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Was Fred Flintstone a vegetarian?

Some anthropologists now think that for millions of years man’s diet was more than eighty percent

24 million years ago when our ancestors lived in the central Africa, they probably ate plants and fruits
and sometimes insects. When they started to travel north into the savannah, they changed their diet
and started to eat a lot of seeds and other plants. And this is probably how man lived for the next 22
million years. We know that because of the way our teeth are built. We have teeth called molars which
break down hard food such as seeds. The Aztecs and Incas ate a lot of cereal, beans and fruit but not
much meat at all. In classical India people didn’t eat meat and Japanese were mainly vegetarian until a
few generations ago. Slaves who built the Pyramids ate boiled onions! Even today, some societies with
unchanged lifestyle still have mostly vegetarian diets, like the Aborigines of Western Australia. During
19th century people suddenly began to eat a lot more meat. New ways of keeping and killing animals,
better transport and new inventions like fridges and freezers meant that meat was cheaper for ordinary
people. Also, during the 19th century, the vegetarian movement started in Europe and the USA. People
started to give up on meat in their diets. People decided to become vegetarian because some think that
its healthier not to eat meat, some think its cruel to eat animals and some think that growing food for
cows and pigs to eat is not very economical and bad for the environment. Today vegetarianism is more
and more popular across the world, but in most countries it is still a small percentage of population.


1. Prepričat tekst (ovo gore ti je skračena verzija)

2. Moguća pitanja:
a. Why do people choose to become vegetarian?
i. Because some think its healthier, some think it is cruel to kill animals and some
think it is bad for economics and environment.
b. Where did our ancestors live and what did they eat?
i. They lived in central America and they ate plants and fruits and sometimes
c. How can we confirm that in the past humans were mostly vegetarian?
i. We can confirm that because od the way our teeth are built.
d. What did Aztecs and Incas eat?
i. They ate a lot of cereal, beans and fruits but not much meat at all.
e. What was the main food of the slaves who built Pyramids?
i. It was boiled onions.
f. Which society still has mostly vegetarian diets?
i. Aborigines of Western Australia.
g. When did people start to eat more meat and why?
i. In 19th century because they found new ways to kill and transport animals and
people invented freezers and fridges which meant cheaper prices for ordinary

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