Science 7 Reviewer

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Science – systematic body of knowledge ; study of world around us

- comes from the Latin word scientia – means “to know”
Objective – refers to the manner by which knowledge is obtained
Pure Science – science that derives theories and predictions ; known as natural science
Applied Science- application of scientific method
Technology – “science craft” – comes from a Greek word “techne” –“art or skill of hand”
Pillars of Creation – incredible image made by Hubble space telescope
- shows formation of the stars
3 branches of Science;
Physical Science – chemistry, physics and astronomy
Chemistry – studying matter
Physics – studying matter and energy
Astronomy – studying universe outside Earth’s atmosphere; heavenly bodies
Life Science- known as biology
Zoology – animals
Botany – plants
Genetics – genes and heredity
Medicine – diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases
Earth Science – known as Geosciences ; paleontology, geology, meteorology, oceanography, ecology
Geology – origin, structure of the Earth
Paleontology – fossils
Meteorology – weather, climate and atmosphere of Earth
Ecology – populations of organisms
Molecular Biology – molecular basis
Biomedicine – application of biological knowledge to human health
Cellular Biology – functions of cell
Developmental Biology – growth and development of organisms
Histology - tissues
Petrology - rocks
Scientific Method – sequence of steps followed by scientist; systematic approach to gather data and solve
1. State the Problem – asks a question
2. Research – collect information
3. Hypothesize – hypothesis – educated guess
4. Experiment – to test
Dependent variable – amount of soil, type of plant
Independent Variable – number of times 10 ml. vinegar
Control Variable – one sunflower has vinegar and the other plant no vinegar
5. Analyze your data – record observations
Qualitative data- descriptive ; cannot be measured
Quantitative data- numerical ; can be measured
6. Draw a conclusion – summary and answer of the research

Traits of Scientist
1. Curiosity and Fascination – asking question “why” and wonder

2. Humility and Healthy Skepticism – humble enough to accept things; admits mistakes;
verify sources
3. Positive Attitude Toward Failure – learn from failure
4. Open- Mindedness – accept criticism
5. Perseverance – does not give up
6. Self-confidence – prepared to defend his work
7. Intellectual Honesty – acknowledged others contribution
8. Scientific Intuition – gut of feeling to predict
9. Aptitude for Serendipity – unexpectedly discovering or finding things
10. Ethics – what is right and wrong

Superstition – one’s explanation for the unknown

Pure Substances – forms of matter that have a definite and constant chemical composition
Dmitri Mendeleev – “the father of the periodic table”
Elements – pure substances that are made up of only one type of atom
- cannot be broken down into simpler substances
-118 elements
element symbols – chemical elements have abbreviations
Einsteinium (Es) – named after Albert Einstein
Curium – Marie Curie – pioneer in the study of radioactivity
Flevorium – named after George Flevor
Livermorium – named after Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Cesium – discovered by Bunsen – inventor of the Bunsen burner
Atomic Number – number of protons and Element’s Symbol –
electrons in an atom of an element 8 abbreviation of an
Element’s Name
Atomic Mass/Weight 16
number of protons + neutrons

Groups / families – elements that are vertically arranged

Periods / Series – elements which are arranged horizontally

Compounds – pure substances consisting of more than one type of atom

ex. table sugar ( C12H22O11), vetsin (C5H8NO4NA), bleach, table salt

metals – elements of the left side

nonmetals – elements on the far right side; solid, gas or liquid, brittle, not malleable or ductile

metalloids or nonmetals – between the metals and the non-metals

Properties of Metals:

 solid, hard , high melting points, high boiling points

 shiny, good conductors of electricity and heat
 ductile – drawn into fine wires
 malleable – easily hammered into thin sheets
 sonorous – produce sound when beaten
 tend to lose electron easily

Alloys – formed by combination of two or more metals, or a metal and non-metal


Element Compound

iron – king of metals oxygen - gas of life

calcium – comprises bones and teeth neon- used in advertising signs

gold – make jewelries mercury – found on thermometers

carbon- found in all living things sodium – combines with chlorine to make salt

chlorine – used in bleaches and purifying pools aluminum – used in kitchen utensils

element – pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances but can be chemically combined
with one another to produce another substance

Physical Properties

1. Luster – shiny in appearance

2. Volume – amount of space occupied by an object

3. Color – aspect of appearance of objects and light sources

4. Mass – amount of material it contains

5. Shape – appearance or form of a sample matter

Chemical Properties

1. Flammability - ability to be burnt and combustion

2. Oxidation – rusted or oxidized

3. Toxicity – poisonous

4. Acidity - being acidic

5. Stability – resistance to chemical change or physical disintegration

Sulfur –added to fruits to speed up the ripening of the fruit

Pure Substances Chemical Formula Component Present Ratio Uses


table salt




baking powder

Write the symbol of the following elements.

