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A Series of Unfortunate Events

Date: 11/18/2020 By:

Blog #1 Questions:
1. Title, author, and current page
2. The plot so far, try to avoid “spoilers”
3. Your commentary on the story:
a. What do you like and why?
b. What, if anything, do you dislike, and why?
4. A quote from the reading that seems important or memorable to you and why.

Answers to questions

I am reading A Series of Unfortunate Events Book 1 by Lemony Snicket. So far, it is about these
siblings, Violet (oldest), Klaus (second oldest), and Sunny (baby) Baudelaire, having to live with a
madman, Count Olaf, after the Baudelaire's parents got perished in a terrible fire from them. They
have to do chores for Count Olaf and cook for his theater group and him. Right before they went to
his door to meet him, they met his neighbor, Justice Strauss, that was across the street to him. She
was so nice and pleasant to them. So when they had free time to do anything, they went to Justice's
house to go to her secret library that was packed with books that was with books that Violet wanted
to read about inventions and science, books that Klaus liked about geography, books that Sunny
liked like picture books. They were so happy that she had a big library that they were maybe thinking
that she can adopt them instead of Count Olaf. But then, in the morning, Count Olaf made them
oatmeal with raspberries sprinkled on top. Klaus thought they were poisoned, so Count Olaf plopped
one into his mouth saying that the raspberries were not poisoned. What will happen next? I totally
recommend these series even though I haven't read it all yet. But, I think it is a totally awesome

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