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Laptop Package Assignment

Terms and Conditions of Use

1.1. I agree that the assigned laptop package at all times remains the property of Basdiot Elementary
School under the Department of Education Computerization Program (DCP) and is provided to me for
my use as a teacher in performance of my duties.

1.2. I will do my part to keep the laptop package in good working order and will notify Basdiot ES ICT
Coordinators immediately of any defect or malfunction.

1.3. The consent of Basdiot ES ICT Coordinators is required to add or delete any hardware (excluding
peripherals) and to install software that does not come pre-loaded on the laptop by DepEd DCP.

1.4. I will use the assigned laptop package lawfully and in accordance with DepEd and Philippine
government policies.

1.5. I will not sell, assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of the assigned laptop package.

1.6. I will participate in a laptop assignment training session that will outline expectations, demonstrate
specific features and uses of my assigned laptop, and answer questions about the laptop assignment
agreement, terms, and conditions.

1.7. If I breach any of the terms and conditions, the school may revoke this arrangement by giving me 14
days written notice.

1.8. In the event that I discontinue my employment with the school or if my employment status changes
in such a way that I am no longer eligible for laptop assignment, I will return all components of the
assigned laptop package to the school in good working order on or before my last day of employment or
status change.

1.9. I acknowledge that I cannot substitute any elements of the laptop package I have been provided
with any other laptop package (which is now or may subsequently become available) during the term of

1.10. I will take good care of the laptop package assignment at all times, including:
• Not leaving the laptop unattended in a public place
• Not leaving the laptop unattended or unsecured in a classroom or other place in the college;
when not in use, the laptop should be docked or secured.
• Not leaving the laptop in plain view in an unattended or unsecured vehicle. Laptops should be
locked in the vehicle trunk or secured out of sight in the vehicle.
• Not allowing the laptop to be accessed by any other person without your authorization.
• Ensuring that the laptop is handled, transported, and used with care.

1.11. I will not remove, conceal, or alter any laptop markings, tags, or engravings.

1.12. If the laptop is lost, stolen, or damaged, I will contact Basdiot ES ICT Coordinators and School
property Custodian as soon as possible.

1.13. I will not allow my network user account and password to be used by anybody but myself, unless
requested by Basdiot ICT Coordinators to do so.

1.14. I will save data to the college networks rather than the laptop hard drive and will back up my work.
Any data saved on the laptop hard drive is not secure and may be lost if the laptops is repaired or re-
1.15. I understand that due to current licensing arrangements, the laptop package cannot be used by me
for any commercial purpose.

1.16. I will participate in an evaluation(s) of laptop assignment if requested. Any evaluation process put
in place will be designed in consultation with faculty union representation.

Laptop Use Agreement

I confirm that I have read and understand the laptop assignment agreement. I also agree to the related
Terms and Conditions of Use and am willing to receive a laptop assignment subject to those Terms and

By signing this Laptop Use Agreement, I agree to the terms and conditions and accept delivery of the


Serial Number: ________________________________________

Inclusions: ________________________________________

Employee Name: ________________________________________

Employee Signature: ________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________

Contact Numbers:
Work : _______________
Home: _______________
Mobile: _______________

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