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Responsive Speaking

Grade Level: 2nd grade

SOL standard(s):

2.3 The student will use oral communication skills. 

a) Use oral language for different purposes: to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to
clarify, and to respond.
b) Share stories or information orally with an audience.
c) Participate as a contributor and leader in a group.
f) Give three- and four-step directions. 

WIDA standard(s): Standard 1 - Social and Instructional Language

WIDA level: Level 1 - Beginning


 Content Objective: students will be able to give three and four step directions.
 Learning Objective: students will be able to say directions on a known subject using
complete sentences.

Directions in the student-friendly language. (Points): (done is small group)

I am going to ask each of you to describe different steps to get to the end product.  You will not
be graded on this assignment.  I just want to hear you work through the process, I want you to
describe this in four steps and in full sentences.

Example if applicable:
For example, if I asked you to explain to me how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and
acceptable answer is -

1. First you must get the bread out of the bag.

2. Then, you spread the peanut butter on one side of one piece of bread.
3. Next, you spread jelly on one side of one piece of bread.
4. Lastly, you put the peanut butter and jelly sides together.

Assessment items: (these would be tailored to students based on information I know about them,
they will get a piece of paper with what I ask them to give directions on written out)

Give me directions on how you walk your dog

Give me directions on our morning routine while entering the classroom

Give me directions on your bedtime routine

Give me directions on how you refill your water bottle

This is an informal assessment so there will be no formal scoring, but I will be keeping a
checklist to record formatively what the students can achieve.


1- not at all            2- progressing               3- completely 

Students name _________________

__ Spoke in full Sentences

__Gave four directions

__Gave correct Directions

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