Thursday Folder #3-Governmental Public Health Systems

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HS 328

Thursday Folder #3- Governmental Public Health Systems

For TH #3 you will do the following:

 Review the CDC slides on the role of public - we will discuss this more on TH.
health- (link also on course

Locate the county/regional public health department & the state public health department in your
home state.  Based on your findings answer the following questions for Thursday Folder #3.
(each 5 pts.)

1. What local and what state public health organization did you explore? Write out the title
and provide the weblink. As a citizen, what can you learn by looking at local and state
public health websites?
2. Based on your review of state and local public health websites, how are the roles and
responsibilities the same and different between local and state public health?
3. What public health related work on the state or local level intersects with the sort of work
you hope to do in the future? Discuss how/why.
4. Write down three questions you would like to ask a local public health official and why
these questions are important to you.
5. To Share Th Folder- 5 pts
a. Section 1- face to face class- you will share your Th folder in class and be
prepared to pull up the website of the organization you explored.
b. Section 2- On-line-learners- In one paragraph
i. Post the link for the organization you explored and briefly state three
things- 1) What were the major differences in function and responsibility
you could detect from the local and state websites? 2) What you did not
find at EITHER the local or state website that you think is important and
why and 3) What more you’d like to learn about your state public health
organization after looking at the website.
ii. Review the website links posted by two classmates- make brief comments
about their websites compared to the website you explored. Try to
read/comment on someone’s local websites from your own. I expect there
to be overlap on state websites.

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