English III Module 5 PDF

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English III

Modulo # _5_

I. Datos Generales
Nombre de la Asignatura: _English III_____Código: __INE206__
Unidades valorativas: 4 Duración del Modulo: 10 días

 The Focus of this unit is family time, friends and free-time activities
 Opposites attract: love, like, hate, enjoy, don´t mind+ noun/-ing
 Accepting or declining an invitation

Specific Objectives:

1. The student will be able use don´t mind+ noun/-ing

2. The students will be able to Accept or decline an invitation

Skills to develop:
 Practice the correct use of don´t mind+ noun/-ing
 Practice the vocabulary of the unit.

Brief Description of the Forum:

After reading the material, the student will be able to participate in the
discussion forum and practice the reading segments of conversations use it
in conversation form in the forum.

Brief Description of Activities:

The student will practice conversations using the vocabulary learned.
English III

Homework Description:
Workbook Activities from your Textbook Personal Best Level A2- Unit 3 using
the Richmond Learning Platform by doing practice exercises of skills / self-
study and assignments.

II. Content:
- don´t mind+ noun/-ing
- accepting and declining an invitation

Content Development:

Don´t mind+ noun/-ing

Verbs of liking and disliking:

 detest

 dislike

 enjoy

 hate

 fancy

 like

 love
I love swimming but I hate jogging.

They always enjoyed visiting their friends.

A: Do you fancy going for a walk?

English III

B: I wouldn’t mind

Phrases with mind:

 wouldn’t mind (= would like)

 don’t mind (= I am willing to)

 would you mind (= will you please…?)

I wouldn’t mind having some fish and chips.

I don’t mind waiting for a few minutes.

Would you mind holding this for me?

Verbs of saying and thinking:

 admit

 consider

 deny

 imagine

 remember

 suggest

Our guide suggested waiting until the storm was over.

Everyone denied seeing the accident.
English III

Other common verbs are:

 avoid

 begin

 finish

 keep

 miss

 practise

 risk

 start

 stop
I haven’t finished writing this letter.

Let’s practise speaking English.

Passive form of -ing

Many of these verbs are sometimes followed by the passive form of -

ing: being + past participle
I don’t like being interrupted.

Our dog loves being stroked under the chin.

Accepting and Declining Invitations:

Sometimes, we have a situation and have to also invite some of friends to

come. There are many situations that probably happened in our daily life, such
as meeting, birthday party, graduation party etc. of course, we have to make
an invitation for our guests. There will be two answers for them who are invited
English III

by us, they may come or accept the invitation and they may not come or
decline the invitation. The situation will be divided into formal and informal.
There is differences expression that is use in the different context of situation.

Formal phrases to make an invitation :

1. Would you like to join me for dinner tomorrow? (‘Would you’ is a formal and
a polite way of inviting your colleague.)

2. Would you care to join us for dinner?

3. I was just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tonight?

4. We’d be pleased/delighted/very happy to have you over for dinner tonight.

Formal phrases to accept an invitation :

1. Thank you! I’d love to.

2. Thank you! I’d be delighted to. What time should I be there?

3. Yes, thank you. That would be wonderful/great.

4. Oh certainly! Thank you.

Formal phrases to decline an invitation :

1. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.

2. I’m terribly sorry. I have other plans.

3. Thanks for asking. I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.

English III

Expression to make, accept or decline in vitiation informal situation

Making invitation

· Why don’t you come to…

· Like to come to …

· Come and …

· Shall we come to …

· You must come to …

Accepting invitation

· I would/will …

· That would be very nice

· OK,I will be there !

· I’d like love to come.

· All right.

· Sure, I am coming
English III

Declining invitation

· Sort, I can’t.

· I’d love to, but …

· I don’t think I can.

· In wish I could, but …

· Sorry, I am very busy

· Sorry, may be next time

· Thank you, but I can’t

· Sorry, I don’t think I

· Can’t make it

· I’m so sorry I can make it

1. Textbook: Personal Best Level 2B , Editorial Richmond.
2. Diccionario de Ingles / Español o www.dictionary.com
3. Laboratorio de Idiomas - Personal Best: https://richmondlp.com

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