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Statement of Problem and Hypothesis

Because of the trending controversy on how do students cope up during this corona virus
pandemic, the researchers would like to know and evaluate how BSN students of Baguio Central
University cope up and respond during this pandemic crisis.

The researchers focused on the following problems:

1. What are the effects of this pandemic to the nursing students of BCU and how they cope
up with it?
2. What coping mechanisms and responses are done to reduce their stress which may post
threat to their sense of well-being and disrupt their normal functioning in the online and
virtual learning?

Hypothesis: The Corona Virus Pandemic Controversy has significance to BSN students of
Baguio Central University in terms of their coping mechanisms and responses to reduce their

1. Are there any significant difference in the ideas/opinions regarding the effect of this
pandemic according to:
a) Age
b) Gender
c) Year Level
2. Are there any changes in the students sense of well-being that disrupt their normal
functioning during the online and virtual learning according to:
a) Age
b) Gender
c) Year Level

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