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Current Vision

 Using technology to bring people together to attain company objective

 Assisting people to learn, as well as apply new skills and knowledge
 Opening up ways for geographically disperse teams to communicate, connect, as well
as share knowledge
 Fostering collaboration where people can link naturally together to solve problems, share
ideas as well as collaborate from across great distance
 Sharing information and reinforcing social bonds among teams

Current Situation
a. Virtual Collaboration Environment
 Shared, secured platform
 Safe space where everyone feels supported and able to voice their opinion
 Employees are empowered with tools they need to make informed decision and achieve
best possible health results
b. Tools for Virtual Collaboration
 E-mails, mobile devices, text messaging, e-learning, cloud computing, zoom, sharepoint,
audio, web and intranet, phone and video conferencing.
  Email helps team members send out information to each other. It is one of the most
important tools the company employees use in communication. Reports, customer requests,
meeting invitations, announcements and memos are usually sent by email
 The company’s web and intranet sites are important tools for publishing information
which are accessible for all employees. Rules and regulations, announcements, training
material, and information required for employees, and a lot of other items are published on the
 Phone conferencing and videoconferencing tools are used to compensate for the
absence of face-to-face meetings. Net meeting tools and web casts are used to make online
training sessions.

c. Collaboration/Partnerships
 Janssen is involved in building strong working relationships that can advance the quality
of healthcare globally
 Partners: Local communities, scientist, technology experts, global academic and
business communities, university-based researchers worldwide, co-marketers, hospital and
professional association
  Partnerships:

  In the process of discovery, testing, developing new products and improving existing
range of products. For example, collaborated with Apple in the Afib R&D Apple Watch project;
 Selective licensing, acquiring and forming joint ventures for growth and expansion; and
 Strategic alliance with more than 35 companies throughout the world to share best
practice, acquire and develop talent and share research initiatives

 Increase cross-cultural awareness: It is important to understand there might be
international team challenges due to the difference in location. For example, languages spoken
and culture
  Create team rules and norm: Being able to set standards that everyone can understand
and agree on is crucial for a virtual team success
  Provide help with conflict resolution and decision making
 Support building trust: Putting in place strategies that will help virtual team members
become acquainted with each other regardless of the distance. For example, sharing pictures,
professional backgrounds, aspect of social lives, and including coffee talk
 Communication medium is essential for virtual team success. Understanding the best
communication medium needed. For example: emails versus virtual meeting
  Incorporate face-to-face team meeting: It might not be feasible for all team members
due the location barriers, but for those that are within reach, periodic communication provides
benefits in group collaborations. Face-to-face meeting helps sustain team spirit and increase

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