Self Awareness Peer Review Assignment - Copie

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Self Awareness Peer Review Assignment

My name’s Mohammed, I’m an engineering student. I take this course for develop my
skills in self-awareness and leadership.
This year I became a manager of a project that its goals is helping students in there
studies for free. Through it I will apply the different concepts that I had studied in this
wonderful course.

Life Defining Events.

Specific events or experiences have had the greatest impact on in
development are meetings I make my group every week, they are a very
important chance for practice and develop my skills in leadership. In the end of
every meeting, I do an analyze for knowing my strength and weakness in order
to pass the next meeting in the best way.

Stress Management and Life Balance.

Everyone experiences stress at some stage in our life. It is a way for us to
know that something in our life is causing us concern and is affecting how we
are thinking and feeling.
Stress is not always bad. In small doses, it can help you perform under
pressure and motivate you to do your best, but when you are constantly
running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price.
For me, I manage stress by :
• Set goals around what I value highly
• Manage my time effectively—review job activities, priorities and success
Create a boundary between balancing work and personal time-leave work at
work where possible
• Build resilience and have a positive attitude
• Avoid stress, mental exhaustion and burnout—fatigue affects my ability
to work productively
• Maintain a healthy lifestyle—look after yourself, eat well, sleep well and
set aside a little time to exercise or pursue an activity that you enjoy
• Enlist a good support system—learn to delegate, we all need a little help
• Enjoy my work.

My distinctive leadership competencies.

Me as a leader I hardly work on motivate my team and give theme clear
instructions for facilitating the work especially when we take a new challenge.
I perform best as a follower when I work with people who are on an advance
stage in leadership (it’s the case of this course).

I perform best as a leader in motivation and when I choose my team.

My leadership role model is every leader who respect these principales :
• Ambition for the company and not for himself.
• Set up his successor for even greater success
• Displayed modesty and were never boastful
• Acted with calm, quiet determination on principled standards and not
relying on charisma
• Gave credit of the company’s success to other people, external factors,
and good luck

I can strengthen my performance and leadership styles by :

• Practice discipline.
• Take on more projects.
• Learn to follow. ...
• Develop situational awareness. ...
• Inspire others. ...
• Keep learning. ...
• Resolve conflicts. ...
• Be a discerning listener.

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