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Clean, Inspect and Tag Questionnaire


 Will it be a thorough cleaning exercise?


 How long will it last?

 Who is going to 'project manage' the exercise?

 If the operation is shift-based, will the clean, inspect and tag exercise be done
around the clock or only during day time (which is easier to coordinate)?
2IA2 - clean inspect and tag questionnaire Version 5 © CCI

 Will managers and office staff be invited to assist?

 Do operators have the necessary skills to do anything more than cleaning?

 What are the safety risks and have precautions been taken to prevent accidents?

 How can maximum operator involvement and ownership be ensured without
compromising the technical aspects of the exercise?

 Who will be the 'technical experts' in the area to guide and assist the team?

 Which area will be covered?

 When will it take place?

 How will the exercise be communicated to the rest of the organisation?

2IA2 - clean inspect and tag questionnaire Version 5 © CCI

 When and how will the team be trained and prepared?

Running inspections:

 Has provision been made for the team to do a running inspection first?

 How will the defects detected during this part of the exercise be listed?

 Have the team members been briefed on what problems to inspect for?


 What cleaning equipment will be required, e.g. brooms, steam cleaners,

scrapers, rags and brushes?

 What other cleaning aids will be required, such as detergents, acid, degreasing
agents, paint remover, water or compressed air?

 How will tasks be scheduled to prevent re-cleaning, e.g. cleaning from top to
bottom or systematically clean from back to front?
2IA2 - clean inspect and tag questionnaire Version 5 © CCI

 What are the potential safety hazards?

 How will the cleaned and exposed areas be protected, e.g. through lubrication,
preservation coating or paint?

 How will the dirt be removed from the area?

 What painting (if any) will be done? Have standard paints been ordered?


 How will problem areas be 'tagged'?

 tag

 sticker
 writing it on a flipchart
 normal work requests

 What will these tags look like?

 How will tags be monitored and followed up afterwards?

2IA2 - clean inspect and tag questionnaire Version 5 © CCI

 Will colour-coded tags be used? Define colour-coding.

Management presentation:

 Has the team been briefed on the presentation to management (in terms of
format, duration and objectives)?

 Who will attend this presentation?


 Will there be some form of gift to commemorate the day, e.g. caps
or T-shirts? For whom?

 Have refreshments been arranged?


 Will special guests be invited to the presentation? Who?

 Who will assist the team with the presentation?

 What visual displays or exhibitions will be available (e.g. 'before' and 'after'
2IA2 - clean inspect and tag questionnaire Version 5 © CCI

 How will the event be publicised (e.g. in the company newsletter)?

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