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Thinking Preference

Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument


I. Exploring the Whole Brain Model Overview

II. Understanding Your Customers’ Communication Styles

A Walk Around the 4 Quadrants
Application Exercise

III. Understanding Your Communication Styles

“Diagnosing” Your Most/Least
Preferred Communication Styles

© 1987-2001 The Ned Herrmann Group

Interesting Facts about the Brain

 It weighs only 1.4 kg.

 There are 100 billion neurons present in the brain.
 The blood vessels that are present in the brain are
almost 100,000 miles in length.
 About 75 percent of the brain is made up of water.
 During the mummification process, Egyptians would
usually remove the brains through the nose.
 As we grow older, we are unable to remember new
things because the brain is unable to filter and remove
old memories which prevents it from absorbing new
The Four Quadrant Model of the Brain

 Origins of the whole-brain model:

 Physicians observed that patients with brain damage to

the left side of the brain had difficulty processing

 Patients with damage to the right side of the brain had

difficulty recognizing patterns including faces.

 Over time it became clear that different parts of the

brain are responsible for different functions.

 The Herrmann Whole Brain Model is a practical

summary of this research that will help you to target
your messages more effectively.
Reading and Adapting

The Whole Brain model can help you:

 Communicate more effectively with

customers and develop stronger and more

 Work more effectively with TEAMMATES.

Ned Herrmann

Founder of The Herrmann Brain

Dominance Instrument and
The Whole Brain Thinking Model
Research in Brain Development

Roger Sperry’s
Paul MacLean



Left/Right Brain


HBDI Profiles

Individual Profile Paired Profile Team Profile

The Individual Profile is a An in-depth analysis of two An and the individual members
120-question assessment that individuals and their thinking HBDI Profiles. The TeamProfile
evaluates and measures the preferences, offering valuable in-depth analysis of an entire
degree of preference you have insights into interpersonal and team is a powerful catalyst for
for thinking in each of the four workplace dynamics. discussion and provides an in-
quadrants. depth understanding of the
team and its effectiveness.

 30 Mins
Thinking Preferences

 Just as most people favor their right or left hand, so also do

we have “Thinking Preferences.”
• Some people are fact and data oriented.
• Others are detail oriented and want to arrange things in
a step-by-step sequence.
• And still others are mostly feeling and relationship
• Some people are big picture thinkers and actually get
overwhelmed with too many details.
Our Four Different Selves

A Analyzes Infers
Rational Quantifies Imagines Experimental
Self Is Logical Speculates Self
Is Critical Takes Risks
Is Realistic Is Impetuous
Likes Numbers Breaks Rules
Knows about Money Likes Surprises
Knows how Things Work Is Curious / Plays

Takes Preventive Action Is Sensitive to Others

Establishes Procedures Likes to Teach
Gets Things Done Touches a Lot
Is Reliable Is Supportive

B Organizes
Is Neat
Is Expressive
Is Emotional
Timely Talks a lot
Safekeeping Feeling
Plans Feels
Self Self

 1987-2000 Herrmann International

• Logical
• Analytical
• Quantitative
• Here-and-Now
• Argue Rationally
• Generalize from specifics • Make things work
• Rational, unemotional
• Problem-solve logically
• Know the bottom line • Consider financial aspects
• Goals & outcomes
• Critical Analysis
• Solve tough problems • Realistic & present-oriented
• Efficient
• Gather facts
• Measure precisely
Quadrant A Skills Uptake
• Precise, to the point, information
• Theory & logical rationales
• Proof of validity
• Research references
• Textbook reading
• Quantifiable numbers, data sets, problems
• Opportunity to ask challenging questions
• Subject matter expertise

Struggles with
• Expressing emotions
• Lack of logic
• Vague, imprecise concepts or ideas
Quadrant A style is typically
• Directive in all business
• Comfortable with concrete information, like
computer programming, Mathematical
formulas, Medical terms, Legal briefs and
Stock market indexes
• Lives in a technical world and likes factual
Quadrant A Behavioural aspects

• Quadrant A persons use words like

How? Prove it? Must, Typically. Should,
explain, Logical, rationally, I think, Quotes
statistics and evidences
• Interested in purchasing useful objects only,
reading business/ technical articles
• Do not understand others’ feelings and
emotions. Do not like humor
• Organized
• Sequential
• Safe-keeping
• Planned
• Detailed
• Implementer
• A rule and a place
• Stable leadership &
for everything
• On time • Detailed plans & procedures
• Action-oriented • One thing at a time
• Approach problems • Keep financial records
practically straight
• Stand firm on issues • Neatness & protocol count
• Maintain standard of • Disciplined & reliable
consistency • Order & control
Quadrant “B” Skills Uptake
• An organized consistent approach
• Staying on track, on time
• Complete subject chunks
• A beginning, middle, and end
• Opportunity to practice & evaluate
• Practical applications
• Examples
• Clear instructions/expectations

