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Business plays a major role within our society. It is a

creative and competitive activity that continuously

contributes to the shaping of our society. By satisfying the

needs and wants people cannot satisfy themselves, businesses

improve the quality of life for people and create a higher

standard of living. A business enterprise can be an entirely

person-owned outfit, not covered under corporate governance

laws of a nation, and the owner is personally liable.


A business, an enterprise, or a firm is an organization

designed in an attempt to create value through recognition

of business opportunity by the management of risk taking

opportunity, and through communicative and management skills

to mobilize human, financial and material resources

necessary to bring a project to success. A business is

brought into existence by an entrepreneur, where an

entrepreneur is the person trying a new opportunity or

starting the new project . Entrepreneurship is therefore the

process of establishing a business venture in which the

owner aims at getting profit .The business enterprise plays

in the economy is they create the emplacement and make the

innovation for the economy as a whole (Storey, 2000). In

addition business enterprise can be enterprise can be an

entirely person owned outfit, not covered under corporate

governance laws of a nation and the owner is personally


Simulation is widely use and already demonstrated to be

an important tool in various different areas. Manufacturing

systems, military system transportation system are some

example of simulation application (Bank, Carson and Nelson

1996; Law and Kelton 1991; Silva, Trigo and VaraJao 2011;

Silva et al 2010) In education area simulation is also a

well known technique. Historically simulation starts in high

risks education military training (e.g. anatomical

simulator), medicine (e.g. anatomical representation of the

human body) and scientific discipline (e.g.mathematics,

chemistry and physics and physics) (Gaba 2007, Pasin and

Giroux 2011; Rosen 2008; Uret sky 1995). Over the years the

simulation has prove to be an investing approach concerning

education and training; because it allows students and

teachers the analysis of “what if” questions, testing

current or new hypotheses and evaluating its impacts on the

model without disrupting the real system (Aldrian 2005;

Banks, Carson and Nelson 1996; Robmson 2002.

Therefore simulation increased its capabilities and

decrease its costs opening doors to other areas like for

instance, business companies and management school (Adobor

and Daneshfar 2006; Summer 2004; Unetsky 1995). With the

simulation, companies can improve decision-making skills by

learn by doing without fearing the heal consequences of

failures(Adobor and Daneshfar 2006; Aldriah 2005; Pasin and

Giroux 2011. The scope of simulation application in this

area is huge. Business production lines supply chain,

marketing project management, optimizing, accounting and

fiscal are some example of application (Aldriah 2005; Faria

et al.2009; Siddiqui, Khan and Varajao 2008; Silva, Trigo

and Akhar 2011). In order to improve simulations

interactivity and competition spirit, games concepts were

added, generating a new powerful and popular products;

simulation games. Simulation is associated with system

imitation and game is associated to the introduction of

artificial rules. The rules limit the player action in order

to make the game more challenging; playing outside them to

achieve the desire state is considered cheating (Salen and

Zimmerman 2003).

Once the enterprise are created, they start doing

business. Like in real life. Simulated enterprise will

generate many commercial, financial and fiscal transaction

during their business life cycle. In each commercial

transaction(e.g. purchase and sales) the will be generated

documents by the ERD system providing the transaction (e.g.

invoice, credit on debit note). All of these commercial

transaction must be “Paid”. According to the Portugues law,

enterprise must have a bank account to develop their

activity (LGT 2011), this is, they need to have a bank

account to make payments. Periodically all companies have to

send the commercial information to their Government in order

to pay their taxes (CIVA 2010). The operation encompasses

the result of a continuous work in the accounting department

which contains the information of the company (Silva, Trigo

and Varajao 2011).

Accordingly, the teachers and students consider it an

interesting pedagogical tool, which generates higher level

of motivation and interest by the students and an elevated

degree of global satisfaction. Future tasks will promote the

inclusion of ES’ new features like for instance, imitating

loans simulation and interacting with students from other

school (Silva, Trigo, Quintaniero and Varajao 2011).

Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types

and flavors in the world. Chocolate is not simply a snack or

key ingredients in cooking but also as a medicinal remedies.

Chocolate is the main ingredients the world’s leading malt

beverages that can be prepared with hot or cold milk or

water. It offers essential vitamins and minerals to meet the

nutrition and energy demand of young body and minds

specifically milo.