1. gold - ________ 6. carbon _______ 11. sulfur ______

2. silver ________ 7. oxygen _______ 12. iodine ______

3. nitrogen _______ 8. chlorine _______ 13. fluorine ______

4. mercury _______ 9. potassium _______ 14. calcium ______

5. sodium ________ 10. helium _______ 15. phosphorus ______

Identify if compound or elements

1. helium _________________ 6. water __________________

2. carbon ________________ 7. potassium _________________

3. table salt ______________ 8. gold ________________

4. sugar _________________ 9. baking powder ________________

5. oxygen ________________ 10. carbon dioxide _______________

Write what kind of analogy.

synonym antonym part to whole whole to part specific to general

general to specific tool to function tool to use cause and effect symbol to meaning

_____________________1. huge: big :: tiny: small

_____________________ 2. red:love:: white:purity

_____________________3. month:week::family:father

_____________________4. broom: cleaning:: pan:cooking

_____________________5. careful: safety :: careless: accident

_____________________6. green: color:: fork: utensil

_____________________ 7. past:present::yesterday:tomorrow

_____________________8. black:death:: green:hope

_____________________9. heavy rain:flood::study:learn

_____________________10. pen:write::scissors:cut

Write the correct analogy.

1. finger:hand:: ________________:tree

2. microwave:hot::refrigerator: ___________

3. police:handcuffs::teacher: _________________

4. fruit: __________________:: vegetable: pechay

5. hammer: ______________::stethoscope:doctor

Match categories of film genre. Write the correct answer.

1. ____________________ it appears in virtually every form of narrative and include elements of science
fiction mystery or horror

2. ____________________ performers often treat their song and dance numbers as if a live audience were

3. ___________________ employs a large cast of extras and usually has lavish costumes and sweeping musical

4. ___________________love stories recorded in visual media for broadcast in theaters

5. ___________________ includes combat, survival and escape

6. _____________________ film that has always a happy ending

7. _____________________ theme of this film usually includes current issues, societal ills and problems

8. _____________________explores the potential consequences of scientific , social and technological


9. ___________________often has an element of magic, myth, wonder, and the extraordinary

10. ___________________ involves individual efforts on the part of the hero and there is a clear division
between good and evil

11. __________________ adventure films incorporate suspenseful puzzles and intricate obstacles that the
protagonist must overcome in order to achieve the end goal


Encircle the verb or verb phrase in the sentence, then identify the kind of voice of the verb.

Underline the appropriate active or passive verb forms.

1. Malini (bought, was bought, have bought )  a colorful hat for her daughter.

2. The dog (locked, was locked , have locked) up in the kennel by its master.

3. The winners (praised, have praised, were praised ) by the principal.

4. Susie (baked, was baked, will be baked )  a chocolate cake for her sister’s birthday.

5. Who (wrote, has wrote, was written )  this book on Greek mythology?

6. The salesman (answered, was answered, has answering) all the questions patiently.

7. The instructor (was advised, has advising, advised) the players to be careful.

8. She ( was graduated, graduated , has graduated ) in 2012.

9. The police (was recovering, have recovered , was recovered ) the stolen goods.

10. The patient (shifted, was shifted, was shifting)  to the intensive care unit.

Convert the following active sentences into passive sentences.

1. She will not recognize us.

2. They didn’t invite me, but I went anyway.

3. They broke up the table for firewood.

4. This book will change your life.

5. She has won the first prize.

6. A friend of mine is repairing the car.

7. The immigration officer questioned us.

8. They speak English in Korea.

9. His attitude shocked me.

10. She had already sent the parcel.

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