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Reviewer for Oral Communication for the 2nd Quarter

1.Speech Styles
Speech style refers to a way a person expresses his feelings or ideas using language and varies
according to social context – the person we are talking to, the occasion and the purpose. Speech styles
also refers to the levels of language formality used in communicating. It involves:
- Production of sounds
- Correctness of grammar
- Quality of voice
- Intention and purpose
- Effective use of vocabulary

Types of Speech Styles:

a. Intimate Style – The style used among intimate members of family or friends which does not
require the use of extensive vocabulary and long sentences. It is used when the relationship
between the sender and the receiver is private.
Ex. Sharing your secrets or personal problems, private talks with family and friends talking
about sensitive topics, exchanging sweet nothings with your special someone, sharing of
sensitive topics

b. Casual Style – Sharing an idea casually, usually with the use of slang words, jargons,
vulgarities or colloquialism with people of the same culture. This style is used when
interacting with acquaintances and friends talking about trivial matters or topics.
Ex. Chatting with friends about day-to-day experiences, exchanging pleasantries with your
acquaintances, blogs or vlogs, other conversations that does not require use of formal
language and sharing of sensitive topics

c. Consultative Style- The most operational among the styles since this use used for
consultations, and discussions which is typical in a work setting, school, or clinic. This style
is used for professional transaction/ exchange of ideas between the sender and the receiver.
Informal but mutually acceptable language may be used; colloquial language may be used. It
is necessary that there should be active participation between sender and receiver.
Ex. Consultation sessions between the teacher and the students, a patient having a check-up
and consultation with the doctor, the president listening to the advice and counsel of his
cabinet members.
d. Formal Style- Used in formal settings like programs, ceremonies, etc. which strictly conforms
to established professional rules and standards. This style is used when we have to follow
conventions, rules and guidelines when delivering a message.
Ex. SONA, Job interview, opening remarks in a program.

e. Frozen Style- This is used in formal and traditional ceremonies where speeches are fixed and
does not change over time. It is also called a fixed speech. The pattern and features (words,
grammar, punctuation, etc.) of the message is non- negotiable or rarely changes.
Ex. Preamble, Pledge of acceptance, allegiance to an organization, prayers

Let’s Check!
Test your understanding of the lesson by identifying the speech style used for each situation.
Situation Speech Style
1. A student violated a school policy and was asked to talk to the
guidance counsellor for advice.
2. You inquired in 5 hotels in Boracay for your upcoming summer
vacation with your friends.
3. Delivering a talk on the importance of e-learning in front of the SHS
4. A news anchor delivering a news.
5. A government official welcoming the delegates from China in his
speech during the welcome dinner.
6. Sharing to your bestfriend the code names you give to your crushes
and your enemies.
7. Husband and wife having dinner in the hotel while exchanging
sweet nothings to each other.
8. The class valedictorian delivering a speech during the graduation
9. Reciting a prayer during a mass.
10. Inquiring about the best deals that the company can offers to you as
one of their loyal clients.

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