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Rangkuman B.

Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2016

Rangkuman B. Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi

Greeting And Leave Taking.
-       Informal
Greeting and responses
                                  = Hi !
                                  = Hello !
How are you !                  = I’m fine.
How’s life ?                        = Fine, thanks.
How’s everything ?        = Very well. Thank you.
How’re you doing ?       = Great !
                                       I’m Ok.
                                       Not so bat.
-       Leave taking.
See you later.
See you.
-       Formal.

How are you ?        = I’m fine. Thank you.

                                      I’m very well. Thank you.
How do you do ?   = How do you do ?
-       Note : how do you do is used when you greet a peron at a first-time meeting. You use
this in a very formal situation.
-       Good morning = 00:06-11:59
     = Break fast
     = Go to school
-       Good afternoon/good day = 12:00-17:59
                            = Lunch
                            = Go home take a nap
-       Good evening = 18:00-23:59
   = Dinner
-       Good night = Sleep
             = Go to bed  
-       Gifing information (kalimat positif)
Subjek : Be : Complement : the short form
I              = am  = Sarah              = I’m
He          = is     = Mr. Khan        = He’s
She        = is     = A techer         = She’s
It            = is     = My bag           = It’s
You       = are  = My friend      = You’re
We         = are  = Friends          = We’re
They     = are  = His parents   = They’re
-       Asking for information (kalimat tanya)
Be : Subjek : Complement
Am     = I          = Sarah ?
Is         = He      = Mr Khan ?
Is         = She     = A teacher ?
Is         = It         = My bag ?
Are     = You     = My friend ?
Are     = We      = Friends ?
Are     = They   = His parents ?
-       Denying information (kalimat negatif)
Subjek : Be : Not : Complement : The short from
I           = Am  = Not     = Sarah                 = I’m not
He       = Is      = Not     = Mr Khan           = He isn’t
She     = Is      = Not     = A teacher         = She isn’t
It         = Is      = Not     = My bag             = It isn’t
You    = Are  = Not     = My friend        = You aren’t
We      = Are  = Not     = Friends             = We aren’t
They  = Are  = Not     = His parents     = They aren’t
-       Learn ordinal numbers
1       = First (1st)                                        
2       = Second (2nd)
3       = Third (3rd)
4       = Fourth (4th)
5       = Fifth (5th)
-     Name of days : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
-       Name of months : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, Agust, September,
October, November, December.
-       Tell the time.
09:00 = It’s nine o’clock.
09:10 = It’s ten past nine.
09:15 = It’s quarter past nine.
09:30 = It’s half past nine.
09:35 = It’s twenty five to ten.
09:45 = It’s quarter to ten.

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