Fixed . Prejudice Perpetuated Objective Facts, Unverifiable Lumping Superior Ill Founded Reluctant Negatively Erroneous Comfortable Identification Xenophobic Impair

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A stereotype is a fixed….the term stereotype are prejudice ……., meaning “image
perpetuated without change”.
Because……,they are not derived from objective facts,…often unverifiable ideas………. Lack of
familiarity encourages the lumping together …..
The existence ………….as more superior than other groups…….,used to justify ill founded
prejudices …….,generally , reluctant to reconsider …group.
Stereotypes may affect people negatively ……..making general erroneous judgments about
people may feel comfortable ….from emotional with the identification ….,which leads to
xenophobic or racist behavior…….and which may impair their performance.
2. Idiomatic expressions
Keep somebody in stitches: keep somebody laughing

Odds and ends: Worthless small items

Set the wheels in motion: Initiate a chain of events to achieve a goal

Come to terms with: Gradually accept a situation

Easy come easy go: Easily obtained and easily spent

Call a spade a spade: To be truthdful about something no matter what unpleasant it may be

Take a dim view of sth: Disapprove of something

Strapped for cash:short of money

a good ear for a tune: Music-fan

music to my ears: Got what you like?

to teach an old dog new tricks: It becomes difficult with age

sweeten the deal: Give an attractive offer during negotiations

play hard ball with someone: acting in a hostile way

put one’s cards on the table:having nothing to hide

play one’s ace:use one’s best resourses

put one’s cards close to one’s chest: be sercetive and watchful

3. summery
A stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain
ways of doing things These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality.
Stereotypes are regarded as the most cognitive component and often occurs without
conscious awareness, whereas prejudice is the affective component of stereotyping and
discrimination is one of the behavioral components of prejudicial reactions. Stereotypes may
affect people negatively, some out-groups are admired but disliked, whereas others are liked
but disrespected.

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