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915 Main St. Suite B

Pleasanton, CA 94566

November 8, 2019

Anthony Minnieweather
Minnieweather Capital
442 Post St. Floor 10
San Francisco, CA 94102

Dear Mr. Minnieweather:

NutriLife is the first meal prep delivery system, located in the Bay Area, that works with

dietitians to create unique meals to ensure each of our clients are getting the nutrients and

vitamins they need on a daily basis. My name is Monica Corzo and I am the creator of NutriLife.

I have been a registered dietitian specializing in sports nutrition for the last ten years and have

worked in the catering business for five. Since I was young I have always had a passion for

sports and bodybuilding, however, no matter how hard I trained I struggled to reach my fitness

goals. I soon came to realize that, without proper nutrition, fitness goals can become very hard to

reach. Often times when people are trying to lose weight they will lower their caloric intake but

fail to realize that they may be losing some essential vitamins and minerals that could actually

limit their ability to optimize their weight loss. NutriLife is unique because our dietitians work

with our customers to ensure that every meal provides all the vitamins and minerals each

individual needs to tailor to their fitness goals.

Here is how it works, our facility will ship out 15 meals/week to each of our clients

summing up to $690/customer a month (assuming a 5-day meal package). We are using whole

organic, locally grown foods to ensure our customers are receiving the best quality meals. The

need to receive already made meals, that are tailored to each individual, exists and will not only

facilitates people’s lives but also encourage them to be more active and reach their fitness goals.

Our total yearly cost consists of both our fixed cost which is $600,400 (which includes

the yearly cost of employees and occupancy cost) and variable cost which is $996,840 (which

includes the yearly cost of food and shipment). Our total cost sums up to $1,597,240 and our

estimated sales for the first year are $5,382,000 (this figure was projected beginning with 100

customers and assuming growth of an additional 100 customers per month). My financial plan

indicates that one million dollars will be necessary for all the equipment, one year worth of

payroll for all employees, first and last month of rent for our facility and a little extra for

unforeseen expenses. We already have a location secured in Pleasanton, CA located near the

heart of the Bay Area, making it easy to ship all of our meals quickly and efficiently. We are

looking for $500,000, one-half of the initial startup with a 150% return on investment within 3


Thank you for taking the time to look over the information and considering investing in

NutriLife. I stand behind my company 100% and know we will be facilitating the lives of many

Americans and will eventually be able to make it easier for those with medical conditions who

have to follow strict and specific diets. As a dietitian, I know there is a real need for a company

that sells already made meals tailored to each individual’s dietary needs. Please contact me if you

have any further questions or if I can be of any further assistance.


Monica Corzo, CEO/NutriLife



Company Description/Executive Summary

NutriLife is a weekly food delivery service that targets athletes and individuals trying to

reach specific fitness goals. We deliver organic, fresh meals along with individualized recipes to

Bay Area, California residents. Our goal is not just to help our clients reach their fitness goals,

but to also introduce them to new food items; all the while making sure they reach their personal

dietary guidelines and values. Each client will get a personalized box with specific meals that

have been tailored to their needs; clients have the choice of choosing between seven, five, or

three days’ worth of meals to be delivered conveniently to their homes. These meals are made

specifically to take into account each individual's fitness/dietary goals whether it be weight loss,

muscle gain, leaning, etc.

Often times, when people are trying to lose weight, they lower their caloric intake but fail

to realize that they may be cutting off certain essential nutrients and vitamins. What our clients

will value most is that we are working with dietitians to ensure that they are still meeting their

dietary guidelines while fitting specific caloric ranges or specific fitness goals. All of our

ingredients are organic, cruelty-free, and come from local farms to ensure that our clients get the

freshest ingredients from our kitchen right to their door.

Mission Statement

NutriLife is dedicated to helping our clients reach their fitness goals while ensuring their

dietary guidelines are met through the delivery of fresh organic already made meals and

individualized recipes. Our vision is to not only help clients reach their fitness goals but also, in

the future, make it easier for those with medical conditions who have to follow specific diets.

