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=Instruction Manual=

1.Log in ....................................................................................................................................... 2
(1)Web ID registration ................................................................................................................. 2
(2)Log in / Password ................................................................................................................. 3
2.TOP .......................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Search ..................................................................................................................................... 7
(1)Model search .......................................................................................................................... 7
(2)Parts search ........................................................................................................................... 8
(3)Information search ................................................................................................................ 10
4.Parts Book .............................................................................................................................. 12
(1)Menu ................................................................................................................................... 12
(2)Illustration ............................................................................................................................ 15
(3)List ...................................................................................................................................... 16
5.Update information of data base ............................................................................................. 18
6.Cart ........................................................................................................................................ 18
(1)Put the parts number into the cart from parts book ................................................................... 20
(2)Put the parts number into the cart directly ............................................................................... 21
(3)Save your cart on the web ...................................................................................................... 21
(4)Load cart saved on the web .................................................................................................... 21
(5)Export text file ...................................................................................................................... 22
(6)Import text file ...................................................................................................................... 22
(7)Output your cart with EXCEL ................................................................................................... 22
7.Download ............................................................................................................................... 22
8.Account .................................................................................................................................. 23
9.Multi frame ............................................................................................................................. 24

※Functions and display are might be different depends on each person’s situation.

1. Log in
(1) Web ID registration
You need ID registration to use JUKI PARTS Website.
If you don’t have the ID yet, please click yellow “Register Now” and go to ID registration screen.
When you finish to fill required forms and confirm “Terms of Service” , please click button
to register. Registration completion notice is sent to you by e-mail.

(2) Log in / Password
Please input your ID and Password.
If you would like to change language, please click “Japanese” or “Chinese”.

<About Password>
1) It is valid for 90 days.
When you change the password, it is effective again for 90 days from the changed date.
2) Minimum 6 characters required.
3) At last alphabet and number are required.
4) The last password and the one before last are not valid.
5) The alert for the change password will be shown on 7 days before the limit.

<Change password>
Click “Change Password” and input your User ID and Password.

<Forgot your password>
Click “Forgot”, then input screen of e-mail address will appear.

Please input your registered user ID (e-mail address), and click “Next”.

Password notice is sent to your mail box.

2. TOP
After login, the following page will appear.
① ③ ④

⑤ ⑥

⑦ ⑧

① Link to the TOP page

② Log out
③ Button for Search menu (Model Search, Part No. Search, Information)
Back to the previous page

Back to the Search top page

④ Window for site internal search

⑤ Menu button
Search menu:Search parts book from model

Search menu:Search parts book from parts number

Search menu:Search Information (Catalog、Parts Information、Essential Parts List、Web


Update information of “Information”

Your Cart

You can download data.

You can confirm and change your ID data.

Instruction manual for JUKI Parts Website


Link to Adobe

⑥ What’s new:We introduce recommended information.

⑦ Terms of our website
⑧ Inquiry for our

3. Search
(1) Model Search
All Parts book is displayed at first.
You can find out your target Parts book by narrowing with category, series, model and list no.
You select category or input each subjects, after that click “search”.
You don’t have to fill all conditions (Category, Series, Model and List No.).

When you click Parts List as bellows, then the Parts book appears.

You can download Parts book by PDF file when you click “PDF”.

(2) Parts Search

You can find out your target parts by narrowing with Parts No., Parts Name, Category, Series and Model.
You select category or input each subjects, after that click “search”, then the results are displayed.
When you click red flame as bellow, jump to parts list. The target item is highlighting.
 New:You can search replacement parts.
When you search“22963458”.
Parts number 22963458
Replacement parts number 22963458
Both of them are shown.

Searched item is shown with highlight.

You can use fuzzy search with parts name.

When you search “bobbin”, parts number

including “bobbin” in parts name are

When you click Item No., jump to parts book and the target list and illustration are highlighted.

(3) Information
All information is displayed at first.
You can find out your target Information by narrowing with Type, Series, Model and Title.
You select category or input each subjects, after that click “search”.
You don’t have to fill all conditions (Type, Series, Model and Title).
When you click subject name, all information are sorted out.

Please click title which you want to check.

Image window and Link window scrool sepalatery. On the link window, parts number link of Information
are displayed. You can confirm it with Image window.

Image window Link window

When you click parts number link of link window, if there are interlinks with parts list, the results are
displayed as bellow.

When you click red frame, target parts list appears.

Related information is
shown by icon.

If there is no interlinks, it is displayed as bellow.

When you check mark of information which you want confirm, and push the button , you can
confirm these information all at once.

When you click index of left, selected information is displayed.

4. Parts book
We introduce functions of parts book.

Illustration List


(1) Menu

 Contents: Structure of machine.

