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School of Distance EducationFundaments of Web Designing5c.

Small Analog Terminald. None of the above70. Outlook Express is a
_________a. E-Mail Clientb. Browserc. Search Engined. None of the
above71. <TITLE> ... </TITLE> tag must be within ________a. Titleb.
Formc. Headerd. Body72. Text within <EM> ... </EM> tag is displayed
as ________a. boldb. italicc. listd. indented73. Textwithin <STRONG>
... </STRONG> tag is displayed as ________a. boldb. italicc. listd.
indented74. <UL> ... </UL> tag is used to ________a. display the
numbered listb. underline the textc. display the bulleted listd. bold the
text75. Which tag is used to display the numbered list?a. <OL></OL>b.
<DL></DL>c. <UL></UL>d. <LI></LI>76. Which tag is used to
display the large font size?a. <LARGE></LARGE>b. <BIG></BIG>c.
< SIZE ></SIZE>d. <FONT></FONT>77. <SCRIPT> ... </SCRIPT>
tag can be placed within ________a. Headerb. Bodyc. both A and Bd.
none of the above78. using<P> tag willa. start a new paragraphb. break
the linec. end the current paragraphd. none of the above79. <TD> ...
</TD> tag is used for ________a. Table headingb. Table Recordsc.
Table rowd. none of the above80. Which is true to change the text color
<BODY COLOR=RED>d. none of the above81. With regards to e-mail
addresses:a. hey must always contain an @ symbolb. hey can never
contain spacesc. they are case-insensitived. all of the above82. A
homepage is __________a. an index of encyclopedia articlesb. where all
Internet data is storedc. required foraccess to the Internetd. the first page
of a website83. Which of the following is used to explore the Internet?a.
Browserb. Spreadsheetc. Clipboardd. Draw84. What is Internet
Explorer?a. An Iconb. A File Managerc. A Browserd. The Internet85.
What do I need to get onto the Internet?a. Computerb. Modemc.
Browserd. All of the above86. What is an ISP?a. Internet System
Protocolb. Internal System Programc. Internet Service Providerd. None
of the above87.Which of the following is valid IP address?a.
984.12.787.76b. 192.168.321.10c. 1.888.234.3456d.
Which is not a domain name extension?
School of Distance EducationFundaments of Web Designing6a. milb. orgc.
.intd. .com89. What is a FTP program used for?a. Transfer files toand
from an Internet Serverb. Designing a websitec. Connecting to the
internetd. None of the above90. Which of the following are commonly
found on web pages?a. internetb. hyperlinksc. intranetd. all of the
above91. What is the correct syntax in HTML for creating a link on a
webpage?a. <LINK SRC= “services.html”>b. <BODY LINK =
“services.html”>c. <A SRC = “services.html” >d. < A HREF =
“services.html”>92. Which of the following is an attribute of <Table>
tag?a. SRCb. LINKc. CELLPADDINGd. BOLD93. Choose the correct
HTML tag to make the text bold?a. <B>b. <BOLD>c. <STRONG>d.
Both A)and C)94. Which HTML tag would be used to display power in
expression (A+B)2 ?a. <SUP>b. <SUB>c. <B>d. <P>95. User Interface
designa.Composition of a web pageb. A tem for book designc. For
efficient interactiond. Programming design96. Choose the correct
HTML tag for the largest heading?a. <H1>b. <H6>c. <H10>d.
<HEAD>97. Output of XML document can be viewed inaa. Word
Processorb. Web browserc. Notepadd. None of the above98. What is the
correct way of describing XML data?a. XML uses a DTD to describe
datab. XML uses a description node to describe datac. XML uses XSL
to describe the datad. XMLuses a validator to describe the data99.
Comments in XML document is given by:a. <?–_ _–>b. <!_ _ _ _!>c.
<!_ _ _ _>d. </_ _ _ _>100. Which statement is true?a. An XML
document can have one root elementb. An XML document can have
onechild elementc. XML elements have to be in lower cased. All of the
above101.Javascript is _________ language.a. Applicationb.
Programmingc. Scriptingd. None of These102. When a user views a
page containing a JavaScript program, whichmachine actually
executesthe script?a.The User's machine running a Web browserb.The
Web serverc.A central machine deep within Netscape's corporate
officesd.None of the above103. _____ JavaScript statements embedded
in an HTML page can respond to user eventssuch asmouse-clicks, form
input, and page navigation.a. Client-sideb. Server

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