Final Student Evaluation 9

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APPE Final Evaluation of Student

General overview
Please evaluate your student's performance on the Professionalism and Work Ethics items that follow using the grading sc
How to apply scoring
Grading Scale: (C) Consistently, (I) Inconsistently, (N) Never

Professionalism and Work Ethics

Please evaluate your student's performance on the Professionalism and Work Ethics items that follow using the grad
Grading Scale: (C) Consistently, (I) Inconsistently, (N) Never

Consistently Inconsistently Never

Appearance exemplifies that of a professional (i.e. dress, hygiene). Consistently

 The student is self-motivated and eager to learn. Inconsistently

Demonstrates punctuality in attendance. Consistently

Demonstrates dependability in all assigned tasks and projects. Inconsistently

The student is professional and ethical in attitude and behavior. Inconsistently

The student accepts constructive criticism and appropriately modifies behavior: Inconsistently

Entrustable Professional Activities

Please evaluate your student's performance on the Entrustable Professional Activities that follow using the grading s
Exceeds Expectations: Ready for supervision at a distance. I trust the learner to completely and accurately...

Meets Expectations: Ready for reactive supervision. I trust the learner, with limited correction, to...

Below Expectations: Ready for direct, proactive supervision. I trust the learner, with direct supervision and frequent

Fails Expectations: I do not trust the learner to...

Please also review the list of Automatic Failures in your overall assessment of the student. Automatic Failures for any
Breaches patient confidentiality or violates policies of the site. 
Did not meet requirements and failed expectations outlined by the preceptor 
Displays skills, abilities, and/or knowledge areas that require significant improvement and are a concern for patie
Engages in inappropriate and/or unethical behavior (e.g., exceeds absences allowed, inappropriate language or com
unprofessional behavior)
…collect information to identify a patient’s medication-related problems and Final  
health-related needs: Below Expectations

…identify medication related problems: Below Expectations Final  


…compile a prioritized health-related problem list for a patient: Meets Final  


…evaluate any existing drug therapy regimen for its effectiveness: Below Final  

…develop an evidence-based treatment plan for a patient: Meets Expectations Final  


…collaborate with the patient, caregiver(s) and other health professionals to Final  
establish patient-centered goals: Meets Expectations

…implement a treatment plan in collaboration with other health professionals: Final  

Meets Expectations

 …educate a patient and caregiver(s) in the implementation of the patient’s Final  

treatment plan including medications and devices: N/A

 …assess patient adherence to the treatment plan and assist with behavior Final  
change as needed: N/A

 …recommend modifications or adjustments to an existing medication therapy Final  

regimen based on patient response: Below Expectations

…assist in a patient’s transition to different level(s) of care or care setting(s): N/A Final  


…collaborate as the medication expert as part of an interprofessional team: Final  

Meets Expectations
 …review and document adverse drug events and medication errors within a Final  
medication use system: N/A

 …determine CDC-recommended immunizations for a specific patient, then Final  

administer and document as applicable: Meets Expectations

 …educate professional colleagues or lay audience(s) based on the evaluation of Final  

scientific literature and its application: N/A

…use setting appropriate verbal communication skills: Meets Expectations Final  


…use setting appropriate written communication skills: Meets Expectations Final  


 …retrieve and analyze scientific literature to make a patient-specific Final  

recommendation and/or answer a drug information question: Below

…appropriately use common automated systems to fulfill a medication order Final  

(robotics, Pyxis, sterile compounding technologies etc.): N/A

…perform a self-evaluation to identify professional strengths and weaknesses: Final

Meets Expectations

Please list specific strengths of the student noted during this

Comments : *Comment Required

Student is organized and has great habits of time management. She was able to build an effective
rapport with the healthcare team. Student performed her first medication history during this rotation
and was open to feedback. Overall, I think Student learned a lot as it is her first true inpatient

Please list specific areas needing improvement which future

preceptors should focus on during subsequent rotations.
Comments :

One thing I will encourage Student to do is look up more items/information on her own. At times it feels
that she is asking questions that she can find the answer to on her own (sometimes this is necessary, e.g.
when the providers need a quick answer), but oftentimes she has time to review on her own. Student
can also take a little time to think about questions when they are posed to her instead of just answering.
I know that if Student took an extra minute to formulate her thoughts that she could answer more
questions appropriately. Things Student can continue to work on include the collection and assessment
portion of patient care as well as slowing down and thinking before answering questions. When asked a
question, she is very quick to answer without seemingly taking a moment to stop and think through the
correctness of her answer, which makes it hard for her preceptor to really assess her baseline knowledge
or thought process. When further questioned to get clarification, it seems that she can shut down at
times. I would encourage her to slow down, think, and be open to the process of your preceptor digging
to get to the bottom of how we can help you grow and learn.

What specific activities would you suggest for this student

during future rotations which would complement his or her
experience(s) to date.
Comments : *Comment Required

Student was encouraged to utilize various forms of literature and guidelines when searching for answers
to help support recommendations. She began to utilize appropriate resources and data search engines to
identify information instead of Google. Throughout the rotation experience, Student had a difficult time
analyzing literature and identifying the objectives of studies. She sometimes seems overwhelmed by the
material and does not understand why she is reviewing specific guidelines or articles. I encourage Student
to conduct journal clubs on future rotations, which can help her grasp key pieces of primary literature. I
also recommend that Student uses the P.I.C.O. method when analyzing literature to help her outline what
to focus on. Life-long learning Student can follow instructions for finding the answer to something when
directly asked and given the materials to find the answer in. However, she needs guidance as to
identifying what areas she needs to further develop in and where and how to find these answers. While I
would expect the need for further instruction to some degree with a student who is still learning, she still
seemed to need heavy directional guidance in this area by the end of rotation. In future rotations, I would
encourage her to try to identify areas of need prospectively on her own.

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