Milo has long been known as an energy beverages

strongly associated with sports and goods health. It is

naturally rich in carbohydrates and is great source of

energy for the brain, nervous system and muscles. It has a

protomalt, which contains a unique malt extract and is a

source of micronutrients which plays a role in energy


SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis (strength, weaknesses, opportunities and

threats analysis)is a framework for identifying and

analyzing the internal and external factors that can have an

impact on the viability of a project, product, place and

person. SWOT Analysis is most commonly used by business

entities, but it is also used by nonprofit organizations and

to a lesser degree, individuals for personal assessment.

Additionally, it can be used to assess initiative, products

or projects.


 Unique Concept  No experience in

 Accesible site (Close running business

to Public High School  Limited products

 Affordable Products  Silent Workplace

 Many target customers  Competitors

 Innovative  Weather Environment

 Promos  Falling Demand

Business Profiling

Jhon Patrick S. Diaz Plans and Project Officer

Shasian M. Bautista Head and Kitchen Staff

Czaireen Faith M. Cruz Accounting Clerk

Eunice Jhan Aubrey T. David Assistant Manager

Valerie A. Garma Manager, Online Seller

Business Name

Amore Cacao


The business name, Amore de Cacao originated from the

business itself, wherein they offer a variety of sweet

delicacies only made with Milo that is rich in chocolate

that comes from cacao fruit.

Market Identification

The business is located at Santo. Rosario, Santo.

Domingo Nueva Ecija and Santo Rosario Elementary School.

The target market of the business are the kids, teenager and

sweet lovers.

Business Logo Motto

Floor Plan

Business. The activity of making, buying or selling goods or

providing service in exchange for money.

Business Opportunities. A business opportunity, in the

simplest terms, is a packaged business investment that

allows the buyer to begin a business. (Technically, all

franchises are business opportunities, but not all business

opportunities are franchises.)

Chocolate. A food that is made from cacao beans and that is

eaten as candy or used as a flowing ingredients in other

sweet foods.

Commercial Transaction. An interaction between two or more

parties in which goods, services or something of value is

exchanged for some type of remuneration.

Competitive. Having a strong desire to win or be the best at


Emplacement. The situation on location of something.

Enterprise. A project or activity that involves many people

and that is often difficult.

Malt. Grain (such as barley) softened by steeping in water,

allowed to germinate, and use especially in braving and


Marketing Project. A property development company, for

instance, may develop a building but immediately sell it

upon project completion. ... Project marketingbeing part

of project management is marketing of the project to its

stakeholders and is part of the stakeholder engagement


Micronutrient. A chemical elements or substance (such as

calcium or vitamin that is essential in minute amount to the

growth and health of a living organism.

Milo. Is chocolate and malt powder that is mixed with hot

water and milk to produce a beverage.

Mobilize. To come together for action.

Production Line. A convey through a number of different

sites at each of which a manual or machine operation is

performed on them without interrupting the flow of

Pedagogical Tools. Are designed to convey important lessons

and allow people to improve their understanding of a problem

or undertaking. Though, in a sense, these are the goals of

any successful system dynamics study, the pedagogical tools

focus on the teaching part, not the analysis of novel


Simulation. Something that is made to look, feel or behave

like something else especially so that it can be studied or

used to train people.

Research Design

This research study used the descriptive research

method. Descriptive research is a study designed to depict

the participants in an accurate way. Valdez (2011) starts

that the descriptive method of research in concerned with

the description of data and characteristics about a

population. The goal is the acquisition factual, accurate

and systematic data that can be used in averages,

frequencies and similar statistical calculation. The

researchers made a sampling frame or a list of the people

forming a population from which a sample is taken and sample

size or the act of choosing the numbers of observation to

include in a statistical sample of their possible


Data Gathering

The researchers conducts their survey to the 30

respondents in Sto. Rosario, Sto. Domingo Nueva Ecija. The

respondents answered the survey by checking the checklist

questionnaire given by the researcher to know the customers

The respondents that are participated in the research

where given the enough time to answer the questionnaire and

promised then that their answers will be confidential.

Research Locale

The researcher will conduct a survey in Sto. Rosario,

Sto. Domingo Nueva Ecija. The place is located at Central

Luzon Region III. The municipal of Sto. Domingo.