Struggles with
• Risk
• Ambiguity
• Unclear expectations/directions
Quadrant B style is typically traditional,
conservative and risk avoiding
• Highly traditional and conservative
• Strive for safety and stability
• Resist change.
• They like order and work best in an
organisation where the lines of authority is
• Strictly follows rules
Quadrant B Behavioural aspects

• Quadrant B persons use words like usually,

quoting past incidents, quotes rules and
regulations, plan ahead before talking, think and
talk about the safety procedures
• Completes the work in time, gets irritated for being
• Spends more time in planning, wants everything go
in undisturbed smooth fashion
• Discourage new ideas and resist change
• Interpersonal
• Feeling-oriented
• Teamwork
• Intuition
• Communication
• Attuned to people & group dynamics

• Participation & collaboration • Empathetic & nurturing

• Expressive, talkative, friendly • Experience is reality

• Spirituality • Intuitive, understanding

• Personal growth • Care about values

• Build relationships & teams • Recognize interpersonal

• difficulties
• Helping, coaching, partnering
Quadrant C Skills Uptake

• Group discussion & involvement
• To share & express feelings/ideas
• Kinesthetic, moving around
• Hands-on learning
• Personal connection with teacher/group
• Emotional involvement
• A user-friendly learning experience
• Use of all the senses

Struggles with
• Too much data and analysis
• Lack of personal feedback
• Pure lecture, lack of participation
Quadrant C is personable,
interactive and care giving

• Highly participative, oriented to teams and communities

• Concerned about the people and comfortable with people
• Ready to help out of the way and counsel others
• They are usually musical
Quadrant C Behavioural aspects

• Quadrant - C persons use words like I feel,

pleasure, crazy, humorous, shouts, touches
others while talking, please, consider, accept,
excellent, lovely, beautiful, talks about picnic,
• Always with people
• Goes for tours and picnics frequently with family
and friends
• Creative
• Innovative
• Holistic
• Synthesizing
• Visionary
• See the “big picture”
• Use metaphor
• Risk-taker
• Originality & imagination
• Recognize new possibilities
• Curious & adventurous
• Integrate ideas & concepts
• Design/Artistic
• Bend or challenge
• Like variety & multi-tasking
established policies
• Envision the future
• Problem-solve in
intuitive ways • Impulsive & playful
Quadrant D Skills Uptake

• Fun and spontaneity
• Playful, surprising approaches
• Pictures, metaphors, overviews
• Discovery of the content
• Freedom to explore
• Quick pace and variety in format
• Opportunity to experiment
• New ideas & concepts

Struggles with
• Time management and deadlines
• Administration and details
• Lack of flexibility
Quadrant D is holistic, risk oriented,
adventurous, initiative and entrepreneurial
• Conceptual, imaginative, integrative, adventurous, risk
oriented, global
• Talk about possibilities, strategic planning, independent,
inventive, innovative and does always different
• Thinks bout the future, open minded and less conservative

Quadrants C & D are open minded,

like initiative and are flexible
Quadrant D Behavioural aspects

• Quadrant D persons while talking ask Why not,

What if, Try, Novel, etc.
• Last minute action
• Procrastinates but completes the tasks
• Interested in novelty
• Unplanned
Understanding Whole Brain Model Concepts

© 1987-2001 The Ned Herrmann Group

Levels of Communication

Same Same Wave

Quadrant Less

Compatible Supportive
Quadrant Reinforcing

Contrasting Additive
Quadrant Synergistic

Cross- Confrontational or More

Quadrant Complementary Difficult
Inside each of the four quadrants
Practical Application

Blue Buyers have low tolerance for Yellow Buyers wants to know “Why” it
emotional arguments . is important to buyer strategy

Sales person should be armed with Sales person should clearly establish
why they are having the conversation
evidence ,proof, and details
& why buyer should care.
On sales team blue personalities On sales team yellow personalities are
are motivated by metrics and motivated when their work feels
reasoned arguments . meaningful

Red Buyers will be turned off by a

Green Buyers wants to know “how”
numbers –only approach
Sales person should be armed with
Sales person should put people first
thoughtful ,detailed plans that
,building trust and focusing on the
demonstrate how to solve , manage
solution impact
On sales team green personalities are
On sales team red personalities are
motivated by consistency and
motivated by trust , appreciation and
measurable progress towards goals.

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