Weekly Refelection Week Ending December 11th

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Week Beginning December 11th, 2020

Weekly Reflection

Nicola Janse van Rensburg

After four weeks of practicum, I believe my area of greatest growth has been in my classroom

management strategies and having proximity awareness in the classroom and using directional instruction

along with behavioral expectations. I believe that this is my greatest area of improvement because at the

beginning of practicum I had a lot of stress and trouble with figuring out what to do if the students got

carried away and distracted. Throughout the weeks I believe I have gained more confidence with

managing classroom expectations; behaviourally and directionally.

The evidence I have for this is incorporating tips and tricks from my TA into my lesson about

attention grabbers, and tips to gain attention, also what to do if they won't stop talking. I have learned the

benefits of sitting and waiting in silence waiting for them to figure out they must be quiet for themselves.

Other tips which have been very beneficial for me have been working with my TA to find a structure and

organization for my math and English lessons to truly maintain student engagement and focus for as

much time as I can; as five and six year old’s have a very short attention span. Other evidence I have for

this is through my observational times with my university consultant. We have discussed ways where if I

have behavioral students instead of waiting quiet or calling names out, to use proximity and just move

around the classroom to stand next to them and use my pretense as a reminder to them to maintain

behavior and classroom expectations for the classroom.

Some student responses have been very interesting to see, this is because sometimes students who

are the ones acting out will be the ones to try to gain control of their classmates to start the lesson again

because they do not want to do it during their golden time or recess. As these reactions seem to be

extrinsic motivators, I believe that this is the start as they are very young. From here is where is important

to try to transform extrinsic motivation into and intrinsic motivation.

I have been innovative during the first three weeks of the practicum through changing the format of

my lesson plans in ways to try and limit transitions, and to maximize student attention and focus. At first

getting all of these tips and tricks made me feel that I was not doing a good job. It took time for me to

realize, but I now understand and appreciate all the different methods and tricks I can incorporate in my

different classrooms in my future. These will help me be successful as I will have many different methods

to try to use to see what works, as I have learned all classrooms, students, and groups of students are very

different and none will be the same, therefore it is important to be flexible to alter methods to ensure

student success.

Heading into the final week of practicum, I believe two goals I can potentially work on in PS II

could be to really utilize visuals in the classroom, as it is an amazing application for differentiation. Yes,

some students may not need it but everyone in the classroom will benefit from it. The students who have

trouble remembering steps, or those who have trouble reading will benefit the most, and then everyone

else can use it as an extra resource therefore in my last week, and upcoming practicum I really want to

utilize this application in the classroom to ensure success for everyone. The second goal I hope to

implement into my future teaching practicums would be to take more risks in trying lessons I have less

confidence in. This is because if I practice building confidence with trickier lessons I will be able to

practice them, and soon I will have enough experience to be a versatile teacher with the type of lessons I

teach, and how I run a classroom and function as a future teacher.

Overall, the last four weeks have been such an amazing experience. I have learned so much and

have picked up so many tips and tricks, not only from my Ta and UC but from the vice principal and

other teachers as well. I have built meaningful relationships with the students and it breaks my heart to

think I have to say goodbye to them in the next week. One thing I am going to have to learn in the future

is how to manage the goodbyes after building such genuine and meaningful relationships with the

students. I have worked to gain insight which I will carry into my future professional semesters, and will
continue to work towards my professional growth goals and continue to build my teaching philosophy

with my new experience, and practical exposure.

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