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Minutes of Democrats Abroad Guatemala

Executive Committee meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2020 at 11:00am via Zoom

Members in Attendance: John Chudy, Chair; Mary Lou Ridinger, Vice Chair; Vincent D’Agati,
Treasurer; Kee Adams Evans, Events Coordinator; Phyllis MacCartney, Secretary; Blaine
Stokes, Member At Large; Karl Holzwarth, Member at Large; Juan Pablo Aris, Counsel; Johnny
Figureroa-Month, Meet-up Chair for Huehuetenango.

Per our bylaws (paragraph 19.3), all meetings are open to all members.

Called to order at 11:06 am

Approval of Agenda and Minutes: Minutes from October meeting and agenda for November meeting
were approved unanimously.

Treasurer's report: Vincent reported that as of November 20th there was Q6506 in the account at the
bank plus a Q10 debit card charge and along with petty cash of Q1310 for a total balance of Q7816.
Budget was approved. Vincent has also designed a very easy to understand spreadsheet which is very
much appreciated and will be included in the minutes. There is also a $15 bill for a Facebook ad run
November 11 to 16. This will be reflected in next month's report unless DA Global absorbs the cost.

A few Biden t-shirts are still available in sizes small medium. John Chudy is collecting the money and
will submit it to the treasurer in the near future.

Chair’s Report: Happy Birthday to Mary Lou and to president elect Joe Biden today November 20th.

There is a spike in Covid 19 cases and the report from the day before yesterday showed an increase in 18
cases in Antigua, over the recent daily average of two to four cases a day

Traci Styner submitted her resignation at the Lake Atitlan Meet-Up chair. A motion was made for the
Excom to accept Traci’s resignation. The motion was accepted unanimously. Kee is following up on a
possible replacement candidate and will report on this status at a later date.

John Chudy presented interesting facts about the presidential election. Joe Biden won by the biggest vote
margin in history. So far Biden has received over 80 million votes to Trump's 73 million. Trump is the
first sitting president to lose the popular vote twice.

America's Regional Meeting was held November 10th. The Senate runoff election in Georgia January 5th
was the only topic covered. Georgia is a postal mail only state creating a challenge for Georgia voters
residing in countries with no or unreliable postal service like Guatemala. DAGT has nine Georgia voters.
They are being reached by phone and email to check to determine if they need help on their ballot status,
receiving their ballot, and returning it. The American Embassy in Guatemala will receive Georgia ballots
for delivery via the DPO. Voters can drop them off at the exterior window at the Embassy or deliver them
via Cargo Expreso or Guatex up to December 10th, though DAGT is encouraging voters to have them
reach the Embassy no later than November 30th.

Events 2020: Kee presented initial plans for voter registration events for 2021. On November 2,
2021, two states, New Jersey and Virginia, will hold off-year gubernatorial elections, and as the
Biden Cabinet is filled, other elections could be necessary. In addition, all members should be in
the habit of submitting a new Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) every year. The FPCA is the
ballot request form accepted by all 50 states. Submitting a new FPCA every year ensures that the
voter will receive a ballot for off-year elections and any special elections that may arise in their
state to fill a vacant House or Senate seat, and of course be up to date to receive a ballot in mid-
term and presidential election years. Therefore, Kee plans to start off with a Get Out the Vote
meeting in Jocotenango in mid-January. Of course, this is covid-19 dependent, and would be
done only with appropriate social distancing. Beginning with this event and others later in the
year, Kee would like to have all Excom members participate in one or more of the events to
ensure that all are familiar with and expert at using Votefromabroad.Org, DA’s online voter
registration tool, including the use of its unique photo signature feature. Also, later in the year,
similar events should take place at Lake Atitlán, Guatemala City, Xela and Huehuetenango,
covid-19 permitting. Kee added that we might also consider a Zoom FPCA walk-thru program
that members could attend.

An election celebration to take place via Zoom was discussed and agreed that December 12th, a Saturday
and the day following the last state certification in California, would be the day. The time would be 1pm
to 3pm local time. Kee is developing a program for the event and wants to keep it happy and light. Please
submit to Kee any ideas for songs, videos, or funny materials to help make the event interesting. The
program will start with a live musical presentation by the Kossoy Sisters Ellen and Irene, and Mary Lou
will perform her Using Your Mask song at some point. Saturday Night Live skits and funny fact checker
reports may be included along will other silly media that relate to Trump's lies and mismanagement. All
DAGT members will be invited. We are not going to post anything about this event on social media, only
through official DA email. Send any ideas to Kee by 5 pm November 28th.

Final items: Nothing new from Excom members regarding the corona virus.

Kee mentioned that we need a Guatemala City meet-Up Chair, and is open to receiving nominations or
suggestions of persons to follow up with.

Initial steps toward developing the 2021 DAGT Field Plan will be taken up in the December meeting.

Juan Pablo mentioned an emerging crisis in Guatemala over the 2021 General Budget. In addition to
having been approved behind closed doors, the budget creates a slush fund with no controls while funds
for nutrition and health programs were reduced. The fear is this money will end up in the pockets of
politicians. There are demonstrations planned in the city and around the country the weekend of
November 21 and 22.

Next DAGT Abroad meeting by Zoom is scheduled for December 16th at 11:00 am.

Next Regional Meeting. To be determined and announced

Adjourned 12:36 pm

07/13/20 1,000.00 1,000.00

07/13/20 Deposit Balance transferred 4,984.00 4,984.00

07/13/20 Deposit Income/T Shirts 800.00 800.00

07/13/20 Income/Donations 15.00 15.00

07/13/20 Deposit Income/T Shirts 600.00 600.00

Total Bank Deposits 6,399.00 1,000.00 7,399.00

08/15/20 FB ads (76.10) (76.10)

08/15/20 FB ads (76.10) (76.10)

08/13/20 FB ads (44.44) (44.44)

NTB (3.36) (3.36)

John's Contribution 10.00 10.00

09/16/20 810.00 (190.00)

08/05/20 exp Facebook Ad (113.00) (113.00)

08/05/20 exp Tee Shirts (780.00) (780.00)

08/05/20 CK 00001 Total Aug Exp (893.00) 810.00 (83.00)

5,506.00 810.00 6,316.00

09/16/20 T shirt Income 1,000.00 1,000.00

09/16/20 Contribution 20.00 20.00

09/23/20 Total Cash 6,526.00 810.00 7,336.00 (Cash in Bank + Petty Cash)

10/14/20 Bank Fee (Fraud insurance) (10.00) (10.00)

10/14/20 Total Cash 6,516.00 810.00 7,326.00 (Cash in Bank + Petty Cash)

11/14/20 Bank Fee (Fraud insurance) (10.00) (10.00)

11/16/20 t shirts 200.00 200.00

11/16/20 t shirts 200.00 200.00

11/16/20 donoation 100.00 100.00

11/16/20 Total Cash 6,506.00 1,310.00 7,816.00 (Cash in Bank + Petty Cash)

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