Products and Services

It is common when trying to lose weight and lower caloric intake that people fail to

realize, since they are eating less, they may be losing some essential nutrients and vitamins. This

can be detrimental to their overall health and actually limit their ability to maximize their weight

loss or to reach their fitness goals. Our meals come already made and easy to heat up, with

specific instructions for every meal; meals being specific to the needs of the customer ordering it.

Not only is this convenient but it ensures that the meals our clients eat will help maximize the

potential to reach their goals.

After choosing a package the customer will then answer a questionnaire and have a

one-on-one call with one of our dietitians. With this information, our dietitians will create

various individualized meals, that are tailored to our clients’ dietary needs, allergies, and tastes.

Everything is already made in our kitchen with professional chefs and dietitians working hand in

hand. Our meals can be tailored for vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians, and people with any

allergies allowing everyone to enjoy delicious meals that meet their needs and are easy to warm


Classification and Type of Food Service

NutriLife is classified as a ready prepared (also called Cook-Chill) top meal delivery

service. The classification fits the mission statement perfectly since we are making meals that fit

our clients’ goals and dietary needs and delivering them to their homes all over the Bay Area. I

chose this model because as a student I often do not have time to cook healthy meals that would

help me reach my dietary values and fit in my macros to help me in my fitness journey. This

classification is convenient for busy individuals because our meals are already prepared and they

just need to be rethermalized prior to eating. All of the meals are delivered the same day they are

produced with organic ingredients to ensure freshness. I have always been passionate about

helping people reach their fitness goals but have found that people do not realize how important

diet is in this process. NutriLife is there to make it easier for everyone; now people will not even

have to wonder if the meal they are eating fits their macros or dietary values.

One Day Menu

Every week our clients will receive already made meals that come with recipes and snack

suggestions, the amount of meals is dependent on which program they get. Our clients will have

a few meals to choose from since the meals are tailored to each individual person’s needs they

will vary from person to person. NutriLife uses cycle menus so recipes change on a weekly

bases, an example of what the first meal (breakfast) may look like is two egg whites (34 cal, 0.4g

of carbs, 0.2g of fat, 7.2g of protein), 2 tablespoons of low-fat milk (12 cal, 1.5g of carbs, 0.3g

fat, 1g of protein), 2 turkey sausage links (102 cal, 0g of carbs, 7g of fat, 8.2g of protein) , 1 slice

of whole-wheat toast (100 cal, 19g of carbs, 1.5g of fat, 4g of protein) with one tsp of jelly (17

cal, 4g of carbs, 0g of fat, 0g of protein). This meal would be recommended with one cup of

apple juice (110 cal, 28g of carbs, 0g of fat, 1g of protein), but NutriLife does not provide

beverages. An example of a lunch meal is a tuna-cucumber wrap that contains an 8” flour tortilla

(120 cal, 22g of carbs, 2g of fat, and 3g of protein), 3 oz of tuna (canned in water contains 75 cal,

0g of carbs, 1.5g of fat, and 15g of protein), 2 Tbsp of mayonnaise (180 cal, 0g carbs, 20g of fat,

0g of protein), 5 cucumbers sticks (5 cal, 0.9g of carbs, 0g of fat, 0.2g of protein) and ¼ cup of

low-fat vanilla yogurt (48 cal, 9.5g of carbs, 0.5g of fat, 1.5g of protein). This meal could be

recommended with one cup of low-fat milk (100 cal, 12g of carbs, 2.5g of fat, 8g of protein).

Finally, dinner could consist of honey lemon chicken with brown rice pilaf, which consists of 1

cup of peas and corn (154 cal, 34g of carbs, 1.2g of fat, 7g of protein), 1 tsp of margarine (30 cal,

0g of carbs, 3.5g of fat, 0g of protein), 3 oz slices of honey lemon chicken (142 cal, 13.5g of

carbs, 3.8g of fat, 17.2 protein), 1 cup of brown rice (216 cal, 44.8 g of carbs, 1.8g of fat, 5g of


The company staffing to begin with will consists of the following employees:

- 1 Executive Chefs will come up with meals and execute them, they will also be kitchen

managers (ensure that everything in the kitchen is running smoothly and successfully).

