Revelation and Prophethood in The Islamic Worldview

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Revelation and Prophethood in the Islamic Worldview

Based on my understanding, generally, this topic about the revelation in the Islamic
worldview is the revelation from god did not come by itself directly to the all humankind.
However, the revelation that between us nowadays were sent from through the prophethood.
It is undeniable that without prophethood, we will not receive and recognize the revelation
from god. Both revelation and prophethood are always connected in order to bring the exact
purpose of Islamic worldview. The first revelation was start to prophet Muhammad. The
revelation is the guidance for the all mankind to assist them to distinguish right over
wrong.Based on my reading, the wahy or in English we called revelation is generally has two
meaning. The first one is khafa or secrecy and sur'ah or quickness. The important of the
revelation it use for human or to giving some people inspiration.
Based on my reading, I will say that the god's revelation has three form which are
insopiratio, It is totally not for someone or any individual because god's revelation. The
reason of why the prophet were extra ordinary they have ability to differentiate and can see
clearly about God and satan. After all, I believed the prophet who were selected and being the
chosen are totally enormous responsibility. I belied that the prophet and revelation as
guidance to humankind.

Therefore, what is the proofs of the prophets? The thing is when a miracle or we call
"mu'jizah the show the prophet to ensure the authentic of the prophethood. For the part unity
of revelation and indivisibility of prophet hood, I understand that it is unique because the
phenomenon of prophet because of the universality. We know the revelation is not
specifically to Arabic people, thus; it is for all rare in the world. The hard work of the prophet
has brought and spread the message from god to humankind.
If we take a look in history about Adam whom are the first human on earth, he started
by following all the god's revelation. As time goes by, some of his progeny followed the
divine teaching mean while some of the other has swayed away from Adam's teaching. For
example, this group has started to worshipped the nature such as sun, moon, trees, mountain
and so on. We know that every single new type of evil action has occurred a long time before.
Humankind started to forget the god's revelation.
Next, the relevance of the prophetic message to the modern age. In this subtopic, I
would say that a number of Muslim intellectual agreed that there are four reasons why
prophet was appointed. Firstly, it is because it is a must the prophet to be sent unto a certain
place that have no prophet was sent before. Secondly, it is agreed that the people in particular
place have forgotten the message and revelation that were brought by the older prophet
before just to remind them. Thirdly, the people did not receive to proper mandate form god
by the former prophet. Therefore, the newer prophet was sent to again to give the proper
mandate and to fulfill the requirement of the religion. The last one is I could not agree more,
it is because the prophet was sent to the people once again for the second time share the
responsibility of office with the first prophet

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