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color=#ffffff><strong> </b> </font> <br /> <br> Massage : </strong></font> <p
id="message"><b>Jangan Lihat Mataku Karena Aku Tau Apa Yang Kamu Lakukan <span
style="color: blue;"> <b><br>Kamu Boleh Menghina Ku Sepuas Mu Tapi Tidak Grup Ku
Kenapa ? Karena Berarti Anggota Ku Kau Hina , Anggota Ku Adalah Keluarga Ku !
Bersiap Panglima Tempur Angkat Pedang !</b></font><span style="color: lime;"> </b>
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behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="90" scrolldelay="40" width="100%">
<font color="red">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</font></marquee> <font
color="red" size="7" face="Chicle">Thanks To : ZK1_Cyber <br /> <font color="white"
size="7" face="Chicle">Discord : WhatsApp 081298489546 <marquee behavior="scroll"
direction="right" scrollamount="90" scrolldelay="40" width="100%"> <font
color="red">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</font></marquee> <font
color="yellow" size="7" face="Chicle">~~~Indonesia Merdeka Indonesia Merdeka~~~
<img style="width:100%"><span style="color: white;"><font face="transformers">
<marquee scrollamount="5" direction="left" width="100%"><span style="color:
orange;"> <img style="width:50%"src="
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