- 2 Sous chefs who will help prepare the meals chosen by the executive chefs

- 2 Assistant Chefs who will help prep food (from cutting vegetables, baking rolls, etc.)

- 2 On-site dietitians who will come up with the dietary values for each of our clients,

based on a survey completed.

- 5 Packaging and delivery personnel who will keep track of inventory, pack the meals

prepared by the kitchen, and pack food in boxes for a delivery company to pick up.

- 1 Marketing director and website editor who will take care of the website and update it on

a regular basis along with publishing abs

- 1 Customer service employee to respond to customer emails and phone calls.

Market Analysis

Unhealthy eating habits have contributed to the obesity epidemic in the United States.

According to a study done by UCLA, the greater Bay Area has a 25.4% overweight and obesity

prevalence with an estimated 136,328 overweight and obese adolescents in 2009 and 2011-2012

(Wolstein, Babey, & Diamant, 2015). Even people who are in a healthy weight range but have a

poor diet can suffer from major health risks that can cause illnesses, or lead to early deaths.

These include heart disease, hypertension, type two diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain types of

cancer (Importance of Good Nutrition, 2017). All of which can be prevented by making smart

food choices. NutriLife’s goal is to lower the percentage of overweight individuals in the Bay

Area by offering delicious healthy meals, that can adjust to meet anybody’s dietary needs, and

can help improve our clients’ health.

NutriLife offers something that our competitors do not, real dietitians working alongside

chefs to ensure that each of our clients is getting the right portion sizes and the dietary values that

they need. Each of our clients also gets a one-on-one call with one of our dietitians so that the

dietitian can assess each individual’s needs. There are several services like Blue Apron, that

deliver ingredients to your home along with recipes. However, NutriLife is the first meal

delivery service in the Bay Area that offers healthy already prepared meals that are tailored to

what each of our clients’ bodies needs. According to an article published by Forbes, online food

delivery is set to supersize to a 200 billion dollar industry by 2025 (Singh, 2019). As the meal

delivery services industry continues to grow rapidly, NutriLife has the best intentions for its

clients and its unique values will help it become a successful company.

Target Population

Our targeted clientele will be those who live in the Bay Area and are looking to meet

particular weight or fitness goals. “Spanning from the wine country to Silicon Valley, the Bay

Area has a population of over 7 million people in nine counties and 101 cities” (Bay Area

Census, 2010). Having our kitchen located in Pleasanton, CA allows us to easily and quickly be

able to ship food to our clients so the food can be delivered fresh. Since Californians tend to be

more conscious about where their foods come from, we make sure all of our ingredients come

from local farms and are organic. Another benefit of our service is, in the Bay Area there is a

high percentage of individuals who commute; for example, people who live in Walnut Creek

spend an average of 46.9 hours a week working and commuting to and from work. “Walnut

Creekers” spend 6.1 hours driving through traffic and using public transportation to get to their

jobs (Crum, 2018). Since so many people in the Bay Area commute and work over 40 hours a

week, our classification as a meal delivery service offers an easy and convenient way to eat

healthy without having to do a lot of heavy cooking.


The location, in Pleasanton, is 3,300 sq. ft. and was previously an office space. Some

remodeling was made to the facility to turn it into a kitchen. The overall cost will be $1.25 per

sq. ft. a month; the cost will be finalized once we complete the negotiations and sign a contract.

We chose this location because it makes it easy to be able to ship out food items and is big

enough to have both a kitchen and a small office space for our dietitians and chefs to be able to

work with each other. Since NutriLife will not have a storefront because all of our meals get

delivered, we will reach our target population through the proper marketing and advertisement of

our website. This location relates to our mission statement because it allows our dietitians, and

chefs to work close to each other to ensure our clients get personalized meals that will help them

reach their fitness goals. Our location is very unique to us because there is no other meal delivery

system that is based in Pleasanton, making us very unique and local. One of our possible

competitors is Blue Apron, which has a fulfillment center located in Richmond, CA. Another one

of our possible competitors is Hellofresh, which is also based in Richmond, CA. While these

companies may be considered our competitors, NutriLife provides something they do not,

individualized plans per person, created by a dietitian, tailored to meet each individual's needs.