When you click one of contents, the target page appears.

【Contents display】 【Contents non-display】

 Horizontal Split: Illustration and list are divided horizontally.

 Thumbnail: All illustrations of parts list are shown. You click the illustration, then jump to the

target page.

 Printing: Illustration and list of selected page are shown by PDF.

 Move: Page is moved each contents of parts list.

 Contents list:

When you click ▽ , contents are shown. You can move display to the target page.

 RESET: Illustration size is reset.

 Zoom in and Out: Zoom in and out illustration.

 FULL: Illustration is shown by full scale.

(2) Illustration
 Highlight When you click No. of illustration, same no. of list are yellow highlighted.

 Move You can move illustration by dragging.

(3) List
 Highlight When you click line of list, list and same number of illustration are yellow
When you click cart, record is red highlighted.



 Info. Related information is informed by icon.

This is shown that item No.11 have 3 related information.

When you click this information icon, detail is informed.

 Supply code Discontinue parts number is shown “D”, Replacement parts
number is shown “R”.

A pop-up window of replacement is shown when click “R”.

Latest parts number Old parts number

In case of parts which should be chosen, ”Choice” and ”Criteria for latest P/N” are

 Remarks Other information is shown.

 Level Construction parts are informed by “*”.
 Cons Consumption parts are informed by “*”.
 Page Note You can preserve note for each page.
<No note>

<Noted> When you write note, icon change and note detail is shown.

 Public note: this note is opened to the public.

 User note: this note is only opened to your own.

 Memo You can preserve note for each parts.

 Photo You can preserve image data for each parts.

5. Update information of data base
Information updates history within 30 days here.
They are separeted by the category.You click the title, the information appears.

6. Cart
You can put the items into the Cart, and save your parts list on the web.

When the parts number has replacement parts number, latest parts number is put into the Cart
It is unable to put the old parts number into the Cart.

Replacement parts number(latest parts number) Parts number which you put into the cart (Old one)

When replacement parts number is need selecting, all choices are displayed.
Please check unnecessary parts number based on “choice”, and click “- Delete”, then selected
unnecessary parts number is deleted.

Qty of the cart is as same as parts book.

Related information is able to confirm at the Cart.

Insert line into the cart.

Delete checked line.

Save your cart on the web.

Load your saved cart on the web.

Export your cart by txt file.

Import exported text file.

Bring up to date your cart.

Output your cart by excel file.

(1) Put the parts number into the cart from parts book.
When you click cart [ ], selected parts add to cart.
When you click cart [ ] one more, that parts is excluded from selection.
※When you log out, selected parts date is canceled.

Click “Cart” of multi flame or “Cart” button of left menu of TOP page, selected parts number is
displayed on the cart.

(2) Put the parts number into the cart directly.
Click , insert a line into the cart. Input parts number at red flame.

Click , parts number into the “Latest Parts Number”.

If parts number which you input has replacement parts number, replacement parts number into the
“Latest Parts Number”.
In either case, parts number which you input is not deleted.

(3) Save your cart on the web.

Click , your cart is saved on the web. Please input subject and remarks when you need.
*Saved cart on the web is not deleted after logout.
*Maximum 30 carts / ID.

(4) Load cart saved on the web.

Click , carts are displayed. Check the cart which you want, and click “Load”.

(5) Export text file.
Click , your cart is exported by text file.
(6) Import text file.
Click , text file is imported into the cart.

(7) Output your cart with EXCEL.

Click , please click “OK”.

7. Download
You can download various file.
Please click below blue flame, then download starts.

8. Account
You can change your account data by yourself.
After you input your account data, please click . Information e-mail will be sent to your
e-mail address after your data updated.

9. Multi frame
When you click” Multi frame” of top of the display, multi frame function is activate.
You can select contents from four contents (Parts list, Information, Search and Cart) which you want
to check on a screen.

<Multi frame- Active>

If you chose all icons of red flame, the bellow screen shown.

Parts List Information

Frame size is

changed by drag.



 Parts List + Search
When you search No.4 22900757 which is displayed parts list now, you can confirm all result
as bellows.

When you click searched parts list, displayed parts list change.
Return to before parts list.

 Parts list + Cart
You can check selected parts from parts list on your cart.
Cart is automatically updated.

 Parts list, Information

You can’t search parts list and information on multi frame.
Both of them show nothing on active multi frame, unless you open something of parts list or
information before.

 Parts list + Information + Search
Scrolling information display, parts number link is shown.
When you click parts number,

Searched result is shown.

When you active multi frame, 3 contents are shown on a screen as bellow.

Click searched result “Item No” of red frame, then the parts list is changed and the selected parts are

Click searched result of blue frame, then the parts list is changed but the selected parts are not


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