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Summary of Islamic Civilization

Based on my understanding, I believed that Islam religion are influenced

by Arab custom. It is because the origin of Islam from Middle-East which is
lived by Arab. One of the most popular things about their culture is about their
poetry. Arab well-know with their amazing poetry and narrative. This is one of
the reasons why Al-Quran were sent to them through Prophet Muhammad
P.B.U.H to give them guidance. I could not agree more that both Al-Quran and
Prophet stressed playing huge roll in shaping the Islam civilization.

Moreover, from my knowledge, I just knew that during the Pre-Islamic

period, poet and writer would hang all their writings on any wall. It was called
mu'allaquat or the literal meaning of it is the hanging. But what is the main
reason of this action? We all know that Arab has a lot of tribes. The most
shocking part is one of each tribe really proud of their tribe. Therefore, they will
express and state all of the greatness of their tribe respectively through writing.

Furthermore, as Qur'an was first memorized, this tradition still keeps on

going. In the process of spreading Qur'an, the culture itself to some extent
Influencing the Qur'an teaching. We can see that the Qur'anic teaching
nowadays little bit related with the old Arab writing, poetry and the culture
itself. The poetry is the way they express something, therefore; Muslim
nowadays also acknowledge that they read Qur'an and express their views.
Therefore, both Islam and Arab culture are closely related to each of them in
many aspects and of course the form and progress of Islamic civilization.

Based on my understanding, in the progress of forming the civilization of

Islam, in terms of knowledge, they had a lot of great centers of religious
learning for the citizen. For example, during Baghdad era, they had almost 300
formal schools and during the Alexandria era they had around 12,000 students.
The madrasah which is school was developed in Baghdad which consist a lot of
teaching staff. The free education was provided to all student regardless their
finance situation either poor or even rich. Some of the most popular knowledge
institution is Bait al-Hikmah in Baghdad and Dar al-Ilm in Cairo and of course the
universities such as Universities such as Al-Azhar in Cairo.
My understanding regarding the sciences is the Islamic scientific
developments were the basis of knowledge in the world. The Arabic alphabet
developed from the ancient script used for Nabataean, a dialect of Aramaic, in a
region now part of Jordan and consist 28 letters. It has been added some letters
to serve the need of other language. Al-Hasan, one of the sons, was perhaps the
foremost geometrician of his time, translating six books of the Elements and
working out the remainder of the proofs on his own. For example, Bawraq is

Regarding the present and the future, Islam is not specifically for Arab
race or people who lived in middle-east. It consisted many Muslim around the
world such as , Africa, Asia Minor, Central Asia, China, the Soviet Union or
Western societies.

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