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Five Aspects of Collaborative Working I Valued Most

Yangyang Fu

College of Liberal Arts, Wenzhou-Kean University 

GE 1000: Transition to Wenzhou Kean University (T2WKU)

Dr. Leah Li V. Echiverri

Nov. 19. 2020


Collaborative working is a crucial part in our daily life, it’s imperative for all of

us to learn and do well. There are 5 aspects of collaborative working I valued most.

First, sharing ideas and stimulating partners’ intellections so that cooperators and

oneself could gain more novel and fresh ideas. Second, encountering and entering a

more board pool of experience, background knowledge and styles of working. Third,

having more chances to try different kinds of roles in the team. Forth, having

capabilities to handle challenge and criticism. Last, getting some useful tips from


In a group, cooperation is a significant element for every participant. From my

perspective, these aspects can not only assist to improve cooperation level but also

self-skills. Here are more details.

About sharing ideas and stimulation partners’ intellections, it could broaden the

width of our thinking method. When we shared ideas with others, our intellections

could also be stimulated. Our mind could be injected with more energetic and break

our chains of thought. Not only our work but also ourselves could be improved a lot.

What’s more, it will become a skill which can actually exert good effects on our

future life and career. It’s really clear that active thinking and fresh ideas could make

anything possible such as career or ambitions.

Second points are experience, background knowledge, and working style. We can

know that without any experience, background, or working styles, the collaborative

work would not be accomplished in a group. They are the skeleton of a project. When

doing a project with group members, some experienced people could give some

appropriate advice. Besides, background knowledge could build up a quick system for

us, and different working styles give people more choices to choose inn order to find a

better way to finish their work. Learning these skills and equipped yourself with them

could push us to earn a better future. A wider pool of them could enhance ourselves as

far as possible and build a base for our future progress and our dreams.

Opportunities to play different roles in the team can be linked to people’s

experience and courage. Gaining more chances to try varied roles could enrich

people’s experience. That means, people could get out of the comfort zone and facing

more challenges. Trying can lead people to be brave and become more confident.

When we tap into the society, the former experience that play different roles in the

collaborative working will be the strongest power to support you and the courage you

owned would not make you upset in your career and life.

Learning to handle the challenges and criticism from the outside the world is

similar to the third one. Challenges and criticism from the outside world provide your

chances to try to take your responsibilities. In the collaborative working, members

would support each other and teach everyone how to face problems and criticism.

When ultimately entering the society, people would find themselves are strong enough

to welcome the heavy rain and strong wind. And it also builds a strong heart for

people to face their life and assist them to achieve their blazing fire in the mind.

Last but not least, getting tips from others can’t be ignored. It’s silly if someone

neglect the significance of the tips from others. There are always some useful tips

jumping out from members mouths. Tips are tools to fix our shortages and offer us

better choice to enhance. Life is always filled with surprise also the disappointments.

Sometimes, it would be a good choice to take advice. Collaborative working just

offers this platform to learn how to get tips or give tips. There definitely exist some

problems that people can’t deal with in the life or career. Tips may could remove

obstacles and make our road become bright and smooth.

Above all, these 5 aspects of collaborative working have inner links. All of them

also have their unique functions. Furthermore, it’s crucial enough to learn and

equipped myself with these skills.

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