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Gautham Venkat Venkateswaran Girish Ganesan R student, EEE department AP III, EEE department
Tanjavur, India Tanjavur, India

Abstract—The objective of this project is to design an efficient, consists of a combination of a flyback converter and inter-
high gain non isolated DC-DC converter. The proposed design has leaved boost converter. The modes of operation are analysed
two sections: The primary section and the secondary section. The and the converter design is simulated using LTSpice software.
primary section comprises of a two level interleaved boost con-
verter. The secondary section consists of a flyback converter.The II. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION
proposed design is simulated and the modes of operation are
analysed. The proposed design has two sections. The primary section
Index Terms—boost converter, interleaved, flyback converter. comprises of a two stage interleaved boost converter and the
secondary section consists of a flyback converter. Fig.1 shows
I. I NTRODUCTION the power circuit diagram of the proposed converter.
There is a continuous increase in the human population and It consists of three inductors L1, L2, and L3 of which L1
this increase is not linear but in fact exponential, consequently, and L3 are magnetically coupled, three diodes D1, D2 and
there is an ever-increasing demand for energy. But with the D3, two capacitors C1 and C2, and two n-MOSFET switches
increase in pollution and the depletion of energy resources, S1 and S2.
there is now a need for us to turn to renewable energy sources III. MODES OF OPERATION
(RES). The problem with RES is that the output from energy The above circuit is operated at 50 per cent duty cycle as
resources like the solar cell or fuel cell is minimal and do not a result of this, the circuit has two modes of operation as
meet our standards of consumption of energy. Thus with the discussed below.
help of power electronic converters, it is possible to increase Mode 1: S1 ON, S2 OFF Gate pulse is provided to switch
the output of RES.Conventional DC-DC converters like Boost S1. Switch S2 is OFF during this period. Inductor L1 charges
or Buck-Boost on their own do not have a high gain and have to Vin during this period as a result Diode D1 is reverse biased
to be worked at a high duty ratio, which is not practical and . Diode D2 is forward biased, hence inductor L2 Discharges
efficient. Converters such as flyback or push-pull could be through D2 into C2. Diode D3 is reverse biased during this
used to attain high gain values [1]-[3]. The drawback of this period. Capacitor C1 discharges through the load causing the
topology being that it would introduce voltage spikes and high output voltage waveform to drop. Fig.2. shows operation of
power dissipation. It can be countered using a snubber circuit, circuit in mode 1.
but that in turn would require additional driver circuit and add Mode 2: S1- OFF, S2- ON During this mode, switch S1 is
to the cost of converter design [4]. OFF and switch S2 is ON. Diode D1 turns ON and Inductor
Cascading converters as suggested in [5]-[10] in order to L1 discharges into Capacitor C2 through D1. Inductor L3
obtain the required high gain, but this would increase the charges Capacitor C1 through Diode D3. Since C2 and C1 are
complexity, introduce a high current ripple and add to the charging, there is an increase in output voltage. L2 charges to
cost of the converter design. While it is possible to increase Vin. Fig.3. shows operation of circuit in mode 2.
the converter duty ratio, it would induce large current ripple,
high conduction losses and cause severe diode reverse recovery IV. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
problems [11], [12]. The topologies discussed in [13]-[18] The overall gain of the proposed converter design is the sum
introduce the concept of interleaved converters. Interleaving is of the gain from the interleaved boost converter in the primary
a powerful tool that keeps the input current at a manageable circuit, the flyback converter in the secondary circuit and the
level and increases the efficiency, while still maintaining good N-stage voltage multiplier cell.
power density.Interleaving allows the design to be upgraded to The design of passive in the circuit can be obtained from
a higher power by the proper selection of power components. conventional Boost and flyback converters. The overall gain
It also ensures reduced input and output ripple. of the proposed converter is found to be:
This paper proposes an efficient, high gain non isolated DC- Vin (n ∗ D) + 1
DC converter design for high power applications. The circuit = (1)
Vout 1−D
The proposed converter design is simulated for the ratings
and values mentioned above using LTSpice. The relevant
waveforms are captured and analysed. It is seen that the
proposed converter confirms to the design equations presented
previously and is a viable alternative to achieve the required
Output voltage and current waveforms are depicted in
Figure 4. and the output power is calculated as 181W at 90.56
V. Figure 5. shows the input voltage and current waveforms.
Input power is calculated to be 184W. The designed converter
Fig. 1. Power Circuit Diagram
functions at an efficiency of 98 per cent. Figure 6. shows that
voltage and current stresses on the components are well within
the acceptable limits.

Fig. 2. Mode 1
Fig. 4. Input Current and Voltage Waveforms

Fig. 5. Output Current and Voltage Waveforms

Fig. 3. Mode 2

where n is the turns ratio corresponding to the flyback

converter. The value of the Critical Inductance is calculated
from the formula:
(D ∗ (1 − D)) ∗ R
Lcritical = (2)
The design specifications are:
Input Voltage Vin= 24 V, Expected Output Voltage Vout =
Output Power Pout= 200W, Operating Frequency f= 50hz,
It is proposed that the converter should be operated at a duty Fig. 6. Capacitor Voltage Waveforms
cycle of 50 per cent, in order to provide the required gain.
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