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Growing up I was always taught how important it is to help others.

My mother, setting that example,

showed me that you don’t help people because you expect something in return but just out of the

kindness of your heart. I began my journey of volunteering in elementary school, in those days I would

interact with the kids in the special education class and help them with there homework, a hour a week

during my lunch period. It was a amazing experience that taught me, that even though we may be

different on the outside and our bodies may function differently, we are all humans, searching for

acceptance from our peer. In high school I got very involved in my schools leadership club and student

government. Due to my involvement in these activities, I was involved in school fundraisers and other

school functions. I would go to middle schools and persuade students to apply to my high school. I

volunteered during parent teacher conference nights, showing parents the classroom there looking for

and informing them of websites to keep track of there children’s grades. My role in student government

was treasure so my job was to help get money in the school for student activities. I sold roses during

valentines day, candy canes and bears throughout December, so we could have a dance and a BBQ.

Since leaving high school and now being a college student, I’ve taken my need to help others and have

gotten involved in my church. I work in the kids department. Helping to check kids into Sunday school

and at least once a month, volunteer doing odd jobs around my community.

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