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Biomedical Instrumentation Design II

Dr. Nebras H. Ghaeb

2020 – 2021
1st Course

Course Materials:

Part 1. Design of Medical Instrument.

Part 2. Design of capital equipment (MRI).
Part 3. Design of Imaging system.
Part 4. Design of Therapeutic system.
Part 5. Design of Other systems.

Part 1. Design of Medical Instrument:

1. What is the Design?

2. Life cycle of Design for Medical Device.
3. Important Guidelines and required procedure of work.
4. Sample of Design procedure.

1. What is Design?

The word “design” causes confusion in every circle of

life. One can use “design” as a noun:
(“This is my design”),
“Design” comes from the Latin designare which
as a verb
means “to mark out, point out, describe”.
(“I am designing”),
and even worse, as a question
(“Are you the designer?”).

IN MY opinion:
- IT is a creative activity,
- TO define a day life needing's,
- AND use all available tools,
- TO solve it.

2. Life cycle of Design for Medical Device.

People like to talk about the life of a design. To have a life

means something has to be brought to life and then die;

Part 2. Design of capital equipment (MRI).

1. Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR).

2. MRI Magnet.
3. MRI Signal.
4. Spatial Encoding.
5. Image Formation.
6. Sequences.

1. Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR).

a. Nuclear Spin.
b. Larmor Frequency.
c. Magnetization.
d. Resonance.
e. Excitation.
f. Relaxation.
g. Proton Density.

a. Nuclear Spin.
• Hydrogen nuclei (protons) have magnetic properties,
called nuclear spin. They behave like small tiny rotating
magnets, and can be present by vectors.


- Each Hydrogen proton has very tiny magnetic field strength resulted
from the rotation and this field with specific direction depends upon:
1. Location of the Proton inside the tissue of the body.
2. Total number of the Hydrogen proton per tissue.

- The sum of all the tiny magnetic fields of each spin is called net
magnetization (Mo).
- In the absence of an external Magnetic Field, the spinning protons
in Hydrogen are randomly oriented.
- Thus, the sum of all the spins gives a null net magnetization.
And this is the tissue magnetic stability.

Mo= ??

Within a large external
magnetic field (called Bo),
slightly more than half align
with the field. This imbalance
creates Mo. Some of the spins
align with the field (enphase)
and some align against field
Mo B o
Why is Hydrogen used in MRI?
• It is a single proton and therefore has
the strongest magnetic dipole.
• It is contained within Water and
Lipids and is therefore in abundance
in the body.
• Each cubic mm contains 1019 protons 10
b. Larmor Frequency.

- Spins (or precess) about the axis of the Bo field (Longitudinal Axis)
so as to describe a cone.
- This is called precession. Precession corresponds to the gyration of
the rotating axis of a spinning body about an intersecting axis.

Bo Bo

- The resonance frequency, called Larmor frequency (ωo) or
precessional frequency, is proportional to the main magnetic
field strength: ωo = γ Bo. The precessional frequency and the
external magnetic field are related by the Larmor Equation.

w = precessional freq (Hz)

γ = gyromagnetic ratio w = γ Bo
Bo = Magnetic Field Strength

- The gyromagnetic Ratio for Hydrogen is 42.6MHz/T.

- If other nuclei were being used during the MRI scan a
differing constant would be necessary e.g.: Carbon 13 =
10.7 MHz/T.

Precessional Frequency Chart

Isotope γ
0.2 T 0.5T 1.0 T 1.5T
MHz MH / T

1H 42.6 8.50 21.3 42.6 63.9

13C 10.71 2.14 5.35 10.73 16.1
19F 40.04 8.01 20.03 40.1 60.1
31P 17.24 5.05 8.62 17.24 25.9

c. Magnetization.
The magnetic vector of spinning protons can be broken down into
two orthogonal components:
1. A longitudinal or Z component, and
2. A transverse component, lying on the XY plane.

Z axis = ?

XY plane = ?

- Precession: corresponds to rotation of the transverse component about
the longitudinal axis.
- Within the Bo magnetic field, there are more spins aligned with the
field (parallel-low energy state) than spins aligned against the field
(anti-parallel-high energy state).
- Due to this slight excess of parallel spins, net magnetization has
a longitudinal component (along the Z axis) aligned with Bo.
- As spins do not rotate in phase, the sum of all the microscopic
transverse magnetizations of each spin is a null transverse macroscopic

d. Resonance.
- Exchange of energy between two systems at a specific frequency is
called resonance.
- Magnetic resonance corresponds to the energetic interaction
between spins and electromagnetic radiofrequency (RF).
- Only protons that spin with the same frequency as the
electromagnetic RF pulse will respond to that RF pulse.
- There is a modification of spin equilibrium
Longitudinal = ?
and absorption of electromagnetic energy by
atomic nuclei, which is called excitation.

- When the system returns from this state of

imbalance to equilibrium (relaxation), there
is an emission of electromagnetic energy.

Transverse = ?

- In a rotating frame of reference, the net magnetization vector tips
down during excitation. The flip angle is in function of the strength and
duration of the electromagnetic RF pulse.
- The net magnetization vector can be broken down into
a longitudinal component (along the Z axis, aligned with Bo), and
a transverse component, lying on the XY plane.
- During excitation, longitudinal
magnetization decreases and a
transverse magnetization appears
(except for a 180° flip angle).
- Longitudinal magnetization is due to a
difference in the number of spins in
parallel and anti-parallel state.
Transverse magnetization is due to
spins getting into phase coherence.

- If we consider an excitation with a 90o flip angle, when the RF
transmitted is turn off:
1. There is no longitudinal magnetization (equal proportion of parallel
and anti – parallel spins).
2. A transverse magnetization exists (all spin are in phase: complete
phase coherence)


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