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The School of Human Development and Education Clinical Teacher Evaluation and Support System (CTESS): Observation Form Glinical Teacher: somoster 8 Year: fe 2 Détieveampus: ALD ~sona.} Grade/Subject = Cees 1203 O cooonatin ble [2 Stan Time: Ee. End Time: hy. Pre-Obgervation Canterence Date: p23 [aD Post-Observation Conference Date: JZ sfao StertTme: ity end tine:_ G20 Evaluator's Te University Feld ae Cooperating Teacher: ‘The SEU cinical teacher evaluation form is divided ito four domains as adapted by the State Board of Egueaton, These domains are Panning, instruction, Learning Environment, ane Professional Practice ang Rosponeibiites, The Dimensions within each domain ensure clinical taachars have the know ladge and skits to ‘oach in Toxas public schco's. Please use ths form as ovaiuation of the cirscal tacher's portormance to dato by placing a number in the appropriate box, Please note that Distinguished is not an appropriate designation for ‘Clinical Teachers, thus it does not appear on this document. Rarely will a clinical teacher score in the Accomplished range. Proficient is the goal for Cinical Teachers. Directions: Score the clinical teacher's perfarmance on thé following indicators using this scale, Place a tumber in the appropriate box on the form. Next, add the scores in each Domain to arrive at a Domain score. Then add all Domain Scores to arrive at a Total Score. Neods Impraverent = 0__Developing = 3 improverrent evening oot plano = 4: PLANNING - Evidence is apparent in the instructional lesson plan and through classroom ration. Standards & Alignment: The clinical teacher designs, organzes and implements clear, well-organized, Jbequental lessons that retiect best practice, allum with standards and are appropriste for olverse leamars, JA gonis and lesson objectives aligned te TEKS. e [All activities, matenals and assessments provide time for lesson and lesson closure. v Ai acthities, materials and assessment into broadar unit and course Objectives. v v7 [All activities, materials and assossmonts are appropriate for diverse leanors. {Son plans aro Organized and include required eiements, ‘echnology is integrated into the lesson Ball o Bighl ppb memndentleassr— .ibbrackive }0-Needs Improvement il 3 -Aecarobanes q manages and analyres student data to inform instruction. | and informal assessments are used to monfor progress of all students, insistent feectback to stuciants. & Assessment: The cinical inti baal ‘and inforrnal methods to measure student progress, =raa high levels of leaning sortaf-enatonal devalopmont and achievement forall etudent, nowledge of Students: Through inowsdge of stusients and praven practices, the cirical teacher ensures i= por Rneyrodgo and experiences. o Activities: The citical teacher pi 9. Taio lessons that encourago higher-order thinking, ‘sistance and achievement. Instructional groups based on civerse (cultal, inguistic, developmental) student needs. |W students understand individual rotes witin instructional groups. lesson provides students oppartuntigé to take intiatne for their own leaming. rele ints for Domain DOMAIN 2: INSTRUCTION - Evidonco is apparent in instruction and through classroom abservation. 1; Achieving Expectations: The clinical teacher supports all eamers in their pursuit of High levels of academic ana} emotional success ‘objective i conveyed to students. o0us/Matvational technique used to engage students in the lesson. 15 academic exbectations that challenge alt students ‘sccurate content knowledge. legrates baring objectives with other disciplines Provides opportunities for stucients to use different types of thinking (e.g. analytical, practical, creative. and resoarch- bused). jearning and effective effact. 2.3: Communication: The clinical teacher clearly and accurately communicates to support persistence, ishes classroom practices that provide opportunities for most students to | communicate effectively with their teacher and their peers, jocognizes porsibie student mounderstandings and responds with an array of teaching niques to clarify concems. % a fou mitn O tgpeectalio, ‘verbal and written communication that s clear and correct ks remember, understand and apply level questions: focusing on lesson objective and discussion. Sludents mn active participation dung the lesson. ravides wat time when questioning stucients. Asks questions at the creative, evaluative, and/or analysis levels. eo ‘Nea iroeevament 1 soning 2 Protea 3 -Accomplened .4; Differentiation: The clncal teacher differentiates Instruction, aligning methods and techniques to diverse jert needs. lesson to address individual needs of al students. ides diferentiated Instructional rnethods and content to ensure students have the 3: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. Evidence i apoarent through classroom observation. 4: Classroom Environment, Routines and Procedures: Tho cirical facher organizes a safe, accessible and ont classroom. [Al procedures, routines and transitions are Gear and efficient [Students actively paricpate n groups and manage suppiies and equipment wih very limited toacher direction. lassroom § safe and organized fo Suppor learning objectives and is accessibk to al fstudents, Managing Student Behavior: The clnical ieachar ostablahes, Communicates and maintains dear expactations| student behavior, nsistently implements the campus and/or classroom behavior systom proficient, nsistently encourages and monvtors student behavior subtly af responds to = ior Swity. (Consistently reinforces positive behaviows appropriately. lost students meet expected classroom behavior standards. 3: Classroom Culture: Ths cinical teicher loads a mutually reapecttal and colaboratwe class of actively engaged learners Engages all students in relevant, meaningful eaming, ey [Students work respectiuly individually and in groups. Total Points for Domain 3 Leaving Erucerccal geellie® 0 Neda inproveant 1 -Develeping 2 Profit 3 Accomptaned OMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES AND RESPONSIBILITES - Fvidonco is avalablo in jebriets‘conferences, and daily interaction with athers, 1: Professional Demeanor & Ethics: Tha clmcal teacher meets SEU and district expectations for attendance, Meets all professional standards (e.g., attendance, professional appearance and behaviors). 4.2: Goal Setting: The teacher reflects on his/her practice. ‘short-and long-term professional goals based on self-assessment, reflection and ipervisor feedback. rks Toward resting professional goals resulting in Improvement in practice and student formance. 4.3: Professional Development: Tho teacher enhances the professional commmurilly Esser pParlcipates in all scheduled professional development activties at SEU and school campus. ilaborativaly participates in professional learning communities, Such as grade or subject ‘foam mecting, committee meeting or other opportunities. Total Points for Domain 4 q ‘Clinical teacher's greatest strengths: Letoer = ee nC crmamdingnk vec well irfinadi~ elckrle rea R apron cost creme MIX - Gl olsen Wvpanalione Girer 5 ‘Clinical Teacher's greatest challenges: Fees Arve bo concoly Gaver matniol ws/y fedlirg Moles: Recommendations/Next Steps/Goals: Pn I fronsilr- OF » EVALUATORS PRINTED NAME: fA\Hiek Bi Este, Ie EVALUATOR'S SIGNATURE: CLINICAL TEACHER'S SIGNATURE: (Original to Unters Copy to Crvcal Teacher

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