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Basketball Tuesdays

Mr. Lescak

The intention of the use of this gym time is to create a space for students in my class and in Ms.
Whiting’s class who prefer to be active during their lunchtime recess. Given the weather that will
be getting colder and rainier, providing a space for students to keep active will help with their
energy levels and attention span during the afternoon period and also help keep them active.

I will ask Ms. Whiting for a Class Master list and ask if there are any students that have any
medical concerns that I should know about in the event they decide to join.

Week 1 November 3, 2020 Basketball

Watch students hand-sanitize before coming into the gym.
Record the names of all students in the gym on their class list.
Will have basketballs outside of the equipment room to prevent unnecessary contact with other
gym equipment.

I’ll begin the session by setting out my expectations and intentions for the use of the gym and
what type of conduct I would like to see to make sure that everyone is safe, engaged, enjoying
the space and that fairplay is respected to help them develop their social and physical skill set.

Students from each class (depending on numbers) will be spread out to play at either side of the
gym (Ms. Gannon’s on one side and Ms. Whiting’s on the other) to prevent any unnecessary
contact. They can either play a game if they would like to organize themselves or can do a
shootaround. I’ll be monitoring any behaviour that looks like it is getting physical or
Students will be directed to place the balls back in the bin and use the outside gym doors to head
back to class when there are 5 minutes remaining.

Week 2 November 10, 2020 Basketball

Watch students hand-sanitize before coming into the gym.
Record names of students in the gym on their class list.
Will have basketballs outside of the equipment room to prevent unnecessary contact with other
gym equipment.
I will again set out my expectations for sportsmanship and what proper conduct should look like
and sound like. Any students who deviate from the conduct will be taken aside and it will be
explained to them why they were pulled out. If the behaviour continues they will be
asked/escorted outside for the remainder of the recess and I will let their teacher know.

Students from each class will be assigned to one side of the gym where a game of basketball,
using half the gym, will be played. If the numbers are limited, they will have a chance to play a
full size game.
Students will be directed to place the balls back in the bin and use the outside gym doors to head
back to class when there are 5 minutes remaining

The following weeks will follow with the same Protocol, Expectations and Activity with
reassessment of student’s behaviour as the weeks progress.

Week 3 November 17, 2020 Basketball

Week 4 December 1, 2020 Basketball

Week 5 December 8, 2020 Basketball

**I am certified in First Aid/CPR in the event that there are any injuries or medical emergencies
that students may have**

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