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Name ___________________________ Date ____________________

Synonyms are words that have the same meaning.
Synonyms for large: big, huge

* Circle 2 words in the set that are a pair of synonyms

1. laugh cry giggle sleep

2. jump dare challenge destroy

3. estimate jog cheer guess

4. shiny rare dirty filthy

5. happy furious steep angry

6. ponder think pay relax

* Write a synonym for each word

7. lazy ____________ 13.pain ___________

8. clever ____________ 14.tough ____________

9. slim ____________ 15.shy ____________

10. work ____________ 16.honest ____________

11. narrow ____________ ____________

12. loyal ____________ 18. sharp ____________

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Name ___________________________ Date ____________________

Answer Key-

1. laugh/ cry
2. dare/ challenge
3. estimate/ guess
4. filth/ dirt
5. furious/ angry
6. ponder/ think

7-18 answers will vary- examples shown below

7. idle
8. smart
9. thin
11. tight
12. faithful
13. ache
14. strong
15. timid
16. truthful
17. happy
18. witty

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