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SPREE PPPPSSSRRSRRRPRRRARAARAARRARAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAASHA Mike MARSHALL’S MaNbDo.LIN METHOD Designed to help you find your way in and out of every possible twist and turn of the left and right hands WPUVVSELELULU SNA ARERR RRA RR RRR A ARR A RAR A RROD Table of Contents Chapter I Open String Basics Open String Combinations Open String Three Open String Skipping Right Hand With Rhythmic Variations Chapter II Open String Pivot 1-2-3 Pivot Finger Busters Single Note Chromaticism Pivot 1-2-3 Moving Across High A-G# Intervals Finger Pairs Double Note Chromaticism Chapter III Three Finger Exercises Four Finger Exercises 1-2-3-4 Fingerings 2 String Cross Fourth Finger Crawl rome Ss 13 14 16 18 20 22 25 26 27 2 30 31 32 34 Chapter I Open String Basics Pairs of strings Please maintain the down-up picking pattern for all of these exercises es ing pivot *Notice now how you are playing on the insides of the two strings — —_ — — ey ee «I al RRA AAA 00 000000090.9999909999999999999444 GE e | ie> nv E strings G-A nA ny i oo v Picking outside the pairs fe Inside the pairs Section IT ECC C CCC CCC CCC ATCT TTC CCC CTCL AT ATA AAAS D-E ny ny fi vl ecee ny fy [0-000 E-D (Backwards) CUA A AAA ic Open Strings Combinations CUCU TUUTU TULL ULULUVLVLVVLULVLVUVLVLVLLVLVLVALVAVVGVYD BERPRVVVRVRRVUVRARARVAVRAAHAKAAVAKRAAKARAVAAAAAD GE ooo! coo rm a cE ag at : CALERA ETAT ERAA TAA EAAE TEA TEAR EAAAAAAAY VESEREDREREREESEREERERERAAKAKAHAAKTHKATIIIAI fe] Open String Three KCTCUCUCUU CULT CUCL ETT T CUCU TT CCC ELEC ECU RLVVYD WUVEREEREERERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREREREDDD DS 0 oo—loo Mg. ge Open String Skipping (3s) Keep picking pattern throughout SOSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSS ISTE TIFTFIIHFIH9999935959 Right Hand with Rhythmic Variations Variations on Al ==. = —————— ee CUURUUCRERAT TERETE Eada pSOSEHSSSTTSESSARASSRASAASSAASSIS SSS SSIS OD BRSRRRARTAARAAVRAKAKRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAIAIIAIIS (13 Chapter II Open String Pivot ba) at al) aly > | “|| A) a) a) a) 4) a e Wi : 4) Aha q| 4 3 il. 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PELELEDELEEEERERERERRERERRRRRRRRNRRRRRNNRVVVY CULL LLULLAULAULAULAULULVULLULLUVLVLLULLLLULLULLUULUUUL UTR MIKE MARSHALL SELECTED DISCOGRAPHY Solo Albums Mike Marshall & Choro Famoso Adventure Music 2004 Brasil Duets (re-release) Adventure Music 2005 Midnight Clear (Solo Guitar) Acorn 1997 Gator Strut Rounder 1984 With Hamilton de Holanda ‘New Words Adventure Music 2006 With Darol Anger and Vasen ‘Adventure Music 2007 With Chris Thile ive Duets Sugar Hill Records 2005 Into the Cauldron Sugar Hill 2003 With Jovino Santos Neto ‘Serenata Adventure Music 2003 Psychos Now Hear This Adventure Music America 2005 Like Minds Sugar Hill 1996 Psychograss Windham Hill 1994 With Bela Fleck & Edgar Meyer ‘Uncommon Ritual Sony Classical 1997 With Edgar Meyer, Joshua Bell & Sam Bush ‘Short Trip Home Sony Classical 1999 Mike Marshall & Darol Anger Woodshop Adventure Music America 2005 At Home and on the Range Compass 2002 Comotion SC1 2001 Brand New Can Compass 2000 Anger Marshall Band JAM Compass 1999 ‘New Grange Compass 1999 Christmas Heritage Six Degrees 1998 Chiaroscuro Windham Hill 1985 ‘The Duo (re-issue) Rounder 2005 Montreux Band Let Them Say 1988 Windham Hill Sign Language 1986 Windham Hill Live at Monirewe 1984 Windham Hill With David Grisman (79-82) Hot Dawg Dawg Grass-Dawg Jazz Mondo Mando Acoustic Christmas ‘Quintet '80 David Grisman/Stephane Grappelli Live Modern Mandolin Quartet For Windham Hill Records: Pan American Journeys: 1993 Nutcracker Suite 1990 Intermezzo 1989 Modern Mandolin Quartet 1987 As Producer Kaila Flexer Hot Buttered Rum Band Alison Brown Jennifer Berezan Tony Furtado Laurie Lewis George Brooks Tony Elman Video and Film scores: The Fox and the Hound It 2006 Dr. Spencer (documentary) 1998 The Berenstein Bears (CD Rom) 1996 The Country (film) 1984 The Longest Row (documentary) 1985 PUREE EEEERU ELEC UE UET UTE

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