Financial Plan

NutriLife’s main source of revenue comes from our customers subscribing to our weekly

delivery program. Our expenditures include the following: cost of food, employee salaries,

property and equipment, and shipment costs. These expenditures can be broken down into fixed

and variable costs; fixed costs being employee salaries and property expenses, while variable

costs include the cost of food and shipment. We follow an operating budget, taking into account

our mission statement by adding in the opportunity cost of sourcing from local farmers rather

than wholesalers to ensure our customers are receiving the best quality of food items for their


Capital equipment/Occupancy Costs

NutriLife’s estimated total start-up costs are $834,150, which includes starting costs of

employees (1-year salaries; $550,900), first and last month occupancy costs ($8,250), and costs

of equipment ($275,000). This will include the renovation of our facility to procure the following

equipment: 6 ovens, 2 mixers, 2 industrial fridges, 3 industrial stoves, and 2 dishwashing

machines. The cost of an industrial fridge will be $3,678 (JES Restaurant Equipment, n.d.);

while the cost for an industrial stove with two standard ovens incorporated will be $2,250

(Cooking Performance Group, n.d). However, total equipment costs are estimated to be

$250/sqft, with 1,100 sq ft of our facility being used as kitchen space and the rest already being

renovated by the previous tenants (Wes, 2016)​. ​Our company has $500,000 in private funds, and

we are hoping to raise an additional $500,000 through an investor. This will cover start-up costs

and leave $165,850 for unforeseen costs and the first few months of operation.


(*note: the following figures are based on assumptions that each customer will receive our 5-day


Our estimated sales for the end of year one, assuming a customer growth rate of 100

customers per month and 100% retention, is $5,382,000. This value includes an ending customer

amount of 1200, in which each customer is paying for our 5-day a week meal plan which

includes 15 customized meals. Each week customers will be paying $172.50 for a total monthly

cost of $690. Here is the breakdown of sales on a per month basis:

Customers Price/Customer (monthly) Sales

Month 1 100 $690.00 $69,000.00

Month 2 200 $690.00 $138,000.00

Month 3 300 $690.00 $207,000.00

Month 4 400 $690.00 $276,000.00

Month 5 500 $690.00 $345,000.00

Month 6 600 $690.00 $414,000.00

Month 7 700 $690.00 $483,000.00

Month 8 800 $690.00 $552,000.00

Month 9 900 $690.00 $621,000.00

Month 10 1000 $690.00 $690,000.00

Month 11 1100 $690.00 $759,000.00

Month 12 1200 $690.00 $828,000.00

Total Sales Year One $5,382,000.00


Costs/Payroll Expenses

Fixed costs include the yearly cost of employees and occupancy costs, while variable

costs include the cost per meal on a weekly basis and shipment costs. We have a total of 14

full-time employees and the breakdown of the average cost per employee is as follows (figures

based on salaries in the Bay Area retrieved from 1 Executive Chef

($53,300/yr), 2 Sous Chefs ($41,300/yr/chef), 2 Assistant cooks ($28,800/yr/cook), 5 Packaging

Personnel ($28,800/yr/personnel), 2 Dietitians ($54,700/yr/Dietitian), 1 Director of Marketing

($75,500/yr), 1 Customer Service Agent ($28,800/yr.). Occupancy costs are based on a 3,300 sq

ft facility, in which monthly rent is $1.25/sqft; making total occupancy costs $4,125 a month

utilities included (Pleasanton, CA Commercial, n.d.) Next, the average cost of a week of meals

per customer was based on the average cost of 3 meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) in a day.

The breakdown is as follows (all food item prices derive from as we

were unable to find information on prices from local farmers). Breakfast (Scrambled Eggs with

Toast): 2 eggs ($0.23), 2 slices of whole-wheat toast ($0.20), mushrooms ($0.33), tomato

($0.12), onion ($0.03), and container with lid ($0.10) (Good Quality For, n.d.). Lunch (Green

Salad with Honey Lemon Chicken): spring mix ($0.91), chicken breasts ($0.44), lemon ($0.07),

honey ($0.12), balsamic vinegar ($0.02), and container with lid ($0.10). Dinner (Steak and

Potatoes): skirt steak ($1.21), potatoes ($0.09), asparagus ($0.84), and container with lid ($0.10).

