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A silver Honda pulls into the drive. CHRISTINA opens the

driver side door and steps out of the car. She walks
around to the boot of the car, opens it and removes the
shopping, she puts the bags on the floor behind her
before she shuts the boot. She locks the car, picks up
the bags and walks to the front door of the house.


CHRISTINA opens the door and walks inside carrying the

shopping bags. CHRISTINA walks through the hallway and
into the kitchen. She puts the bags on the table and
looks towards a photo frame on the windowsill. She begins
emptying the bags. The door opens and SLAMS shut.
CHRISTINA walks out of the kitchen and into the hallway.
She looks up to see GEMMA storming up the stairs.
CHRISTINA watches her as she goes up the stairs.
CHRISTINA goes back into the kitchen and puts the rest of
the shopping away. She walks through the kitchen and into
the lounge. CHRISTINA stops in the door frame and looks
towards the Christmas tree. She grabs the wrapping paper
which is resting in the corner next to the sofa.
CHRISTINA leaves the lounge and walks upstairs carrying
the wrapping paper. She walks down the hallway until she
gets to the first door on the left. She opens the door to
GEMMA sitting on a red beanbag in the corner or the room.
GEMMA looks at CHRISTINA, the wrapping paper and then
back at CHRISTINA unimpressed. GEMMA stands up and stands
in front of CHRISTINA pushing her out of the door and
shutting it in her face. CHRISTINA, who is still standing
outside of the door, looks at the wrapping paper in her
hand dejectedly. Inside the room GEMMA is sitting on the
floor keeping the door shut with her head in her knees.
CHRISTINA walks away from the door and down the stairs.


CHRISTINA is sitting in the kitchen holding a mug and

reading through Christmas food books. She flips through
the pages until she finds a recipe. She rips the page out
of the book, examines it again and walks out of the
kitchen. CHRISTINA walks through the hallway to the
stairs. She stops at the bottom and reads the page a
final time before she goes up the stairs. CHRISTINA
knocks on Gemma's door. The door opens, GEMMA is standing
in the doorway looking at CHRISTINA expectantly.
CHRISTINA hands the piece of paper to GEMMA smiling
hopefully. GEMMA looks down at the paper
in her hands quickly reading it before handing it back to
CHRISTINA. GEMMA takes a step back into the room, shakes
her head and promptly shuts the door. CHRISTINA stands
outside of the door

looking down at the paper that she is holding, she takes

one last look at the door before going back downstairs.
CHRISTINA puts on a pair of grey worn out Uggs, a black
coat and a scarf. She goes into the kitchen and grabs her
bag and car keys. CHRISTINA opens the door and looks up
the stairs before going through the door and shutting it
behind her. Once the door shuts GEMMA comes downstairs
and watches through the window as CHRISTINA drives off.
GEMMA walks into the kitchen and takes a glass out of a
cupboard and walks to the tap to fill it up. She turns
the tap on and fills the glass half way once she turns it
off she puts the glass on the side and walks towards the
windowsill. She picks up the photo frame that was on
there and puts it face down before she picks up the glass
and goes upstairs.


GEMMA walks down the stairs and stops in the doorway to

the lounge. The lights and TV are still on. GEMMA walks
into the room to turn them off, when she turns around to
get the remote for the TV she sees CHRISTINA asleep on
the sofa and holding an old photo album. GEMMA turns the
TV and lights off and turns the Christmas tree lights on
instead. She takes the white blanket on top of the sofa
off, unfolds it and places it on top of her mother. She
takes the photo album out of CHRISTINA’s hands and
carries it into the kitchen. GEMMA sits down at the table
and opens the photo album. The photo album is filled with
old family photos of Gemma and her parents. She shuts the
album and looks towards the face down photo frame on the
windowsill. GEMMA leaves the photo album on the table and
goes to the windowsill, she picks up the framed photo and
carries it to the living room. Gemma puts the photo next
to the TV and leaves the room shutting the door behind


CHRISTINA sits up on the sofa and pulls the blanket off
of her lap. She looks up at the Christmas tree then
towards the TV. She stands up and approaches the TV. She
looks down at the photo frame and picks it up. CHRISTINA
walks towards the door carrying the frame. She opens the
door and walks out into the hallway.


GEMMA is standing with her back to the door attempting to

make something while reading something off of the table.
CHRISTINA walks into the kitchen and approaches GEMMA
still carrying the photo frame. GEMMA turns around and
smiles stepping to the side so CHRISTINA can see what she
is doing. CHRISTINA walks up to the table and looks at
the piece of paper lying on it. It’s the same recipe she
wanted to make the day before. CHRISTINA puts the photo
frame next to the photo album on the table. They both
work together to make the dish.


CHRISTINA is sitting on the sofa with the white blanket

resting over her lap holding two mugs. The only light in
the room. Coming from the muted TV and the Christmas
lights. GEMMA walks into the room carrying the photo
frame. She puts it next to the TV before she sits down
and takes one of the mugs from CHRISTINA who throws the
blanket over GEMMA’s lap. GEMMA unmutes the TV.

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