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Lesson Reasons for the Date Tuesday

Title/Focus seasons lesson 1


Subject/Grade Gr 6 sky science Time 57 min

Level Duratio

General Learning Outcomes: Observe, describe and interpret the

movement of objects in the sky; and
identify pattern and order in these

Specific Learning Outcomes: SLO 6 Describe seasonal changes in the

length of the day and night and in the
angle of the Sun above the horizon.

SLO 3 Recognize that the apparent

movement of objects in the night sky is
regular and predictable, and explain
how this apparent movement is related
to Earth's rotation


Students will:
 SWBAT explain how the seasons change due to earth’s rotation around the sun.

What my students already know

Up to this point we have covered constellations and how they move through the night sky.

What my students need to learn

 How seasons change

 That earth is on a tilt

ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))

 Quiz at end of slides

Differentiation options

 If students learn better by writing I will have them write out what they observe for the
activity. This will help them better understand what they are watching because they can
then put it into words.
 Visual learners should find multiple ways to learn the material within this lesson.


 Make slide show  Smart board/tv

 Upload to google classroom
 Chromebooks


Introduction Assessment

 TIME 5 minutes  Asking students what season we

are in helps students activate
 Lay out expectations, quietly work, do not their prior knowledge on the
interrupt me or your friends, put your hands subject.
up to ask questions, we are going to learn a  Asking what season we are in
new skill so we will try our best and be kind helps me know what they know
to each other. about seasons.
 Tell students we are moving on from
constellations and learning about how we get
our seasons.
 We will be focusing on vocabulary terms
today and going to do some fun things today
 Ask students what season we are in
 Ask if they know when winter starts.

Body Assessment/Differentiation

 Activity 1 – Vocab  On the review slides ask

 TIME 30 min students why the tilt in our axis
 Pull up the vocabulary on the slideshow to is important and what it causes
start.  Hold up the meter stick and
 Rotation: the spinning of the Earth on its show a tilt and say where the
own axis, one rotation takes 24 hours. Have
a student come up to demonstrate an earth sun is and ask what season the
day by spinning around themselves. Talk northern hemisphere is in.
about how long one day is and what equals a
 Revolution: The orbit of the earth around the
sun. This takes 356 ¼ days to complete one
cycle or year. Have 2 students come up, one
is earth and one is the sun and have the earth
orbit the sun and explain that that is a year.
Then have earth rotate to show a day while
moving around the sun still.
 Orbit: Path that earth makes around the sun.
Have the students keep doing their little
demonstration and explain that the path the
earth is making is an orbit. Have them sit
down after and draw it on the board to show
it another way.
 Tilt: The earth is tilted 23.5 degrees. Take a
stick and show what it looks like straight up
then with a tilt have the sticky notes on it so
that students can visibly see how earth
moves through the earth. Open up the
interactive globe on slide 5 and show it with
the tilt and without the tilt.
 Axis: an imaginary line that goes through
both of the planets poles. Earth rotates
around this line. Have the model of the earth
on the screen that shows the axis and point it
 Why do we have seasons: Talk about how
we have very distinct seasons because of the
earths tilt. The closer to the equator you get
the more stable the weather patterns are and
the hours of day light and darkness. Explain
what direction you have to be tilted to for
each season. Use the meter stick to show the
tilt and how when it is tilted towards the sun
it will be summer and away will be winter.
Compare it to being by a campfire or candle,
the closer you are the warmer you are going
to get. Parts of the territories had their last
sunset in October and wont have sunrise
again until the end of February. At the north
pole there is no sunlight for 163 days a year.
 Sunlight hits the earth differently during the
seasons because of our tilt. The sun is also in
a different position in the sky because of our
tilt. In summer we get direct sunlight and in
winter we get indirect sunlight that covers a
larger area of land. If I were to shine a
flashlight on the board I can show direct
sunlight were its concentrated on one spot or
I can show the light coming from an angle
where it is more spread out. In winter we
have indirect light which is spread out more.
The sun is also lower in the sky because of
our tilt. Pay attention to where the sun
appears in the sky when you are home, does
it look like its lower than usual? Remember
not to look directly at it. Our days are also
shorter because of our tilt and amount of
sunlight we get each day. Places up north get
a lot less sunlight in the winter, sometimes
none for a couple weeks but in the summer
they get way more sunlight. Tell story of
how in G.P. we had sunlight almost all day
and in winter I would get on my school bus
after school and the sun would have just set.
 Next slide a review of what I said previously
so read it over as a review but open up the
link which shows the tilt of the earth.
 Next slide also a review of what I said so
read it over.
 The summer solstice is typically June 21st
each year in the Northern hemisphere. The
sun is the highest in the sky. The sun is
directly overhead. The earth’s axis is tilted
farthest towards the sun and it is the first day
of summer and the longest day of the year.
 Winter solstice is coming up really fast, it is
on December 21st this year in the Northern
Hemisphere. The sun is the lowest in the sky
The earth’s axis is mostly tilted away from
the sun and there is the least amount of
daylight in the northern hemisphere on this
day. Some areas will see no daylight and this
is the beginning of the winter season.

 Activity 2- Activity  The activity helps solidify their

 Time 15 min knowledge about seasons and
 Have students go play on the interactive how earths tilt affects it.
seasons link on slide 3. Make sure they know
that they are expected to be on the
interactive thing playing with it to solidify
what they learned about the seasons.
 Tell them they are expected to be working
quietly and applying the information they
just learned.
 Hand out chrome books row by row to

 Activity 3 – studying for quiz  This allows me to help students

 TIME remaining time who are struggling more and
 When students are done playing with the make sure they understand the
interactive they can open up the slide show topics before writing the quiz.
and study for their quiz which will be at the
beginning of next block.

Closure Assessment

 Time 5 min
 Hand out paper towel and spray with
 Have students clean the Chromebooks and
put them away.

Sponge: What can students work on if done

 Studying
 Things to do when done tab on google classroom

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