This led to an average cost of $1.64/meal, making the total weekly variable cost

$24.60/customer. Lastly, there are a few different shipment companies that could be used,

however, our company decided to use USPS for a total cost per shipment of $7.35 (Mail &

Shipping, n.d.). Data for total cost is as follows:


Customers Variable Cost (Monthly cost of shipment & Costs


Month 1 100 $127.80 $12,780.00

Month 2 200 $127.80 $25,560.00

Month 3 300 $127.80 $38,340.00

Month 4 400 $127.80 $51,120.00

Month 5 500 $127.80 $63,900.00

Month 6 600 $127.80 $76,680.00

Month 7 700 $127.80 $89,460.00

Month 8 800 $127.80 $102,240.00

Month 9 900 $127.80 $115,020.00

Month 10 1000 $127.80 $127,800.00

Month 11 1100 $127.80 $140,580.00

Month 12 1200 $127.80 $153,360.00

Total Variable $996,840.00

Total Fixed $600,400.00

Total Cost $1,597,240.00

Our projected total profit for year 1 is $3,784,760, with an average check per month of $690. As

revenues increase, we are also expecting costs to increase starting year 2 including new

equipment, personnel, and other variable costs. However, for year one we are projecting total

sales to equate to $5,382,000.00 and total costs to equate to $1,597,240.00. There is a percentage

of error in these calculations given that prices for meal costs are based on wholesale costs and we

will not be able to derive costs from local farmers until beginning operations.


Nutrilife will be a successful, meal delivery service, based in Pleasanton, whose main

goal is to help its clients reach their fitness goals all while making sure they reach their dietary

guidelines. We will be creating personalized meals that will be shipped all over the Bay Area and

are tailored to our clients’ goals. We will be using local organic ingredients to create our meals

while ensuring that we support our community as well. NutriLife will grow to not only help

those trying to reach their fitness goals but to also make it easier for people with specific dietary

needs and medical needs, to eat healthy delicious food.



Bay Area Census. (2010). Retrieved from

Cooking Performance Group S60-G24-N Natural Gas 6 Burner. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8,

2019, from





Crum, R. (2018, November 13). What Bay Area city is America's hardest-working? Retrieved

October 17, 2019, from


Good Quality For Takeaway Meal Prep 28 Oz Pp Plastic Food Storage Container With Lid.

(n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2019, from


Importance of Good Nutrition. (2017, January 26). Retrieved October 17, 2019, from

JES Restaurant Equipment. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2019, from



Mail & Shipping Services. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2019, from

Pleasanton, CA Commercial Real Estate for Sale and Lease. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2019,


Singh, S. (2019, September 25). The Soon To Be $200B Online Food Delivery Is Rapidly

Changing The Global Food Industry. Retrieved October 18, 2019, from


Wes. (2016, November 29). What is a Small Commercial Kitchen? Retrieved November 8, 2019,


Wolstein, J., Babey, S. H., & Diamant, A. L. (2015). Obesity in California. ​UCLA Center of

Health Policy Research​, 6–7. Retrieved from





-Peanut Butter Raisin Oatmeal -Scrambled Eggs with Toast

-Breakfast Burrito and Fruit -Buckwheat Pancakes with Berries

-French Toast and Grapefruit -English Muffin and Egg Sandwich

-Toasted Oat Cereal with Fruit


-Green Salad with Honey Lemon Chicken -One Pan Spaghetti

-Green Salad with Tuna -Lentil Stew

-Crunchy Chicken Salad -Red Hot Fusilli Pasta

-New England Clam Chowder


-Tofu-Vegetable Stir-Fry -Steak and Potatoes

-Spinach Lasagna Roll-Ups -Baked Salmon on Beet Greens

-Roasted Chicken with Whole Wheat Roll -Honey Mustard Pork Chops

-White Chili Herbed Vegetables

* Prices depended on the meal plan chosen, menu choices change on a weekly bases, portion
sizes and amounts are dependent on the meal plan suggested by a dietitian.

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