Research Sampling Design

In conducting this research, the target respondents

were the students, workers and residents in Sto. Rosario,

Sto. Domingo Nueva Ecija. In gathering the data the

researchers use a survey questionnaire that answered by the

Sampling Techniques and the Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the 30 residents in

Sto. Rosario, Sto. Domingo Nueva Ecija. The respondents of

the study were selected randomly. The from given to the

respondents consist of information or data that is needed in

the study. The respondents collected answer were tallied,

analyze and documented.


The instrumentation is important for collecting data in

all type of research method. They are mainly use by

researchers to collect reliable data which will be later

analyzed according to (Aina 2004). The researchers will use

survey questionnaire to conduct the research.

The questionnaire that will use are divided into two

parts. The first part is the profile of the respondents in

terms of Age, Sex and Address. The second part of the

questionnaire will gather information about different

factors such as economics, ecological, technological,

political and cultural.

Statistical Treatment


To describe the profile of the respondents, the

percentage was being computed.

Formula: P= F/N x 100

Where: P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total number of population

A scale was used to interpret items in the

questionnaire, the respondents were asked to rate the

assessment of strategies and methodologies in teaching

mathematics. The range and interpretation of the three-point

scale are shown. The numerical rating of Agree, Partially

Agree and Disagree.




This chapter includes interpretation of data which were

drawn from the thirty respondents (30) in the community of
Santo Rosario, Santo Domingo, Nueva Ecija. The researchers
conducted in each houses in the compound of Zone 2.

However, the results of the study are tabulated below,

interpreted and analyzed by the researchers.

Table 1

Demographic Factor of the Respondents as to their Age

Age Frequency Percentage

21-30 10 33.33%
31-40 12 40%
41-50 8 26.67%

Table 1 shows the age of each respondents. The age

ranging 31-40 years old got the highest frequency of 12 or

40% while the age ranging 41-50 years old got the lowest

frequency of 8 or 26.67%. The age ranging 21-30 years old

got the frequency of 10 or 33.33%. There is other specified

age of the respondents. Hence, the respondents are mostly an

age ranging 31-40 years old.

Table 2

Demographic Factor of the Respondents as to their Sex

Frequency Percentage
Male 13 43.33%
Female 17 56.67%
Total 30 100%

Table 2 presents the sex of each respondent, and most

of them are female that has frequency of 17 or 56.67%. On

the other hand, male respondents are only 13 or 43.33%.

Therefore, most of the respondents are female.

Table 3

Preferred Snacks of the Respondents

Frequency Percentage

Milo balls
27 90%
Milo Pop Corn 28 93.33%
Cookies 27 90%
Milompia 18 60%
Milo-gaw 22 73.33%

Milo Frappe
28 93.33%
Milo Craze 27 90%

Table 3 shows that the preferred snack of the

respondents is Milo Balls with the highest frequency of 27

or 93.33%, and the lowest is the Milo-mpia that has

frequency of 18 or 60%. Therefore, the business owners must

Table 4

Economic environment factor

Price of
Products Frequency Percentage
Milo Balls Php 5.00 27
Milo Popcorn Php 5.00 28
Milo Cookies Php 5.00
27 90%
Milompia Php 5.00 18
Milogaw Php 15.00 22
Milo Frappe Php 30.00 28
Milo Craze Php 25.00 27

Table 4 shows that under economic environment factor

which is the expected price for the products, ₱5.00 got the

highest frequency of 30 or 100%, then the least is ₱10.00

that has frequency of 27 or 90%. And they suggest that the

price of Milo Popcorn is also ₱5.00. In the expected price

of beverages, ₱25.00 got the highest frequency of 26 or

86.67%, while the lowest is ₱30.00 that has a frequency of

25 or 83.33%. Therefore, most of the respondents answered

₱5.00 as their expected price for the products and ₱25.00

for the beverage.

Table 5

Ecological Environment Factor

Questions Choices Frequency
Beside the
7 23.3%
In Sto.

A. Where do you prefer 7 23.3%
to operate the
business? Around

16 53.3%
and High

B. Do you think that

the suggested location Yes 27 90%

for the business will

be able to have a
No 3 10%
great income?

