PEB701 - Design Project 2 - in Civil Engineering: Semester 1, 2020

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PEB701 –


Stabilization of Soils Using Geosynthetics,

At the Nadi River Banks.

Semester 1, 2020.

Prameshwaran Naidu 2018000630

Kritesh Naicker 2018000648


1.0 Introduction
“Generally, geosynthetic refers to a product that is made from polymeric material and is applied as a key
component in a structure or system to achieve engineering purposes. There are some basic functions of
geosynthetics namely reinforcement, filtration, drainage, containment, barrier, surface erosion control, and
protection; any geosynthetic product is expected to provide one or more of the functions. Applications of
geosynthetics are mostly found in civil, geotechnical, environmental, marine, retaining walls, canals, erosion
control, waste landfill, land reclamation, breakwaters, jetties, groins, revetments, aquaculture, agriculture,
and mining”. In this design project it will be learnt how geosynthetic materials can be used to control soil
erosion near Nadi riverbanks. Severe slope failure and soil erosion occurred during the 2012 flooding after
which the river bank kept widening during rainy season. It is known that Nadi river has a major drainage
problem which regularly causes flooding in Nadi town. Moreover, this project will show how geotextile
sheets and geotextile sand bags can be used to prevent coastal erosion.
Pictures attatched below showing the current state of nadi river.

Nadi town during 2009 flooding

Soil erosion at the Nadi bridge
Source: SOPAC 2009 Source: Fiji Sun

2.0 Literature Review

a. Background Research
1. Geosynthetics can provide strength and flexibility, imperviousness and drainage, durability and
robustness or controlled degradation. All these properties can be of use to handle the many
occurrences of interaction of water and ground. Surface water has to be guided or to be kept off;
percolating water should be controlled to avoid internal erosion effects should be restrained by
appropriate filtration. (Heibaum, 2013)

2. Strong river currents, especially during heavy rainfall, effortlessly dislodge soil particles from
riverbanks at undesired locations, weakening the slopes of rivers and destabilizing the involuntarily
exposed foundation of riverside structures. This natural displacement of soil along riverbanks and
embankments is referred to as soil erosion. (The Role of Geosynthetics in River Bank Erosion
Control, n.d.)

3. The use of geotextile in civil engineering applications is large and has expanded very rapidly
worldwide especially during the last decade. Supported by the technological boom, geotextiles have
invaded a large variety of domains and won trust and esteem around the world because of the
advantages they guarantee in terms of easiness and flexibility of use, softness (as compared to
monolithic and rock constructions), rapidity of installation and long-term efficacy. (Koffler, Choura,
Bendriss and Zengerink, 2008)

4. Geosynthetic materials could also be applied to enhance drainage and filtration in landfill and waste
containment. Coastal regions and waterways are characterized by uneven land contours, changing
subgrades, continuous scour and many other harsh conditions. These characteristics make
construction along these areas unfavorable. Advanced geogrids and geotextile materials integrated
with available fill and/or vegetation could be used for construction and protection in coastal regions
and waterways to control erosion and scour, form foundations or cores for breakwaters, groins,
underwater utility/pipeline installations, build high-strength fills in submerged conditions or with
weak fill materials, protect channel linings and bridge scour, protect causeways, levees, dikes and
bridge approach, provide under-layers for riprap in submerged and soft soils, in situ capping of
contaminated sediments, and protect shore and dewater sediment. (Bund, 2014)

5. Nadi is exposed and vulnerable to climate-related hazards including flood, cyclone, storm surge and
sea incursion. Being a coastal town, anticipated mean sea level rise as a result of global climate
change is a considerable concern. Studies based on projected climate change scenarios predict Nadi’s
submersion by sea by 2030. Flood is the principle hazard in Nadi and has been a long-term problem
as a result of the town’s topography, ongoing mangrove deforestation and up-river agricultural and
catchment management practices. However, projects seeking to manage floods and reduce flood risk
have been consistently deferred. Cyclonic activity in and around Nadi is increasing and this is
thought to be linked to climate change. While various measures to manage climate change and
disaster risk have been identified, further progress is needed. (FIJI: NADI TOWN URBAN
PROFILE, 2012)

6. The Nadi River basin is located on the west side of Viti Levu, Fiji’s main island. The Nadi River is
the largest river in western Fiji with an estimated length of 62 km, a drainage area of approximately
520 km2, and is made up of 45 sub-catchments which vary in size. It flows east to west from the
Naloto Range, through the Nausori Highlands, down the Nadi Valley and into the South Pacific
Ocean. Its head is located at Vaturu Lake, an artificial basin created by a dam. Its mouth is situated in
the inter-tidal zone of the west coast, dominated by mangroves. The upper part of the basin is steep
with many rocky outcrops, whereas the lower basin is covered by small hills and dominated by a flat
alluvial terrace at the valley bottom. The highlands are covered by natural vegetation and pine
plantations while the coastal hinterlands have commercial sugarcane fields and human settlements.
(Paquette and Lowry, 2012)

7. In recent decades several major flood events have shown the vulnerability of flood protection
structures all around the world. Frequently, the overtopping of flood protection dikes has caused total
failure of the dike. Consequently, the polders were flooded and damaged not only real assets but also
claimed human life. Particularly, long lasting flood events and locally concentrated extreme
precipitation and flow events were responsible for this damage. (Heerten, 2010)

b. Research Gap
Whilst researching about the design some limitations in research were observed due to unavailability of
certain design parameters to fully execute the design. Since there was no previous geosynthetic works done
along the Nadi River bank it was hard to gather exact parameters of design. Data regarding the types of soil
and the bank usage capacity was not available for making necessary calculations. Due to these reasons
certain aspects of design was either assumed or had to be calculated using theoretical data.

