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Throughout years I was constantly trying to sketch and to define my personality in order to get outside

the majority and to be authentic, as I notice more and more people who steal personalities traits in
order to seem more important. However, I always try to take something beneficial from the people
surrounding me.

Since I was a kid my dad taught me that respectfulness is a crucial trait in society as I’ll have to treat
people the way they treat me. This trait helped me to see how many people I can annoy just by treating
them the same way the treated me.

Moreover, a trait accomplished from family is politeness which taught me to be civilized with everyone
around me.

Majority of my relationships with people are based on honesty as it helps to have a better
communication and understanding. Honesty is strongly approached with trust and I consider myself a
person you can always rely on.

Over the years in school, I managed to mark out ambitiousness. This becomes a decisive trait when you
are really into something and it brings to light the best version of when fighting for a desire.

As far as I’m concerned, I consider forgiveness a weakness, because I realized that some people don’t
deserve second chance and, in my case, forgiving lead people to take advantage of me.

Procrastinating is the reason why I become anxious, as skipping homework or ordinary tasks, these are
being gathered so I don’t have enough time to complete them and I always feel anxious regarding the
next day.

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