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University of Santo Tomas History

Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Rosario (April 1611)

Colegio de Santo Tomas (1617)
University of Santo Tomas (November,1645)

Miguel de Benavides (1560-1605)

1595: appointed Bishop of Nueva Segovia (Vigan)
1597: ordained Bishop of Nueva Segovia
1602: appointed Archbishop of Manila
 Donated Php. 1,500 and his personal library for the establishment of a “seminary-college”

Act of Foundation
Dominican Province of the Santo Rosario was tasked to govern and instruct the newly founded College.

Titles given to the University

Royal University (March 7, 1785) King Charles III
Pontifical University (September 17, 1902) Pope Leo XII
Catholic University (April 27, 1947) Pope Pius XII

1925: start of the construction of the Main Building (Fr. Roque Ruaño)
1927: inauguration of the Main Building

1943 – 1944 (onset of World War II) where all original buildings of the University in Intramuros were
totally destroyed

1945: Liberation, birth of The Philippine Republic

July 1945: UST reopened its doors

Fr. Leonardo Legaspi, O.P. 1st Filipino Rector (1970)

National Cultural Treasures I The University of Santo Tomas

January 25, 2010: National Museum
 Main Building
 Arch of the Century
 Open Field
 Central Seminary

Academic Dimension
1611: Faculty of Sacred Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Canon Law
1734: Faculty of Civil Law, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Pharmacy
1896: Faculty of Arts and Letters
1907: Faculty of Engineering
1926: College of Education, College of Science, College of Architecture and Fine Arts
(now College of Architecture)
1933: College of Commerce & Business Administration
1938: Graduate School
1945: Conservatory of Music
1946: College of Nursing
1974: College of Rehabilitation Sciences
2000: College of Fine Arts and Design
2004: UST-AMV College of Accountancy
2006: College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
2014: Institute of Information and Computing Sciences
2016: Senior High School

Evolution of UST SEAL

First to be officially used, presumably since 1619. The last time it is shown used was in
1723. Only two facsimiles are preserved today.

This seal first appears in the “Call Edicts” of 1775.
It is also seen in the diplomas issued from 1809 to 1854.

In the Statutes of 1734, this seal is seen for the first time. This was known as the Great
Seal. Its use lasted up to past the first half of the 16th century

As early as 1828 and as late as 1856 this seal is found in some diplomas issued by the
University. Judging by its use, it is probable that this was the Minor Seal of the

Its use was stated in 1845 and lasted up to 1880. It was employed in all Diplomas
and certificates.
The diplomas of our alumni, who are now National Heroes, bear this seal.
Its use was stated in 1845 and lasted up to 1880. It was employed in all Diplomas
and certificates. The diplomas of our alumni, who are now National Heroes, bear
this seal.

More properly a Coat of Arms. It is done in wood. Most probably it was made during
the early years of last century. Its design influenced the subsequent seals of the


It was first used in 1885. From 1868 to 1880, its use was suspended. Re-adopted in
1881, it was used in the official edition of the Opening Addresses of the University. It
is found in the medals of faculty members.


This minor seal was adopted in 1868. It is found in most of the certificates from 1875 to
On occasions it was used instead of the Great Seal in some Edicts, from 1877 to 1899.
It was last used in 1916.


The Great Seal was next changed in 1936 in order to include the
Official Seal of the Commonwealth of the Philippines inaugurated in

In July 1937, this seal was
adopted to include
Official Spanish Coat of Arms that
had been eliminated in the
previous design.

On October 30, 1957 this seal was officially adopted, seeking to cure all defects of
design that had crept into the previous Seals.

University of Santo Tomas Hymn

Seat of Aquinas, majestic enduring
the storms of the ages.
Shrine of our ancient fathers,
Carved in these isles

This is the castle imperious.

This is the home of our sages.
Blessed by the Cross of the angels,
Gift of our Mother Spain!

Deep in her echoing chambers

Flames of eternal yearning
Cast their benignant shadows
athwart this beloved land.

Keeping the torches of freedom

and heave forever burning.
Deep in the heart led by the Saviour’s


God of all nations

Merciful Lord of our restless being,
Sweep with your golden lilies;
This fountain of purest light;

Trace with the sails of the galleons

the dream beyond our seeing
Touch with the flame of your kindness
the gloom of our darkest night.

Keep us in beauty and truth and virtues

impassioned embrace
Ever your valiant legions
Imbued with unending grace!

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