪ Food
▪ Climate
-chart paper
10 – 15 mins ▪ Physical features
▪ Natural resources
● “Now we are going to explore some of the Atlantic
region in these video clips. I want you to watch for
things that you may put in your Atlantic Region
Brochure. We will talk about the different things we see
after the video.”

● After the video:
o “after watching, what else do you think we could
add to our brainstorming on the board? Is there
anything you think we should take away that
5 mins maybe doesn’t fit in this region?
● Time remaining students may color their title pages for
the Atlantic Region

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