C. C. Do you think the Yes 27 90%

business will click? No 3 10%

The table 5 show the questions under ecological

environment factor. Around elementary and high school is the

best place to start a business. It has the highest frequency

of 16 or 53.3%. In asking if the suggested location for the

business will be able to have a great income got the highest

answered of yes with 27 of frequency or 90%. While in asking

if the business will click, it has the highest answered of

yes with a frequency of 27 or 90%. Also, there is no other

suggestion to proclaim. Therefore, the location itself has a

great opportunity for business owners to grab and have its

own startup. This will help the business to gain bigger

earning or income.

Table 6

Technological environment

Do you agree in having

Choices Frequency Percentage
environmental factor
such as…
Can pick your Yes 30 100%
preference Product
Online No 0 0%

Yes 27 90%
Can transact in our
Facebook page
No 3 10%

In table 6, it shows the results under Technological

Environment Factor that online buying which is through

Facebook page got the highest answered of yes with a

frequency of for a total of 30 or 100%. There is no other

suggestion for any online activities. Technologically, the

respondents chose online buying through Facebook page for a

reason that using an internet is dominant.

Table 7

Culture Environment Factor

Question Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 28 93.33%
Are you fond of eating
snack everyday? No 2 6.67%

Table 7 depicts that most of the respondents happen to

be fond of snacks every day, the frequency of an answered

yes is 27 or 90% while the remaining 3 or 10% are not

inclined on snacks, not nearly every day.



This chapter presented the summary of findings,

conclusion and recommendation of the study conducted. The

summary of the findings got from the data gathered, the

conclusion drawn from the findings and recommendation being

posed for the study derived from the conclusions.

Summary of Findings

The study focused on Amore Cacao Snack House. The 30

residents served as the respondents of the study which is

located at Sto. Rosario, Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija. The

researchers used checklist questionnaire as the main

instrument of the study.

After all data were being presented, analyzed and

interpreted the summary of findings of the study showed that

the respondents were in the bracket of 31-40 years old got

12 frequency or 40%, while the age ranging from 41-50 years

old got a frequency of 8 or 26.67%. Female respondents have

a frequency of 17 or 56.67%, then male got a frequency of 13

or 43.33%. The favorite snack of the respondents is Milo

Balls that has a frequency of 27 or 93.33% and the least is

Milo-mpia that has frequency of 18 or 60%.

Based on the data, most of the respondents have the

expected price for the products as ₱5.00 with the frequency

of 30 or 100%, then the lowest is ₱10.00 with the frequency

of 27 or 90%. In the expected price of beverage, most of the

respondents answered ₱25.00 that has a frequency of 26 or

86.67%, then the least is ₱30.00 with a frequency of 25 or


The collected data in ecological environment factor

shows that, yes, around elementary and high school in Sto.

Rosario is the perfect place to start a business that got a

frequency of 16 or 53.3%. Yes, the suggested location for

the business will be able to have a great income with the

frequency of 27 or 90%. Lastly, the respondents answered,

yes the business will click that has a frequency of 27 or


In the results, the technological environment factor

that can be consider are promoting it through Facebook page

with the frequency of 30 or 100%. There is no other

suggestion for any online activities. The data presents the

cultural environment, most of the respondents answered yes

happen to be fond of snacks every day, the frequency of an

answered yes is 27 or 90% while the remaining 3 or 10% are

not inclined on snacks, not nearly every day.


Based on the data gathered as results and findings, it

is situated strategically that:

1. Most of the respondents in this study have an age

ranging from 31-40 years old.

2. Female respondents have the larger number than male


3. Many among respondents have the favorite snack of Milo

4. From the given checklist questionnaire, most of the

respondents answered ₱5.00 as their expected price for

the products and ₱25.00 for the beverage.

5. Yes, around elementary and high school in Sto. Rosario

is the perfect place to start a business. The business

will have a bigger earnings. Specially, the business

will click.

6. Promoting business through Facebook page can be

consider as a factor in the environment.

7. There is no competitor

8. These products have the possibility to give good

benefits to our body. Most of the respondents prefer to

have a snack every day.


Based on the conclusions presented above, the

researchers recommend the following:

 In starting a business, they have to consider the

economic environment factor which is the

affordability of the product. They should build

their business where there are many residents or

 As an entrepreneur, we must acknowledge

innovations and unique way of promoting a


 Know your audience and how to market them because

it is critical. So, as an entrepreneur you must

also look to find a solution to their problems

with the goods you provide.

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