3.0 Methodology
a. Design Criteria
The project after being completed should;
1. Prevent frequent flooding.
2. Eliminate any problems regarding soil erosion near river banks.
3. Have a proper drainage for water flow during rainy seasons.
4. Be durable for a long-term period.
b. Rationale
The issue of river widening is an alarming notice for the nearby residence but not much effort has been
taken to overcome the problem. Most of the rivers in Fiji are experiencing the similar problem but nadi river
is located mostly in the heart of Nadi town therefore it requires an urgent spotlight. Alternatives like river
dredging have been put in effect to clear out the soil which is resting in the river, but it is a limited time
Hence, the design will provide a long-term solution for river widening and will also prevent flooded water
from damaging the river banks.
c. Experimental analysis
An experiment on this design project was not conducted however, some of the places were reviewed in Fiji
where geosynthetics was used to prevent soil erosion. The sites reviewed are as follows;
1. Kasavu slip- it is located in Tailevu on the central side of vitilevu. The site had regularly faced soil
erosion due to excessive rainfall. Highway stabilizers is an engineering company which was
rewarded the project and they had effectively used geosynthetics on the surface of the slope to cover
the soil and later backfilled the area with aggregates and concrete to provide a permanent solution to
2. QED Bridge- during a field trip we visited a bridge being constructed by Fletcher, they had used
geogrids on their sub-base to reinforce soil.
3. Other online reports and videos were viewed to see the projects associated with geosynthetic
d. Qualitative methods-survey
1. A report from the local newspaper Fiji sun (Dated: 2019/09/12) was reviewed which highlighted the
damaging issue raised by the nearby stakeholders in regards to nadi river flooding. Japanese
government has assured to fund $400 million to restructure the Nadi river. However, it wasn’t
mentioned as to what designing aspects would be used to solve the problem.
2. An Interview was also conducted with a local engineering company Vinay Vikash Engineering who
have their quarry near the Nadi river. According to the company the hardships they face during
flooding is very costly. During rainy conditions the flooded water which mostly has clayey soils sits
onto the aggregates. After flooding the aggregates needs to be refined and processed properly to be
used on sites and this is not cost effective. Mr Vikash also stated that “the river is widening as years
pass by and very soon the edges of the river bank will be taking over parts of my property”.

e. Gantt chart
Januar Febru March April May June July Augus Septe Octob Nove Dece
y ary t mber er mber mber
Removal of
Task irregularities
1 near river
Task Excavating river bank
2 into a sloppy shape.
Sheeting the geotextiles
on the surface of the
riverbank slope
Filling sand
into the
geotextile bags.
Placing the geotextile bags on
top of geotextile sheets and
binding it be weaving.

4.1 Project Progress
The design of the project has been made with all necessary research being conducted. All design
parameters are standardized at the moment due to limitation of actual size of site aggregates.
5.0 Scope for future work
The work flow for the river bank reinforcement will include;
1. Clearing off any irregularities near the river bank that would cause destruction during the work
2. Using an Excavator to construct a slope of the river bank on which geotextiles would be laid.

3. Once the slope is ready, geotextiles will be placed on it’s surface. Geotextiles are permeable fabrics
which, when used in association with soil, have the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect, or

4. After sheeting the geotextiles, geotextile bags will be filled with sand.

5. Once the bags are filled, it will be placed onto the geotextile sheets and also placed on the edges of
the river bank below the water level.

 Heibaum, M., 2013. Geosynthetics for waterways and flood protection structures - controlling the
interaction of water and soil.
 ACE Geosynthetics. n.d. The Role Of Geosynthetics In River Bank Erosion Control. [online]
Available at: <
Erosion-Control> [Accessed 19 September 2020].
 Koffler, A., Choura, M., Bendriss, A. and Zengerink, E., 2008. Geosynthetics in protection against
erosion for river and coastal banks and marine and hydraulic construction. Journal of Coastal
Conservation, 12(1), pp.11-17.
 Bund, T., 2014. Understanding and Optimizing the Geosynthetic-Reinforced Steep Slopes. EJGE,
 Paquette, J. and Lowry, J., 2012. Flood hazard modelling and risk assessment in the Nadi River
Basin, Fiji, using GIS and MCDA. The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, (30),
 Heerten, G., 2010. Mitigation Of Flooding By Improved Dams And Dykes

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